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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Wow, Pitchfork being decent. However in the UV review they do say "the frequently terrible, Born To Die"..............sigh. As for reviewers talking about how the album isn't "feminist", why does it need to be?.............the album is about loneliness, love, isolation, if the album was all about feminism and some terrible attempt at sending a message, i would understand the criticism, but its not about that, and it doesn't even try to be about that, so why are people playing the album and being disappointing by a theme that isn't even meant to be apart of the album? it's weird, i;'m just not getting the connection between the two as a useful way to critique the record. Does it all fall down to the title track? do people not get its a romanticized view of a relationship, its not supposed to have a social message or be a play by play of what Lana is like when shes sitting at home with Barry and he throws her down on the floor. I really think her style and the way she writes truth amongst fantasy and escapism is really lost on people sometimes. At least Pitchfork seem to get it, whether they like her music or not, they get the way she delivers her whole "schtick", they point it out well in the UV review. There's a truth to her work, they're honest words, but there is a sense of character behind how she sends out her work, its really not hard to understand. Even though i love Carmen, i do think this part of Pitch;s review is spot on....
  2. She'll prob do West Coast, Ultraviolence [because its single #2] and Shades [promo single and music video] from the new album.
  3. Yeah, Flipside on a bonus disc on its own is a terrible idea.
  4. Its amazing reading that BTD debuted with 77k and then went on to sell a million copies over 2 years. Very cool.
  5. My iTunes playlist goes like this.....i also think this is how the album should have been set out.... 1. Cruel World 2. Ultraviolence 3. Shades of Cool 4. West Coast 5. Sad Girls 6. Brooklyn Baby 7. Pretty When You Cry 8. Money Power Glory 9. Fucked My To The Top 10. Old Money 11. Flipside The Other Woman is good, but should have been a bonus in place of Flipside imo. Bonus 12. Black Beauty 13. Guns and Roses 14. Is This Happiness 15. The Other Woman If the standard was 12 songs, i would put in Black Beauty, but since its not i'd leave it as a bonus.
  6. The dancing isn't bad, its just horny slutty flopping about, its not meant to be choreography.
  7. I loooooooooooooooooooooove it so much, now its one of my favs.
  8. I like GAR [i seem to be the only one], but i agree, those two should have replaced GAR and FK.
  9. Gorl, i WISH it was on iTunes, its been left on a random French and Target release like some scrap piece of shit. It really should have been the bonus on the boxset since it was so pricey.
  10. She very well may not have meant it that way, but then again, im not her, and i didn;t do the interview, so all i can do is make my own assumptions really.
  11. Nah, we dont get the Target version here. Not that it matters, i bought it off ebay anyway from the U.S *cough*, now i just gotta wait for my UV boxset.
  12. Starting to love Flipside, and i agree, its a good end, its like a slightly more uplifting sister to Cruel World. I wish a country had all 16 tracks on one disc, ugh.
  13. Yeah i dont mind Flipside, not a fav, but nice melodic stripped track.
  14. Ugh, no. So annoying, this is the downside to online orders, they never come the day they're in stores ugh. Now i have to wait all weekend for it till Monday.
  15. Honestly, i think she's done with the hip hop, she seems very much over it, but i think we should be happy for her ability to deliver varied sounds. BTD had a more hip hop vibe, Paradise was more alternative pop, and Ultra is more straight up alternative. Adapting some sort of electronica for her next album could actually work, so far shes shown some good diversity while still maintaining her own particular style with every album, thats a tricky thing to do but shes been doing good so far. Although i think FK is overrated and doesnt fit Ultra, on an album that follows that sort of sound, i'd be happy to hear what she could come up with.
  16. Agreed. Its very easy to read too much into words, unless she's sitting in front of you talking, everything from tone to facial expressions to the way she speaks can change everything. Her words certainly hold weight in this interview for sure.....but its easy to read into things without really understanding what someone can truly mean. She does tend to get a little dramatic at times when she talks about certain things, i've often found its her having a comfort in certain topics and not being afraid of them, so she just gives very straight forward and blunt responses that may come across as bit odd to other people. She seems very open emotionally, very connected to what she feels and how things affect her, she talks about it sometimes without a lot of tact, she can put her foot in her mouth if she starts trailing off into another one of her over thought out answers where she starts getting philosophical about the world and her experience of it. She may very well be depressed, but she may also just be a generally up front person about every miniscule detail of her thought process, she does seem like a very self indulgent person, you can see it in her music and Barrie sounds the fucking same, no wonder shes into him.
  17. With FK ending the album, and with her showing up on Gorgio Morodors new album, i wouldn't be surprised if we see that next album maybe.
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