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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. 38 minutes ago, Lirazel said:

    COCC's only suprise was Lana referencing Tolkien. That shocked me so hard I had to do double take to make sure that the quote does not origin from Bible or somewhere else. :coffee:
    Nothing wrong with that, I just never expected to see Tolkien among Lana's inspirations, most of which are edgy.

    Is that an influence of a boyfriend or a friend, or has Lana became interested in LOTR on her own, for whatever reason? 

    She was raised Catholic, so she probably read the Lord of the Rings books dozens of times as a kid. Seeing as she’s always been inspired by lots of old writers, and he does focus heavily on lush textured descriptions of nature, and includes lots of songs/poems in his works, it actually kinda makes sense she’d be a fan of his work.

  2. I love how this article says she’s released 8 albums since her first one, implying this is her 9th, meaning they didn’t just count AKA, but Paradise and Violet too :wub:

    (I like when all her projects are counted equally since it paints a clearer picture of who she is as an artist)

  3. 3 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:

    I hope COCC won't receive a Grammy nomination or if it does, it doesn't win. She's too talented for that shady awards

    I truly believe she’s gonna end up like Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell and finally win her Grammy a few decades later to make up for all the snubs, and like them, she probably won’t care about it anymore by then. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, thelastgirlonearth said:

    i think she abandoned the Christmas covers album, simply because she never mentioned it after her initial announcement, which was just in passing anyway, so i think its possible that the two albums she's working on are;

    1- the country covers album 

    2- LDR8

    The covers album from Christmastime is probably the same thing as the country covers album. When she said “American standards and classics”, we assumed she meant jazz standards, but she probably meant traditional country and folk songs, maybe some blues.

  5. 25 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:

    UGHHH im so intrigued. what could this idea she had in mind for years be? it can’t be a virtual concert since im sure that’s something she might not want to do. maybe a documentary? Do you guys have any ideas?

    Maybe she’ll do a livestream where she recites a bunch of her poetry, maybe with Jack accompanying her on acoustic guitar, and including upcoming poems :flutter:

  6. Spoiler

    I’ve heard a lot of people bringing up that apparently a lot of the album is made up of outtakes from other albums, and idk if that’s true, but that’s actually something fairly common and not necessarily a bad thing. Stevie Nicks has been recycling Rumours outtakes for most of her career. Why throw away a good song if it fits a later project? :oic3:


  7. 13 minutes ago, lustforlife said:

    You guys talk about Joni Pier but forget how Lana Del Rey is the only female artist that could delivery something similar to Joni masterpiece, Blue. NFR is that bitch. :blush3:

    Hot take: Ultraviolence was already Lana’s artistic “equivalent” to Blue. They’re quite different sonically and aesthetically, but ultimately equal in raw emotion and overall impact. :lanahairflip3:

  8. 19 minutes ago, Vertimus said:


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    I agree about Folklore--I really don't understand that album title at all.


    NFR! was said/thought by many to be 'folk' or 'folk-like,' but I didn't find it to be so except possibly 'Bartender.' However, I do thing the folk tag works for some of COCC, especially 'Yosemite.' It is a mediative album, but it doesn't have the lyrical depth or scope of 'Hejira' the album--which is no insult to LDR, since I'm sure we agree that Hejira is almost unparalleled in terms of lyrics and vision. However, 'Yosemite' is very intensely emotional in a quiet, almost spooky way. I find it unlike anything else she's ever done. You have a lot to look forward to and I look forward to your thoughts on it. 


    This is actually a comfort. You’re probably right about how Lana will never reach Joni’s depths (but I honestly don’t think anyone ever has or will and Lana herself has depth that most artists will never reach either). But like yeah I didn’t find NFR all that folky or anything like Joni’s Blue (which it got compared to nonstop probably just because they both have songs called California in them). I honestly found the album more in line with late 60s Beach Boys. It also has made me especially curious about how COTCC will sound because I don’t fully trust genre descriptions. But you’ve made me especially excited for Yosemite if it’s that haunting and emotional. Would you consider it the most Hejira-type-vibe of the album? Someone on twitter said Yosemite was like a George Harrison Beatles song and those are so haunting, so I’m starting to get more excited for it than ever before.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Vertimus said:


    Great. You're right, I meant 'Coyote' and 'DJRD.' Then, in that capacity, COCC the album is more like 'Hejira' the song. 

    Thanks. That’s all I was asking. More people have said this too, so I hope I’m not let down. After all, quite a few songs on Folklore got that comparison and none of the songs were like that song at all. (Sometimes I fear people just compare everything to the most well known Joni songs/albums, instead of diving deep into her discography)

  10. 7 minutes ago, Vertimus said:


    Okay. Even in that capacity, then, COCC the song is like neither 'Hejira' or 'Don Juan's Reckless Daughter,' especially since, in my opinion, 'DJRD' is just a retread of 'Hejira.' They're fraternal twins. 

    I’ve heard the song Chemtrails. You and I already even discussed Joni songs it was similar to. I was just using two songs to ask what the vibe of the album had. It was supposed to be a straight-forward question. And those two Joni songs don’t even sound anything alike. You’re probably thinking of Coyote, not Hejira. Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere. You don’t understand Lana/Joni comparisons, while I’ve seen them since BTD, so I don’t expect us to see eye to eye here.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Vertimus said:
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    Restless Daughter asked if COCC were more like Joni Mitchell's 'Hejira' album or more like Mitchell's followup, 'Don Juan's Restless Daughter.' I don't think it's like either, sonically or thematically. COCC the album doesn't resemble them at all. Mitchell's persona on those albums isn't anything like LDR's on COCC or elsewhere. The only thing the albums all have in common is that all feature reflective, mediative songs (for Mitchell, especially 'Amelia' 'Song For Sharon' 'Refuse of the Road,' 'Jericho' and 'The Silky Veils of Ardor') alongside others which are not. I love Mitchell's 70s work (but not much of what followed...) and I'm glad LDR appreciates Mitchell's work too, and now has covered a song, but I, personally, don't see the comparisons between the two that some seem to be drawing. 


    No I didn’t.
    I asked between two songs that happen to be title tracks (that don’t even represent their albums very well). I even explained I meant the songs. I never asked which album it was more like, I don’t expect it to sound just like any album by anybody tbh. What makes Lana and Joni so similar has never been what they sound like. I only asked if the album was more atmospheric and folky or upbeat and country. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Araby said:

    I was still referring to the actual songs as far as your Hejira vs DJRD question goes! :flop: Sorry I go a little overboard whenever Joni's involved

    Sorry, I misinterpreted you at first, but thanks for your answer! :kiss: Lots of people were saying the album was very country, so I was just left really confused by people’s recurring Hejira comparisons, so I wanted to use examples to figure out which it was... :um: Maybe I should just wait til it’s out to make my own conclusions. :smile3: So far I’m starting to think the album isn’t actually all that country though lol. :whatever2:

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