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Angel Forever

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  1. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    "Black Beauty" is one of the best songs ever recorded
    "Florida Kilos" is one of the worst songs ever recorded
    Ultra & Violence, Roses & Guns
  2. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by brokenfaith in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    CW is great, just a couple lines that are a little silly (the party dress, the candy, etc.). i love the chorus, and even though we're missing the original live snippet, it's still good
    SG is perfection. i absolutely love it.
    PWYC is going to grow a LOT on me, i already really like it, though it's probs my least favorite
    MPG -> so close to being perfect, just wish for the third chorus it was just her vocals, then the music came back in
    FMWUTTT is overhyped, but it's still really cool and fun
    OM: it's a 9/10 for me. it could have potential to be absolutely stunning; unfortunately it didn't go the extra mile to make it perfect
    TOW: yaaaaaaa it's not my favorite song (the original, i mean), so it's not like lana could've done much more, butit's still really cool and a really interesting album closer. that vocal run at the end, though!
    BB: my biggest surprise. i came. i am in love. thank you, jesus, for dan auerbach
    GAR; i lied, THIS is my least favorite. lame chorus, it's a shame, because the harmony before the chorus is flawless
    FK: so strange? lol it's probably her most unusual released song thus far.
  3. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by toshi in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Black Beauty is just amazing! I'm so happy with the new version. Slayed........
  4. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by toshi in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm about to listen to it and I'm so excited!!
  5. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in ULTRAVIOLENCE: ALBUM PREVIEW!   
    but if it actually had the cd in it, i probably would've shoplifted it tbh
  6. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in ULTRAVIOLENCE: ALBUM PREVIEW!   
    Money Power Glory was one of my least faves with the first snippets but the second one is awesome D:! 
  7. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by CruelWorld in Interview for Paris Match   
    Interviewer clearly doesn't like her. That judgment questions are just ridiculous. Glad that she handled it well.
  8. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Interview for Paris Match   
    Well that's one of my issues with my translation, 'cause there's a lot of tension in it kind off, while in the french article they're more like laid back or "yeah ok" so I tried to do my best 
    But yeah some of her answers were really like 
  9. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by HONEYMOON in Interview for Paris Match   
    the tension in the first half   
    it felt like she was about to hit him/her any moment 
  10. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey Interview With D La Repubblica   

    What do you see when you look at  the mirror? 

    A really tired girl! When i am in tour the day start with the sound check at 4 pm and finish at 2 am, after my all dedication to the fans and the people that come in the backstage.

    And when aren’t you tired?

    I look at the mirror and and i say to myself: “I hope that today everything will be ok”. I hate have problems with my family and with my music, also for the little things like the acoustic during the concerts.

    Are the million copies sold of Born To Die the scale of your success?

    Personally i use two parameters. First, find a musical community to belong with. Second, know that the community respect me and my job. Unfortunately i have to say that musically i don’t find my “tribe” yet, find somebody to love and share a sense of comradeship. Maybe it’s a romantic inspiration but i think about Bob Dylan when in the 60s he arrived in the Greenwich Village and he found his group of folk music. I’ve tried that too when nine years ago i arrived in Brooklyn but i have to please me of a different version, more simple. I hoped to find people that want to base their life on art. Maybe i found those people in London where i lived for 4 years. And now for 7 months i live in Los Angeles, that’s my escape. I love swim, go to the beach everyday and drive along the coast listening to music.

    What do you like to listening to? 

    I really like the soundtracks of movies like American Beauty, Il Padrino, Scarface… But the grunge too, Mark Lanegan, Nirvana, and jazz: Chuck Baker, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday and then Bob Dylan and all the musicians of that period.

    What is your first musical memory? 

    When i was 15 or 16 they sent me to the Kent School for fight my alcohol addiction, it was a private school in Connecticut where i didn’t have a lot of friends but a really young teacher, Gene Campbell, told me about hip hop and the beauty of soundtracks.

    That’s not for change argoument but do you ever smoking so much? You just lighted up another cigarette, is not bad for your voice? 

    Maybe yes but it’s good for me. It relaxes me but i admit that i smoke,i smoke,i smoke. And i drink a lot of coffee. I have to smoke before,after and during the concerts. And also during the breaks with a cup of coffee.

    You say that you’re shy, so how can you stay in front of 5 thousand people during your concerts? 

    Get on the stage it’s the part that i like less of my job. I love write and make music but i don’t like all the things that comes after the realization, for promoting the album.

    How do you react to the critics?

    Not really well. If someone’s write something bad about me and i get to know it i become really disappointed but i try to not let them influence my creativity.

    Where and when do you compose music? 

    I am a nocturnal animal. I write at night, outside, with a lot of noise in the background that comes from the tv or the radio while i’m smoking and drinking coffee. It’s 4 years that i make music with the same group of people, except for Dan Auerbach that produced with me my last album, Ultraviolence.

    Why is Ultraviolence the title of the album?

