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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. "jackilovethesechords" "almostbrokemyarmfakesurfinglolz" "plottwistthatchameleonaccountwasme" "timepresentandtimepastandtimefutureandalsoparalleluniversesandnothingmeansshitanymore"
  2. "timeisaflatcircle" "lostmyapplewatchatthebeach" "imnotlazyimfashionablylate"
  3. even though we don't have a specific date yet, i feel...weirdly at peace about the release? like, honestly, "next month" feels like enough for me (which i never thought i'd say). idek how to explain it, but i just feel strangely zen in the assurance that it's coming soon
  4. i leave for a single damn hour and come back to collaborative win edwards fanfiction
  5. calling from beyond the grave cuz i ran over my dad oh yeah it would def be better with the power lines n shit, i just made this in like 30 seconds to see how it looked lol
  6. i think we're kind of veering off the reason the black beauty lyric was brought up in the first place...it was just to contextualize those twitter lyrics and say that there's precedent for her writing lyrics that could be interpreted as having racial implications (i think, don't want to claim to speak for anyone)
  7. oh yeah no worries! it was about the specific line of dying her hair to seem more spanish (i.e. fetishization of a culture), not the rest of the lyrics
  8. oh same, i'm not super enthused by it either way but that line is what soured it entirely for me lol
  9. ok but on the subject of black beauty, that line always gave me kinda rachel dolezal vibes and keeps me from enjoying the song tbh
  10. wow they did an amazing job, hope i can be that good one day
  11. movebaby

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    marry lana, fuck miley, kill ariana the 3 vogue italia covers
  12. honestly, and i mean this without a trace of snark, i think this would be the most beneficial option (for us too but mostly for her)
  13. movebaby

    Peppa Pig

    nelson fucking roastbeef found dead in a ditch
  14. this is what makes me wanna believe its fake too but i lowkey don't know what to think with her lying gemini ass
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