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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. someone told me that idk the details except it happened on a status of mine that quickly got derailed and turned into a hot mess
  2. the original owner using LB money for monster dildos or whatever it was
  3. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    found out i share a birthday w claws!
  4. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    so what’s the story with Bel Air? is she a SUCKER outtake? and is that (horrid) second version really a SOPHIE production?
  5. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    i thought the balcony i was on was gonna fucking break during Vroom Vroom i could feel it shaking that also was a Moment(TM)
  6. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    however i’m still mad Charlene isn’t doing Pink Diamond live but maybe it’s because she knows it will END LIVES
  7. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    yeah my issue w that post was this dude was trying to shove me out of the way to “protect” these two short girls in front of me mind you i’m 6’1 and had a perfect view WITH them in front of me this dude was just trying to play savior for these girls against a dude who literally just wanted to SEE the show (i did not move the entire time. he legit kept checking where my feet were and standing w a wide stance to stop me from moving and then got in my way and view of the stage) however i WILL see Charli again she put her entire XCXussy into that show and performance next time i’ll get actual seats
  8. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    i just wish i was able to actually see it
  9. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    dude Visions was an E X P E R I E N C E i would pay money just to experience that one song again. the outro made me feel like i was at like a classic 90s rave and i’ve ALWAYS wanted to experience something like that
  10. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    this actually occurred at a Charli show I attended recently. The show was great but I genuinely did not enjoy myself due to a gay trying to slowly shove me out of view from the stage it honestly made me understand why she made What You Think About Me way more some of y'all are genuinely shitty people, to each other and her
  11. piggybacking off that Lover - EP 1. You Need To Calm Down 2. Cruel Summer 3. Lover 4. The Archer 5. Paper Rings 6. The Man 7. Daylight
  12. the disrespect to Cruel Summer the rest of the album can rot idgaf
  13. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    nah if Charli really wants to embrace the evil side of her she should sell it to Sky Ferreira
  14. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    sell Taxi to Marina
  15. not my word! AFAIK gaga herself came up with it: ”Retrosexual – I came out with that a long time ago. Me and my buddy Tom were hanging out one day in the studio and we were talking about metrosexuals, because he had bought a pair of boots and I said 'Those are very metrosexual.' And he was like 'I don't know, I think they're kind of retro.' And I said 'So you're retrosexual.' It was kind of a joke. The more I thought about it – I'm so obsessed with all things retro, the 70s and 80s. I don't know, that word just kind of flew out of my mouth one day, and it stuck with me. I often do that – if I coin terms, they'll become like the centerfold of my entire project or an entire record.”
  16. She has bops but idk anything she's made past 2005 tbh
  17. How many licks does it take to get to the center of OH!
  18. i’m not slandering, AKA just isn’t for me, but i do love Kill Kill
  19. what era is this from
  20. these are getting so tired. they’re not even funny or moving anyone this is so predictable
  21. Tightrope is the only acceptable closer for Fever
  22. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    shut the fuck up this is so cute!!!!!!
  23. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    i really do think we have the full song the “snippet” is giving TKO
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