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About CocaineDarlin

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  1. I played it like five times, only came to 2. Then deleted it. I really don't get why it's supposed to be so addictive?!
  2. Can't believe it's been 1,5 years since Paradise already... (With all those leaks going on it's easy to forget how long it's been since some official songs were released.)
  3. At SOME festivals you can actually see the 'backstage' area behind the stage on the sides... At a festival I attended Lana came to the gates about 30 minutes after her set to say hi to the few fans that were still there waiting. But that was 2 years ago, I'm not sure if she'd still do that (I don't know how many actual Lana fans there will be) and it really depends on what the stage is like. Sorry I'm no help!
  4. I actually used to write some short (Stand Alone) stories on Lana. Not sure if you could consider it fan fiction. But if anyone would like to read: http://princesa-de-la-silence.tumblr.com
  5. Try to make it front row, guess that's the easiest way to talk to her at a festival...
  6. May 10 - Sweetlife Festival, Maryland http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2014/02/11/foster-the-people-lana-del-rey-2-chainz-to-play-2014-sweetlife/
  7. Like you say: I think getting to know this road is mainly interesting for the ones that are really into her - also as a person. Her actual fans, the ones that want to know exactly where she comes from and what she's been through. I know for myself that if I wasn't so crazy about LDR, I wouldn't give a flying sh*t about most of the Lizzy Grant songs. I just think that releasing many of those songs under the name Lana Del Rey for the 'big public' wouldn't do her any good... (Note: not saying I don't like the songs. It just doesn't fit what she's been doing for the past two years.) It would be great for the fans, but those are probably just a tiny part of the people who'd usually buy her music.
  8. I think most of the songs she wrote in the past have nothing to do with who she wants to be right now and how she wants people to see her... Also, I personally prefer this whole LDR image she (they?) came up with right before BTD and I think it's better to leave those songs in the past. Some exceptions there of course, a lot of songs are really album worthy.
  9. Blue Velvet - just a huge no. I understand how Lana fits into this whole David Lynch kind of world but the song really is sleep inducing. (It also reminds me a lot of the H&M campaign which I've never been too fond of.) Bel Air - the lyrics are great, really cryptic, luv it. But I'm not a huge fan of the melody and Lana's voice in the song.
  10. I actually asked Rob about this cause I've always been wondering where the Woolridge came from. His reply (pretty unspectacular):
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