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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Honestly most of the ads are bigger than my screen so I can’t exit them. And often when they are small enough to exit, the page crashes. I have been coming here less, but that’s probably better for my overall mental health anyway lol. If the ads help you afford the site, obviously keep them. I’d rather the site be here and be frustrating to use than not be here at all.

  2. Joni Mitchell has announced her second volume of archive releases, which just seems to be a boxset of her first four albums (Song to a Seagull, Clouds, Ladies of the Canyon, & Blue). If anyone has been recently getting into Joni and is looking to start a collection, this would be a great way to start. It comes out June 25th. The first volume came out last fall and was a collection of early rare performances and demos, if anyone missed that.

  3. I still listen to this everyday. It’s pretty much a part of me now. I just can’t get over how special this is and I’m still frustrated that even other spoken word albums are nothing like it. I remember watching the Ride music video years ago and thinking that I’d love a whole album from her of dramatic Valley of the Dolls style monologues, but it never seemed like a realistic possibility. It still feels like a dream having, like I’m gonna wake up and realize I imagined this project. Part of why I’m so excited for Iron Gates is because of how much I adore Violet. I’m so grateful Lana decided to do spoken word accompaniments for her poetry books.

  4. 13 hours ago, honeybadger said:

    but i always try to convince myself that some of her lyrics are ambiguous on purpose...

    I truly believe this though. It probably gives her more lyrical freedom if people aren’t always sure what she’s saying. :really:

  5. 3 hours ago, salvatore said:

    that's the type of man she's had for like the last four T_____T g-eazy ...joe the fighter that one chase guy was cute then sean the oinker an this dude i jus wnt her to get something interesting this time i don't want more songs like white mustang or tulsa jesus freak ..we need flavor..barrie U tragic muse

    I sure hope we’re not advocating for more  toxic relationships because they “make the music better” or some shit. :eek:

  6. 1. Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass

    2. Chemtrails Over the Country Club

    3. Honeymoon

    4. Ultraviolence

    5. Lana Del Ray aka Lizzy Grant

    6. Norman fucking Rockwell!

    7. Lust for Life

    8. Paradise

    9. Born to Die


    ...but all her albums are 10/10 masterpieces in my eyes :wub:

  7. 7 hours ago, anwdelrey said:

    She needs to drop the Joni act and go back to doing dream-pop/psychedelic music. I need more Venice Bitches, Cruel Worlds/Shades of Cool type songs for the summer. 

    This is embarrassing. :toofloppy: Just say you don’t like folk music. Her recent music isn’t any more like Joni Mitchell than her old music was, in fact it’s actually less so. Joni Mitchell was never a folk singer. She was mostly an experimental jazz musician, if you could even put her in a box. In fact, Venice Bitch and Cruel World and Shades of Cool are way closer to Joni Mitchell’s music than anything on COTCC (except maybe Yosemite). I suggest you go listen to The Hissing of Summer Lawns, then go find an actual “folk musician” to hate on (there’s lots to choose from!) :kiss3: :byeh8rs2:

  8. I 100% think this project was at least partially influenced by the song Big Rock Candy Mountain even if no one else thinks so. It just makes so much sense. It’s exactly the type of song that would inspire Lana, and she’s been working on folk & country covers lately, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the song itself even made it onto the project. It’s about a hobo’s idea of paradise, which she can use to portray what she thought Hollywood/fame would be like before she experienced it. The lyrics are so Lana that it almost surprises me she hasn’t referenced the song before. 




  9. 19 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

    im cringing that author reviewed for free as if it was her song, and even compared it to joni, not realizing it was a cover of a joni song


    this is why critics are meaningless, even if they do give good reviews :rip: 

    The worst part is they’re comparing For Free to Joni, but saying Joni’s perspective would’ve been different.....? Proof that critics just put Joni up on a pedestal to bring other artists down without actually being familiar with her art. :flop:

