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Everything posted by GangstaBoy

  1. It's not the same but when I click the 'See All Comments' button and the page is not fully loaded it automatically scrolls to the top... idk if this is normal but it bugs me a little lol
  2. I'll give you that it had quite a few nice moments, such as the beginning and Lana by the window but it just seems choppy to me. I just wish it had been shot in slow motion just like the first three shots and the ending sequence. That would've made it flow better but to each it's own I guess. btw I'm not against hand-held footage at all but the whole following Lana around that empty house ended up looking a bit amateurish and dull
  3. It's nice to see people who clearly don't know shit talk about camera work for example. Camera movements were terrible and all over the place. There were a few nice moments, like the beginning and the ending but overall I wouldn't call the camera work good. Another thing that bugs me is those random cuts and repetitions that make absolutely no sense becuase they don't have a purpose and were poorly executed. I study film production so I'm coming from knowledge. And it's not like I'm a die hard BTD fan and I want those videos back, I truly enjoyed UV's visuals and I think SOC is one of her best videos as well. As someone said above me it's a mediocre video, a good concept but a poor execution. Expecting tons of GURL BYE and stupid reaction gifs after saying all this
  4. I strongly dislike the HBTB music video (although it has a few nice moments) and the song itself does absolutely nothing for me... Haven't listened to it for days now
  5. If you don't like don't read lmao this is how forums work
  6. AS I previously posted I like the idea but not the execution. The fact that it's a funny/satyrical video doesn't mean it can't have nice visuals as well. I think it's a meh video
  7. Well try comparing this video to BTD or even SOC and you'll figure it out. And it's not like I'm super critical, I like most of what she puts out but I think this could've been done differently, show her struggle adding more paparazzi harassing her on the beach for example. For most of the video it looks as if she didn't care about the helicopter and next thing I know she's running down to grab a gun to take it down
  8. This was both terrible and amazing at the same time I'm... I don't know what to say Once again we have a great idea and a not-so-good execution I liked the part with the helicopter by the window but I think its just awkward how she sees the plane, then goes inside and lays on her bed, then she picks the magazine and she runs outside to grab the gun. I agree with the user above, I don't think making it a 'linear' music video helped that much... it just made it awkward.
  9. I wonder if people at Interscope are remotely aware a bunch of 15 year old twinks have access to Lana's Vevo account
  10. GangstaBoy

    Melanie Martinez

    This album has slayed me beyond repair Training Wheels and Mrs. Potato Head are genius, two of my favourites
  11. What about Surf Trap Hip Pop? it has a nice ring to it
  12. What kind of gangster narco queen teas She's fucking crazy I love her
  13. How is this any different than you leaking the lyrics if I may ask? You're a joke lol
  14. a. re-read my previous post b. FUCK OFF c. All of the above I EAT MY WORDS LIKE FUCKING POPCORN
  15. Yeah when I saw that I was like FUCK OFF LMAO
  16. Just when I thought we couldn't possibly get crappier lyrics... oh well
  17. GangstaBoy

    Joshy and I

    Sometimes she's just mumbling because of the improv so the lyrics don't matter that much imo I love it when she says 'so pretty!'
  18. Can't you tell someone added that caption and did a horrible job?
  19. The first one is definitely Lana and it's slaying my existence same goes for the second track What are these? Info?
  20. But why do you think High by the Beach is MTWBT? There's absolutely nothing that corroborates that? Just because we thought MTWBT would be a single and ended not being so doesn't mean she scrapped the song or changed the title to HBTB... Not saying it's impossible but it's a (silly) assumption someone made and a lot of people are holding onto it BTW she shot the single cover/music video(hopefully) in her Malibu house, that we can all agree on
  21. Actually it's a telescope, binoculars are a pair of telescopes mounted together
  22. THIS. People on this forum like to reach so much I just can't
  23. I don't really like the new single's title... hope the song slays tho
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