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Everything posted by NamiraWilhelm

  1. Interviewer: 'What do you think people are looking for when they're invading your privacy like that?' Life is Beautiful
  2. NamiraWilhelm


    So you're sayyestoheaven i had no idea Great job on this i was still hearing shit like 'sitting on ya like a leopard skin'
  3. Are interviewers boring as shit or does she just refuse to talk about anything juicy
  4. I actually want it stripped back to near nothing so she can stop relying on everything else and sing the whole way through every song. Though I guess then she'd just hand it over to the crowd more often Like those 2011 small venue performances where she sung her little heart out with a small band and we could actually hear it
  5. Sigh that's really cute but i would never pay even half of that for a piece of clothing
  6. I'm nowhere near here but just the idea of seeing Lana in Hawaii is so beautiful
  7. Is there a full video, like her saying anything like 'how the fuck do you know that song ' before singing?
  8. Don't give security too much of a hard time Lana, you are white trash stalker bait after all
  9. Might as well rip that audio, that'll be the closest we get to her singing TIWMUG live
  10. Can we organise some kind of group project to get this updated from UV onwards (and info about songs already here) ? I guess people in their spare time could list the recent songs and who they're about and why and SH can update the OP when he has time?
  11. Ugh I forgot about "flames so hot that they turn blue" The WORST intro to a song ever
  12. Probably already slagged these off in here lel but I re-listened to them and it bugged me again Terrence loves you; 'i'd never dare change THEE' lazy af. Maybe if you followed it with 'to what thou art not' it'd make a bit more sense. But using archaic language just because it rhymed and looks cool will never not suck. Use the language of the times. And if you have to really force a rhyme, just don't. I'd never dare change you to what you are not. There, that's fine. Ultraviolence It's such a pretty song, but after the second verse it becomes unlistenable (just like she said) because all I hear is 'You used to do poison poison, like i was poison poison, coz i was filled with poison, poison poison poison' Get thee some synonyms
  13. I don't think she needs time off, I think keeping busy would be best. What I want is her dad to fly out and join her though, if he already hasn't. Poor thing.
  14. Can you really hear her rehearsing Angels Forever? Get that shit on the EP Lana
  15. So guys Jared posted this photo of himself in gucci https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/27500708_10155522860802683_8027955683469211778_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoibCJ9&oh=f272e73bd6f4bf49a73447e89c238a2f&oe=5B244492 Do we think this could be the same shoot that also had Lana involved? Maybe not because other designers are listed idk https://www.instagram.com/p/Bcfjh1Rn2sF/?taken-by=lanadelrey
  16. Omg @ maybe just post in here in future ouch
  17. Fucking hell hearing the posts read out in a court room Lana Del Rey nation now the most famous Lana fan page. I don't know how the others will top this.
  18. soooooooo has anyone else thought about whether he has an account here or not
  19. The weird people just going along with his comments should be considered fucking complicit and arrested too
  20. Petition for Lana to live inside a bullet proof bubble
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