  10. Spoiler

    I already love this album omg. But at the same time I feel like I haven’t even began to absorb it yet. Tbh I’m surprised how Beatlesy this album is. Like this and Let It Be would be such great albums to listen to together. If NFR was more Beach Boys, COTCC is definitely more Beatles. And I was relieved she wasn’t actually trying to emulate Joni on any songs because she’s already comparable to her naturally without trying. I was a little nervous because people said she was trying too hard to be Joni on this album, but thankfully that couldn’t be further from the truth. Artistically, the title track, Tulsa Jesus Freak, and Yosemite are the most Joni-esque songs on the album by far. But even those three are much more Beatles than anything else. Also some heavy Springsteen vibes on Wild at Heart and Dance till We Die, especially their choruses (I can’t wait to hear his opinion). But then the breakdown in DTWD is so Beatlesy that I’m convinced there’s a Beatles song with a similar sounding breakdown that I can’t think of at the moment but I can almost hear Paul wailing to the same rhythm in my head idk. The most Beatles-esque song is definitely Dark But Just a Game, like it’s soaked in every Beatles element possible. Sonically, it’s like if you made a bot listen to every Beatles song then made them create their own lol. Not All Who Wander Are Lost has that soft twinkly feeling with angelic harmonies that reminds me a bit of both Across the Universe and Mother Nature’s Son. Yosemite is like if Because, Within You Without You, and Strawberry Fields Forever had a baby then you sprinkled it with extra fairy dust. And I love how in both TJF and Yosemite, she references not being a candle in the wind, which ties to the Tammy Wynette name drop since she actually has a song “(I’m Not) A Candle in the Wind” so it’s like she’s really in her Tammy Wynette phase. Also Nikki sounds so much like someone on Breaking Up Slowly, but I can’t put my finger on it. I’m positive she sounds like someone from a musical, but I can’t think of which musical it could be lol. And omg on For Free, Weyes does really sound almost just like Joni Mitchell, like I had CHILLS the first listen, and Zella sounds almost like Melanie (Safka), so it was like Lana travelled back to 1969 to do a folk ladies singalong. The only thing is Weyes Blood’s voice is almost too perfect. It’s so smooth and steady and strong that it almost sounds too good to be Joni, like it lacks the human imperfections of Joni’s voice. And that’s a compliment too, it’s just a tad jarring after a couple listens because I’m too familiar with Joni’s voice and how it kinda cracks in places or goes a little off the rails sometimes but Weyes’ voice is like if you took away Joni’s cigarettes and gave her a professional vocal coach lol. And as much as I love the clarinet in the original, I’m actually glad they didn’t include it because it does lead right into another song, so it would’ve sounded too open-ended and awkward to conclude the album like that. And I love how Lana actually says “not all THOSE who wander are lost” in NAWWAL since that’s the actual quote from the books. I’ve always wondered if it was misquoted on everything due to copyright, so maybe that’s why the song title had to be the famous misquote too. But it was nice knowing that she truly was quoting Tolkien and didn’t just see it on a bumper sticker. I honestly feel like the entirety of “The Riddle of Strider” thematically matches the album as a whole so perfectly. And thinking of Tolkien, maybe it’s just because Yosemite follows NAWWAL, but Yosemite makes me think so much of Beren and Lúthien. I can almost see them dancing under the stars in the forest of Neldoreth while it plays. And Yosemite also truly does feel like the soul sister to Joni Mitchell’s Jericho. I listened to them back to back and I just felt so peaceful and hopeful and a little melancholy but in a comforting way. Also I didn’t find White Dress all that sad. It’s nostalgic and melancholy but in a wistful way. Not really happy either though either. I mean, if I was really sad while listening to it, the song would be way sadder, but that’s the case with most Lana songs. The album overall feels very wistful and happy and carefree, like she’s embracing freedom. In a way it’s like the polar opposite of Joni Mitchell’s Hejira, truly more of a fun chaotic DJRD type album for sure. Actually there’s a few moments on COTCC that feel almost like thematic parallels to moments on DJRD as if they were fishing from the same creativity pond again. But sonically, the Joni album it’s probably closest to is Clouds, very sparse and full of layered harmonies with herself. But the albums it reminds me most of are The Beatles’ Let it Be, Joan Baez’s David’s Album, and Bruce Springsteen’s The River. And idk if this’ll change, but at this point, Violet is still my favourite, but Chemtrails might be a close second. Sorry for writing an essay, I just had a lot of thoughts. :kiss2:


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