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Desert lamp

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Everything posted by Desert lamp

  1. Desert lamp


    Thanks, there was one with literally everything that my friend linked me in 2019 Honestly her newer albums are easier for me to get into because I wasn't there for her older ones either
  2. Desert lamp


    Anyone have a Rebel Heart - Sessions masterpost <3 I lost mine
  3. Desert lamp

    Mars Argo

    It's not worth remembering, they made it in a few months and it was some robotic dreamy pop shit. I am sad we never got a pop rock album
  4. Desert lamp

    Mars Argo

    She's like even worse.. her last (and first) album was in 2009 as a band record. To our knowledge (because she purges her accounts), she first teased a second album coming on August 6th, 2010 (for the band) and solo record was confirmed coming December 21st, 2014.
  5. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    You're still around lol
  6. I hope Cherries gets a release it's so cute actually. Silence Between Songs pretty interesting too.. Go to Bed is scrapped
  7. Desert lamp


    I miss her That POPPY era
  8. She's basically having her MM3 moment, since everything in circulation leaked people restoring to leak upcoming content
  9. Desert lamp


    So the album is out tomorrow
  10. Desert lamp


    Yeah, chorus of her new single sounds nice too imo
  11. Desert lamp


    I like her pop rock sound I guess
  12. Desert lamp


    Her new single "ur just horny" out (was gonna post about it yesterday but the site was down) The chorus sounds like her leaked song "overwhelmed", anyways I don't like it as much as "abcdefu"
  13. Desert lamp

    Mars Argo

    It's been 1,106 days since her "I'm ready to move forward both professionally and personally" statement.
  14. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    The site is finally back up, gosh
  15. Lowkey would be here for it.
  16. The days of people bragging about having been following the account and posting about it are over.
  17. Just jumped to follow as well whew.
  18. That being from only last year for her upcoming album while Clumsy being from 2014 for her scrapped debut is sending me, such random but good leaks
  19. Desert lamp

    Alice Glass

    Me and Chad were hungry So we went down to the mall
  20. Desert lamp

    Alice Glass

    It says expected 16 Feb 2022 on iTunes even, why do you always have to do this 😭
  21. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    https://dbree.org/v/46422b our getting lengths after snippets era again?
  22. Now it’s my turn,,, the version of Malibu we have isn’t from Era 1. Scrap it.
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