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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. mmmm mmmmmm high by the beach by the moonlight in my red dress I AM READY.
  2. I fucking LOVE Figure 8. So grimy sounding.
  3. The book title is Lana making up for the fact that Flipside wasn't on the proper Ultraviolence tracklisting like it SHOULD have been tbqh
  4. I'm sure it will be filled with pretentious nonsense, but as a picture book it will be great! i'll get it. I'm sure it will be filled with pretentious nonsense, but as a picture book it will be great! i'll get it. I'm sure it will be filled with pretentious nonsense, but as a picture book it will be great! i'll get it.
  5. I'm sure it will be filled with pretentious nonsense, but as a picture book it will be great! i'll get it.
  6. I have always said Lana is the perfect artist to sustain her sound yet still change the production of her albums enough to feel like they are actually all different in tone from each other. It may be subtle, but it's there. For me, each of her albums evokes very different sides to her and i usually don't listen to them all on shuffle, i actually need to be in the right mood for each one because they feel for the most part different to me.
  7. I liked their song off the Mockingjay album but never gave them a proper listen because back when Gun came out i thought it was crap. Stumbled upon a live perfrmance of Lies the other day by accident and was blown away, heard the album, fell in love. They have some gorgeous tracks!!!!! Lies, Recovery, Science Visions, Mother ect................love them now. Still dont like Gun though and a couple others off the album, but overall the debut is great! The new song is cute.
  8. Video next week. Official lead single Sept. Video Oct. Album November. i think....
  9. Was playing this on really loud bass heavy earphones while driving late at night on an empty highway from my friends house and it really works....
  10. Its really dreamy and beautiful, i like it, makes me feel like taking Xanax while in a wedding dress.
  11. Honestly as much as i'd love promo, videos, ect and i really do, i just really want a good fucking album at the end of the day.
  12. I have a feeling she may keep the pattern of doing an EP one year and an LP the next, i don't think we will see an album till later end of next year.
  13. Melissa is her female energy she cannels? lol ok
  14. I cant with 5 second snippets sorry. I'll wait for the full song before i bother even wanting to like/hate it tbh.
  15. She would look so good running to it in some beautiful gown with her big hair and nails x
  16. Sounds gorgeous. Really hope the video isn't some sort of UV thing, UV was great but i'd like to see some bigger production with the videos on this album.
  17. In Time sounds incredible.
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