    It’s different from Born To Die,which is about the years of my alcohol addiction, Ultraviolence doesn’t have a specific argoument ,the compactness is in the sounds,in the energy. It’s ambient music, the atmosphere mixes the sound of the California with the Jazz of the 60s.

    What’s your favourite song of the album?

    The first, Cruel World, which it gives the rythm to the album. The song has 25 seconds of guitar that i define “narco-swing”: it’s like being high. It’s like that for 7 song then the sound became more slow and then it grows up again for the last 20 minutes.

    Can you be a down to earth person with this success?

    It’s really important to me being a normal person. Anonymity and normality are essentials for my creativity. Fortunately  i grew up with strong roots in my family and when they are so deep it’s easy to harvest the fruits of own work. Also live with my brothers help me to be a down earth person.

    Do you live with all your family in Los Angeles?

    I’ve always have a central role in my family, also now that  i live with my sister,of 24, and my brother,of 20: Caroline is a yoga teacher, Charlie studies cinema at the UCLA. I’m doing everything that i can do for help them to follow their passions.

    They say that Lana is an eccentric person but it seems that you have your head screwed on.

    I define myself eccentric psychologically but in the interviews that is often misunderstended. Maybe because my life had a lot of transformations, more transitions. But i’m not provocative, i’m a conservative person, i use words for express myself. Even if i believe in different life-styles and in alternative relationships.

    What is your reference in fact of epoch? 

    In the middle of 60s and 70s when it grows up a new concept of freedom that it was so new to generate deep passions. A lot mor exciting than the freedoms that we have now.

    So thanks for the long conversation, I was biased…

    Everyone is before meeting me, I don’t know what to do. I can only try to talk sincerly and let my personality come out. I don’t want to inspire the other people. But i want to be a good person.

    What does it mean for you?

    A patient person with the people that she loves, generous and that is try to find the serenity.

    Do you think that you made it?

    I am a calm person but it’s been years that i don’t feel in peace. Maybe it’s because i don’t find my tribe yet.



    (Sorry if there are some mistakes but i’m not english and i tried to translate everything in the best way that i can)
  11. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by slang in Promo Single: "BROOKLYN BABY" (June 8)   
    My favorite part: 
    "Yeah, my boyfriend's pretty cool
    But he's not as cool as me"
    because if Barrie is singing this, it's a role reversal from the stereotypical LDR submissive lyrics, where she's in thrall to whomever she's singing about. BTW, I don't think she does that submissive thing all the time, but as her critics seem to assume this, I wonder what they're going to make of that one line (and Barrie's singing it). IMO, it's not about submission, but reverence, and it goes both ways.
    I posted accidentally in the "unofficial video thread", but my main point there was that I'm fascinated that the song seems shorter than Video Games, yet it's actually longer. Do others get the sense that it's a fast listen (not tempo, but time duration)? Finally, I hope it's Barrie on the guitar too, and Auerbach did NOT produce this one (I heard he did 9 out of 11 in some interview). Does anybody know?
  12. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic in Ultraviolence Tracklist Discussion   
    Confirmed? Where are the receipts? I could make a tumblr and "confirm" shit about the new album too.
  13. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by Pepsi Cola P**** in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Regarding the snippets, I really liked Pretty When You Cry. The tiltle didn't attract me much when I saw it on the tracklist, but that first line on the snippet is really touching to me.
    Also enjoyed The Other Woman, Sad Girl, Old Money and Florida Kilos.
    Cruel World somehow disappointed me, but I feel like I have no right to judge it, as it is just a microsnippet. I'm still excited to hear the guitar solo.
  14. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Angel Forever in Promo Single: "BROOKLYN BABY" (June 8)   
    So good! In the background you can hear the sound of a film projector like in an old cinema. I can see myself chilling to this song lol
  15. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by CruelWorld in Videos for "Shades of Cool" and "Ultraviolence" Coming Soon   
    She just confirmed it in new radio interview...
    mod note: mention at 13:49.
  16. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic in Promo Single: "BROOKLYN BABY" (June 8)   
    This is Lana's ultimate hipster anthem tbh. I mean you can't get more hipster than that...
    I don't wanna overplay it, but so far it's the only song from UV I really like ohoh what can I do?
  17. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by HONEYMOON in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    You’re looking like a man, you’re talking like a baby

