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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. I've seen some people ask about this before, to suggest albums that have a similar sound to this masterpiece What is Surf Noir? Some albums which I think have this Surf Noir sound are: Come Around Sundown - Kings of Leon. I'd say this is the most similar, It feels like a real running theme similar to Lana Del Ray. Little Broken Hearts - Norah Jones. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me Nelly Furtado - Folklore I'd also suggest artists such as Foals, Corinne Bailey Rae and Jack Johnson I'd love to hear other suggestions of music similar to the LDR album.
  2. the session she did on NPR are her best performances
  3. This was talked about before after being mistaken for a new song, I think it was Mazzy Star?
  4. off to the races is my jam I love this host
  5. I like their music! Not going to front as a fan though since I only have the very best in iTunes. Which I am pressed about God Only Knows not being on
  6. but shes HiLariOus~~ gay Icon shes the QUEEN and shes flawless step back! Its so funny 2 pretend shes a holy figure when she clearly isn't in her right mind lol. let's all take advantage of her and humiliate her cause its so cool lolol
  7. I was introduced by some of their music before, I liked it. I even think they used the same sample as blue jeans. it's very emile haynie sounding yes
  8. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    I and many others here fall into the latter boo
  9. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    Yes I am a bandwagon lana fan. National anthem is FLAWLESS she's QUEEN <3 collab with marina plsss I just realise how much better Lanaboards is than other music forums. the members are so much better
  10. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    Where are these stream of ARTL-type members coming from
  11. Hey Lolita Hey and Lolita are the only official titles for the song but I think Lolyta was registered as a alternate title? either way I don't ever tag any as Lolyta
  12. I just really started to love this album this year, 10 years after it's original release lol
  13. This is so true. That version is one of her best recordings
  14. That's horrible! why do you hate him so much?
  15. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    I don't think her hearts in it She's not in it for the long run IMO
  16. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    yung rapunxel sucksssss I dont see her "career" stretching more than 1 album though I like her
  17. omg so they sold the CD there?
  18. I thought it would be cool for people to share a few of their favourite albums that were released in the 00s. I have 1 nomination right now Whoa, Nelly! - 2000 http://vimeo.com/25014275
  19. I just used her as an example cause she gets it the worse since she has all her sassy gai 14 yo boy fans. They always have descriptions that say #stopbullying too so that people will react more. It annoys me sososososos much but also the replies to lanas tweets like "OMG QUEEN" "FLAWLESS" "YOU'RE PERF OMG OMG" annoy me just as much This is why I never dare to open celeb tweets on my phone
  20. ugh god. I seriously hope there is some sort of holocaust for all of these "sassy" twitters where people send messages to celebrities to try to be cool and <3 it when they block them. I see so many tweets every day to people like Azealia Banks where someone will just reply ":)" "CUNT" etc. its SO funny and if you do that im so jealous of your complete ~SASSINESS~ and bad ass IM TOO COOL TO GIVE A FUCK image.
  21. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    she posted the atm jam single cover on instagram
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