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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Honestly though the news that there’s no Jack or Rick and only the one Mike song actually makes me pretty excited because that means there’s a good chance either Gabe or Zach produced most of the album. Everything Lana does with Zach is always pure gold and I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for a Zach-produced Lana album. And so far Gabe has shown a lot of promise; the ambiance of BB & TB is so beautiful. I feel like Lana has a clear vision in mind. I’m getting gritty country-blues-jazz Americana vibes. :really:

  2. Personally, I don’t really care when she gives us fake dates. If there’s no pre-order, I don’t get hung up on release dates. It’s fun to pretend something’s coming, but I won’t be bothered that something doesn’t come when there’s no real indication of it. I’m not gonna work myself up and convince myself it’s a surprise drop then get upset when that doesn’t happen. I’m excited for the album, fake dates just don’t really affect me or my life. :whatever2:

  3. Bob Dylan was the king of announcing projects that would never get released and Joni Mitchell was the queen of announcing an album then delaying it a hundred times. And both of them still released albums almost every year. Lana’s just carrying on that legacy. She’s unreliable, sure, but she still never leaves us without new music for very long and her work is always top quality. 

  4. Someone should edit the White Dress music video with some clips from the 1941 film Moon Over Miami. It would fit so well. The film is about sister waitresses going on a trip to Miami to find rich husbands (as one does). Visually, it matches the song almost perfectly.


    “Look how I do this, look how I got this…”

    ”It was such a scene, and I felt seen…”



  5. Last August didn’t BOZ say he couldn’t see any reason why COTCC wouldn’t come on Sept 5th? Maybe it was someone else, but I’m pretty sure someone said that, idk. But then it didn’t come anyway. :sadcore6: So just because this album seems ready for July 4th, it doesn’t necessarily mean Lana will release it then. :um: But I’m all here for being delusional and imagining it will be a surprise drop. :hype:

  6. Since Lana’s going for revenge (such a broad concept), I’d live for the type of energy in the song “Live Hard, Work Hard, Love Hard” from the film My Blue Heaven, specifically Betty Grable’s part. Mitzi Gaynor’s character would be like a stand-in for all the new young singers who think they can just waltz in and replace Lana 


    “You said it, so don’t you ask for trouble.” :smokes:


  7. 9 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    no ones asking that tho? not a single person on here asked her to hop on tiktok trends or get a #1 on the charts. asking her to at least talk about her music and give a sense that she still cares about her work, just doing the bare minimum isn’t asking her to jump on trends. these types of comments are giving "you want her to be pop and do btd again" when people are just asking for a bit more production value or professionalism. when i say the comprehension issues on here are rampant :eyeroll2:

    The point was to focus on something you enjoy for once :)


  8. 4 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:


    I never meant that she should hop on new trends. I said that an artist nowadays to become popular among GP has to do that.


    I'm perfectly fine with Lana being the way she is and I love her music more than ever. My replies were just pointing out stuff to another user.


    My post wasn’t directed at you, I actually agreed with all your posts! :bebe: We’re def on the same page here. :agree: Mine is directed at everyone who repeatedly threatens to “unstan” yet are still constantly here whining about literally everything. :brows3:

  9. Some of y’all should really just “unstan” already and get it over with :eyeroll: 


    You don’t have to like everything she puts out or even be happy with her current direction at all, but if it causes you that much distress or you’re that bothered by her behaviour or you genuinely just want her to hop on new trends & rule the charts or whatever, then maybe you’re “stanning” the wrong artist. Is being angry and upset all the time really worth it? Don’t you think you’d be maybe just a little happier focusing on something/someone that brings you joy? Just food for thought.. :oic3:


  10. 48 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    not cocc barely scratching 500k streams a day….the only song with over 100k streams is the title track the rest is around 30k per day…. BEYOND tragic like wow this makes godlymoon seem like an otherworldly commercial success. i’m sorry but those streams are unacceptable for a 3 month old album that had at least a bit of promo compared to this one… i’m scared the sales/streams will be ten times worse if she goes the "lemme stay mute" route :cryney2:

    People literally bought the album :awkney: streams only matter for fads

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