    How the fuck is your song in a Coke commercial, crazy
    Hoping its about Lorde though 
  18. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    My translation:
    She is back, in fact everywhere! She even sang at Kimye’s Wedding. Next week her new album “Ultraviolence” will be released with hit songs like “Shades Of Cool”. But we think it’s the coolest how openly Lana talked with us about her chaos flat share, bad gurus and her desires and addictions.
    First Coachella, then Cannes, eventually Versailles: Recently Lana Del Rey is jetting from one show to the next but when we met her at a luxury hotel in Beverly Hills she seems completely relaxed, indeed she lives just around the corner. The beautiful songstress who redefined the meaning of “Retro-Coolness” when in 2011 she suddenly appeared and took over the charts, just moved from New York to the beach. So she comes to the interview like a real surfer girl – she wears short jeans, a pale shirt, sandals – and surprises us with her kind naturalness that we honestly didn’t expect from the unapproachable seeming siren of wide screen pop…
    Did the life in New York become too hectic for you?
    Well, my record label is located in L.A. I originate from Lake Placid a place in the mountains. So the Pacific feels like paradise. Now I walk  barefoot through the sand as often as possible.
    And you think: You have come a long way?
    Well yes, but not concerning my carrier. But in terms of lifestyle. I think that this cool beach life fits me better than New York. And I love the heat.
    Your status as global star as well?
    On some days I can do that but on others I’m struggling with my identity and I don’t know where I belong. Fortunately those good days get more and those bad ones less. And that risk that I lose the ground beneath my feet doesn’t exist anyway.
    What makes you so sure?
    I have a big family so I don’t really have to pay attention on staying down to earth, it happens automatically. At home it’s mostly about Charlie and Caroline and about what they want.
    Who are…?
    My brother and my sister. They are younger than me, 20 and 25. I kind of look after them. Wa all live in the same house. We three and Barrie my boyfriend.
    Sounds like a lot of fun.
    Well, we’re all living through some huge changes. Barrie left his band, my siblings are just becoming grown-ups.
    And which change are you living through?
    I’d really like to have a steady emotional stability. I’ve been looking for that my whole life. Naturally I’m a quiet, reserved observer.
    For being a star you seem surprisingly introverted.
    I come from a family in which we talked about our problems in a small circle. I grew up like that. Unlike those people who seem to live on Twitter and believe that they always have to provide information about anything.
    How do you manage to be not as omnipresent as for example Lady Gaga?
    You can control that. For example if you live at the edge of town like we do, in a normal area with completely normal neighbours.
    When you got famous like overnight people doubted about the authenticity of your music.
    Yeah, a huge topic. I’ve always felt confident about my music. Who doesn’t have to say anything cannot create pop music. I already know that later I’ll tell the whole story of my live to my children on the basis of my songs.
    Like you do in “Fucked My Way UP To The Top” on your new album?
    It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. My God and people actually believe her, she’s successful! I shouldn’t continue ranting, it doesn’t get anywhere.
    But now you have to tell us who you’re talking about.
    Unfortunately I can’t, you know?
    What else are you going to tell your children (and us)?
    I used to be a member of an underground sect which was reigned by a guru. He surrounded himself with young girls and he had this insane charisma I couldn’t resist as well. So I was in this, I’ll call it sect, because I was longing for love and security. But then I found out that this guru wasn’t a good but a bad person. He thought that he had to break people first before he could build them up again. At the end I left the sect.
    Yes, it looks like I would attract wild stories and extreme experiences. (laughs)
    What else?
    Our family has a long history concerning addictive behaviour. Even pure madness exists at our place. Like that I had a higher risk than other people for not being able to handle alcohol…
    Yes, for ten years I haven't touched a drink - but I'd somehow really like to. After all it could be that now I’m able to handle alcohol better.
    Why do you believe this?
    Well, I threw anchors. But I have to find out how to harmonize the urge for – emotional and literal – solid ground beneath the feet with my ambition of moving on as an artist. Right now I have no plan how this should work out.
    So no children for now?
    I would be ready! (laughs) But Barrie is younger than me and he isn’t in the mood for children yet.
    You worked as a model for H&M and Mulberry. Do you know what the fashion branch sees in you?
    Phew, I don’t know! As an indie singer in New York I couldn’t afford any stylish or expensive clothes at all. Probably my face was just coincidentally at the right time at the right place. And how does the saying tell? Go there where it’s warm.
    Hope there aren't too many mistakes in my translation. ^^
  19. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
  20. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by drugmoney in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. 

    It's a lot more likely she's talking about someone else (I think....) but lol @ the amount of artists you could use as a reply to this
  21. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Del Rey Set to Do a Maida Vale session on BBC Radio 1   
    Maida Vale sessions are kind of like the Radio 1 Live Lounge sessions, but I *think* they're less stripped-back. All I know is that Sky Ferreira did one once and it was really great.
  22. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Angel Forever in Favourite Lana Songs   
    Exactly! I love everything, lyrics, melody, video...
  23. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Videos for "Shades of Cool" and "Ultraviolence" Coming Soon   
    Apparently she's got an ear infection of some sorts it's also why she was forced to cancel Letterman's show.
  24. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Favourite Lana Songs   
    This. I love National Anthem. The song, the video, everything.
  25. Angel Forever liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Ultraviolence   
    i like the chorus because she sings 'I can hear sirens sirens', but then 'I can hear violins violins'. it kinda matches the 'he hit me and felt like a kiss'; sirens symbolise danger and violence, whilst violins suggest romance. she hears the warning signs about how wrong he is, but her mind romanticises the violence and turns it into something affectionate. it's so fucking dark, I'm starting to understand why she called this record 'unlistenable'.
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