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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. I hope hope hope the album doesn’t leak. It ruins all the fun of an album release. If you don’t wanna listen to the leak yourself, you either have to stay off the internet til the actual release (harder than it sounds) or accept that every single part of the album will be spoiled for you. :agree: Plus, Lana deserves a proper album release (for once) after the year she’s had. So let’s manifest no leaks this time! :pray2: :spin:

  2. I was just listening to the Sound of Music soundtrack (as one does), and it could be that I’m just so excited about Chemtrails that I can’t think of anything else, but this verse in My Favourite Things stood out to me:

    ”Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes/Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes/Silver white winters that melt into springs/These are a few of my favourite things”

    Just made me excited because winter really is melting into spring just as Chemtrails is coming out and also it suddenly feels like I’m noticing mentions of white dresses in literally everything now lol.




    Lana Del Rey releasing a new album is one of my favourite things :thankyou:


  3. Honestly first listens don’t have a huge impact on me because I’m still absorbing everything whether it’s a song or a full album, so I’m not really particular about hearing or not hearing songs before listening to an album. :blush3: Growing up I mostly just heard singles (and “fan favourite” non singles) on the radio or mixtapes, but that was my introduction to most artists. :whatever2: When I was older I listened to albums in full that had songs I loved on them, sometimes I’d even know half the album already, but now when I listen to those albums, I don’t think about it. It’s just one big experience now. :smokes2: But I’d also then check out other albums by those artists that had no songs I knew and I’d get to hear them completely fresh and I wouldn’t even know which songs were singles and that really is a refreshing experience. :um3: There’s pros and cons of both experiences, but for me, I find it no longer matters after you’ve fully absorbed the album and it becomes part of you. :spin: And if a single is released before an album, if it’s an artist I really care about (like Lana), I’m gonna listen to it right away instead of letting the internet spoil it for me. :agree: Plus Lana usually chooses more important songs as singles instead of just whatever’s the most commercial, so they usually work best as slow burns and deserve the time to really let them sink into your soul. :crying4: But then maybe that’s just me justifying having no self-control lol. Either way though, after hearing the album a hundred times, it won’t matter whether we listened to some songs first or not. :heart:

  4. 9 minutes ago, Glimmering Feelings said:


    Omg this cake is amazing, I want the same one for my birthday :trisha: Also, the glass is so cool, really giving me that witchy medieval aesthetic :diva:

    Is that you in the picture? Looking gorgeous girl, beautiful hair and lashes! 

    Thank you! :kiss: My brother surprised me with the cake. And I love my wine glasses too, they’re very durable lol. And that is me in the picture, back when I my beautiful hair wasn’t falling out. :crying5:

  5. I love this movie so much (as well as Viva). It’s exactly what I wanted out of a modern film. The cinematography, the acting, the costumes, the sets, the story— everything about it is perfect. And I love how it’s kinda written like a pre-code film, you don’t get a lot of characters like Elaine anymore. Plus I do always love films about witches (especially ones where they use more realistic type spells and rituals, which this one does). It’s a shame though how often men seem to misunderstand it but I guess that’s how all the best art is lol. Also, back in 2017 I had a Love Witch ice cream cake for my birthday. I just love you his film so much. Anna Biller is definitely one of my favourite filmmakers of all time.

  6. 28 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:

    She either wore a long sleeve dress with boots or tennis shoes or jeans, a jacket and long boots. If I'm not mistaken, she only wore "short" dresses (not as short as the ones she wore during the LA to the Moon Tour) like 3 or 4 times and they were still long sleeve dresses with no sight of her chest. Don't get me wrong though, she served face and hair and she looked like a literal queen at a few shows, but why is this?

    I think it was just supposed to be the Joni Mitchell look






  7. 8 minutes ago, bel air rose said:

    i’m screaming me and my bf always quote this:crai:

    I really think this entire album is gonna kill me, im more excited than I ever was for norman

    Between the LOTR reference and the Joni Mitchell influences, this album seriously feels catered specifically to me. It’s like Lana set out to make my favourite album of all time lol.

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