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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I am LIVING for Violet's BETTIE video/song. Her dress at the end when she got the award was incredible too.
  2. Pearls album previews. No Pearl vocals, he producers apparently, mostly insturmental, actually doesn;t sound too bad http://www.amazon.com/Pleasure-Pearl/dp/B00YDWVDZC/&tag=gagdai-20 Violets EP previews, also sounds kinda cool http://www.amazon.com/Gagged-Violet-Chachki/dp/B00YE9QMSC/ref=sr_1_1?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1433037080&sr=1-1&keywords=violet+chachki Fame's album previews. Sounds like there's a few cute songs, Alaska and Violet feature on 2, but a lot of it sounds slow :/, ain't nobody here for slow drag albums, just make fun shit http://www.amazon.com/Gagged-Violet-Chachki/dp/B00YE9QMSC/ref=sr_1_1?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1433037080&sr=1-1&keywords=violet+chachki
  3. Britney looked good on stage. Kyle and Kendell got rightfully booed. And Taylor Swift continues to be the most dull and generic thing to happen to music in 20 years. That's about all i was willing to sit through.
  4. I know, i just figured the video teasers for Duality were the actual coming soon music lol.
  5. Yeah, nice video and all, but really? a pointless art video? make a music video and release some damn music already.
  6. lol yessssssssssssss violet get that extra change
  7. The video is boring and that talking bit is cringe.
  8. Kennedy has no imagination. Pearls Kitty was cute. Vioetsl runway was the best. Shame to see Katya go, not sure wtf Kennedy was doing on stage with all that psycho hair flipping and jumping, but constantly splitting during a lip sync is beyond dull.
  9. We all know what soon means with Banks, 3 years x
  10. Omg yesssss love that song always reminds me of old people in movies telling the story of their young first love on their death beds x
  11. Whatever happened to her? I don't see/hear anything about her, unlike Bianca, Raja, Sharon ect. she seems to be very low profile, like Tyra Sanchez, remember Tyra lol
  12. Kennedy in the top 3? lord jesus i hope not. Anyway, i like Trixie but i do feel shes a bit overrated, everytime she's eliminated there this huge outcry but i'm not sure it's as justified as people make it out to be. She's cute, but she's hardly a winner.
  13. yaaaaaaassss its cute i like it. 2:44 though? really???
  14. That's what happens when you dance like shit for years, you twist your ankle when you stop arm dancing.
  15. I'm usually never into pageant queens [Alexis Mateo, shudder!] so Kennedy does little for me too, plus her attitude kinda sucks, especially when she was around that vile creature Jasmin. Also, i wish she would take off those damn contact lenses she wears, they're just way too obvious and make her already google eyes look even more bulbous. Poor Fame, they really threw her under the bus when they were asked who should go. Lucky she's such a star already anyway, i love her. Hate seeing her and Pearl fight, if it's real i mean. If the next 2 eliminations are tough, then i guess Katya or Pearl might be going. I adore Pearl but i'm not sure if her super chill approach is gonna get her into top 3.
  16. Brinty coming for that high budget music video yaaasss!!!!
  17. Honestly, you can see who is set for a decent drag career after the show even if they don't win, Pearl is one of them for sure, she has a following, the other is Fame. TBH Fame had a high profile before the show anyway and will continue to do well even now, i know people who don't even watch the show and have seen her stuff around. I love Fame to death, but she's not well rounded enough to win the show, like the song though, she's cool. I think Ginger, Kennedy and Katya will be top 3, however, Feast of Fun podcast said World of Wonder are really wanting Ru to pick a younger queen this year because the younger viewers are the ones really pushing the show through social media, so maybe they'll throw Pearl or Violet in the top 3 for good measure???
  18. So there is a new Lana song that was made because she was inspired by The Age of Ultron, but the song isn't actually for the film or on the soundtrack, it's just featured in a trailer, and the song might be on Honeymoon, but probably isn't an actual single. So basically it's a fucking mess
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