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Everything posted by 13beachess

  1. we'll have the album next month yet there are only 9 members reading this thread rn umm I guess it's 'cause there's nothing for us to talk about Like the future and those things 'Cause there's nothing for us to think about Now that she's gone, we can't feel nothing Ever since our Lana went away (from socials) ......
  2. not in full or...? ? haven't watched the MV for Arcadia yet, I don't wanna get spoiled by hearing yet another track (the interlude) before the album relase
  3. damn, after Lana deactivated it really feels like LB died a bit or is it just me? I really hope the Trio interlude is longer than Burnt Norton or even Stargirl
  4. im sorry but who is Jared? anyway,,, manifesting a purple vinyl with the cover of her smiling with her doggies
  5. current: btd: Million Dollar Man FOR SURE and oh also Radio! uv: old money honeymoon: title track and burnt norton interlude lfl: change nfr: the greatest, title track, bartender, hope cocc: title track, TFJ and Yosemite + your momma, butterflies part 2, you must love me and ofc arcadia too
  6. 13beachess

    Song vs. Song

    Cruel World vs Off To The Races
  7. Arcadia, Yosemite and Blue Banister Edit: Million Dollar Man as well!!!
  8. 13beachess

    Song vs. Song

    Cruel World vs Cola
  9. before today I never realized how beautiful the Yosemite bridge is and how it just... hits me
  10. just listened to the "If this is the end I want a boyfriend" snippet and WOAH I NEED THAT ONE pls Lanz, release it (LDR9?)
  11. 13beachess

    Song vs. Song

    BPBP demo vs The Blackest Day
  12. lol okay so I JUST learned Cherry Blossom is NOT a LFL outtake I have believed this since like forever. mind blown
  13. 13beachess

    Song vs. Song

    BPBP demo vs Tomorrow Never Came
  14. I wonder if she'll deactivate the Honeymoon insta too (or maybe she forgot about it lol and therefore it'll stay?)
  15. this is it, she's signing off
  16. I'm almost 25 years old... I shouldn't feel this emotional by a person who I do not know - whom will never know me nor about my existence - deactivating their social media accounts... but here I am. Yeah, I should PROBABLY go ToUcH SoME GrASs, yeah. ?
  17. so the only way we'll get updates from now is basically from insiders?
  18. fuck. Now I'm sad. SO THATS WHY SHE POSTED SO MUCH THESE FEW LAST DAYS? BECAUSE SHE'S NOT GOING TO POST SOMETHING EVER AGAIN AFTER TODAY this is such a bummer. Fuck. But... good for her , I guess. (Probably overreacting now lol I know but this is honestly so boring. As long as she is doing what makes her happy though, ofc.)
  19. This is honestly so sick. I can't get over the fact that... IT MUST BE A CONFIRMATION SHE IS INDEED A LURKER (maybe an active user in disguise...) I MEAN WHAT ARE THE ODDS??? (Yeah, maybe it's obvious to everyone else that Lana is lurking at her own boards lol, but I didn't believe it for sure until now, okay.)
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