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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Or maybe it will be nothing like so much other shit she works on that never sees the light of day. Love her, but she can be so random sometimes.
  2. I dont care how the album comes out, i just want it. I have zero expectations or a set way she should be releasing music, i'll leave that to Taylor Swift who sits and counts chart peaks every week, i don't care.
  3. Either way, Brooke does whatever this girl is trying to do better.
  4. I liked Max, she was much more interesting than Jayden, but.......Jayden did much better at the lip synch, sadly. And eye roll at the editing, it's reality tv, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? it's like they've never seen the show before or something when they re-watch it on tv.
  5. I dunno, not sold on her yet, seems a bit like a budget Brooke Candy at this point.
  6. Glass and P is cool. I live for all the vogueing.
  7. I'm dying for her album.
  8. Ice Princess video is cool.
  9. The new season took a while to kick off but it's getting good now. Pearl, Miss Fame, Ginger and Violet make me liiiiiiiiiiiiiive. Max is cool too. Kandy Ho needs to go, talk about fading into the distance. At least Jasmine is gone though, what a vile creature x
  10. Grimes has some good ambient electro stuff, could go well with Lanas vocals.
  11. Lana dragging dat plastic dinner knife over dem wrists while in the studio for Honeymoon yaaaaaaaaaaaas write them dark lyrics now xx0x0x0x0x0x
  12. Saw her live last night, was cool, she sounded and looked good. Figure 8 was awesome i loved it.
  13. I've decided it's very boring. Pretty, but just....not that interesting.
  14. Coney Island King


    Black lake, family and stone milker. Her last couple albums have been very hit and miss also. Everything from Debut - Medulla was great, nowdays it's all a bit whatever really imo, but i always give her new stuff a listen when it comes out.
  15. No thanks. Her next album isn't far off, that's new enough, i want Bambi in HD glory x
  16. Bonus tracks?...............give us BAMBI thanks Azealia x.
  17. Coney Island King


    Aside from a couple tracks, the album is a massive bore.
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