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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. I really hope she bundles the album and poetry book together. Imagine getting both in just a couple months. Even just the album though, I’m so excited to finally hold it in my hands and to hear Venice Bitch and Hope on vinyl, not to mention the snippets we’ll finally hear blossom into full songs. What a beautiful way to end summer. I still kinda hope she keeps the tracklist a secret til the album drops or at least changes the names of some teased songs so we can still be surprised.

  2. Taylor's album comes out on August 23 so I don't know how accurate "two months" can be. You'd be crazy to release an album at the same time as Taylor Swift, but then again, everything has been so fucking messy I wouldn't be surprised.

    I mean she DID want a quiet release and it would be pretty darn quiet if it came out the same day as Taylor’s album. But it is unlikely her label would be ok with that.


    (Also wouldn’t it be funny if all the Lana hints Taylor’s dropped was just to promote Lana’s album for her so there wouldn’t be any negative energy between them if they do release the same day? That would be cute.)

  3. I almost wonder if the timing has something to do with the Grammy cut off. Honeymoon probably woulda gotten a nomination if it wasn’t so under the radar and close to the cut off date. But this one critics have been anticipating for almost a year. What if her label/managers/herself wants to prove she can get a Grammy nomination on a quiet release right before the cut off date? Idk we don’t even know if it’s really coming in august anyway so I’m probably talking outta my ass.

  4. if u get the chance to ask about yosemite and nfr for concrete, unknown information and u ask about the poetry book or request another tired song im scalping you and delimbing you like you're a crab it's cancer season bitch im not fucking playing the cult is getting hungry and i got butter bitch

    Why would someone ask about Yosemite that is probably never coming and already reworked into a dozen different songs by now but not about the poetry book that’s actually coming? Do you guys like wasting your time or are you addicted to disappointment?

  5. its so depressing to think we wont get another song on the same level as VB in this era :/

    If every song was a beautiful psychedelic epic like VB, it wouldn’t feel as special though. I’d rather it be the shining star it is and not be dulled out. But who knows? Maybe one of her snippets turns into an even bigger epic. She always does the unexpected. I still think In Your Car could turn out long and psychedelic (maybe I’m delusional on that one tho)

  6. Okay I know everyone wants NFR but am I the only one who remembers the "unreleased album" like does anyone think that itll still happen? :ohno:

    Tbh based on when she had this idea, I felt like Stevie Nicks gave her the idea so I hope she does eventually do it and similarly to how Stevie did where she re-records a bunch of unreleased fan favourites as a sonically cohesive collection instead of just a collection of the demos as is since we have those (and I’d especially like a collection of old unseen photographs with it like the Stevie one).

  7. you know what doesn't make sense about this collab?


    didn't lana say she wants all her release to be as quite as possible...

    Maybe that’s the compromise. Maybe her label will let her have a quiet release without big videos or mainstream singles if she does side projects that appeal to the gp so they still get something out of it. Or it could even be her idea so that people are busy focusing on the pop songs while she quietly slips her album out.

  8. Just a side note, I used to want a Florence x Marina x Lana collab but does anyone get the feeling that even if it did, it just wouldn't live up to expectations?

    This is exactly why I don’t want this to happen. I’d prefer them do like maybe a one-off performance together of a cover or something that has less expectations. Something just in the moment.


    At least with a verse or something on a pop song, I have no expectations. Just another song to dance to for a week.

  9. Ok but can we discuss Taylor swift putting a reference to Norman Rockwell in her latest mv? Someone brought it up before and I’m so curious about it, like is it just nothing or is she hinting that she has something coming with Lana?

    Is Lana seriously about to serve up pop masterpieces with the other HUGE female pop artists? I’m shook af

    Honestly I can’t stop thinking about this. I already was putting together clues trying to prove to myself Taylor and Lana were collabing, then this. And Taylor loves Easter eggs.... but I just really want that collab to happen so maybe I’m seeing hints where there are none. But then I wanted Lana/Stevie more than anything and that happened so maybe I can make these things happen with my mind (just kidding but I like to pretend I made that happen)

  10. That’s interesting. Wouldn’t it be weird I mean I guess it could happen but Taylor’s release being connected to Lana’s In a way? Maybe a feature on both albums referencing the other or something. It’d be a cool concept (but not what I would necessarily want)

    I’ll also be disappointed if Lana sold Stupid For Being So Happy & Hey Blue Baby to Taylor for her album.... um no thanks I want those to be Lana’s songs

    Taylor never buys songs from other people so I wouldn’t worry about that. I’d be more concerned that Lana’s two country songs will never be performed or recorded or acknowledged again. That’s more likely than her selling them to Taylor. I could see her selling them to someone else, maybe an alt-country singer since they’re like traditional country. And I’d see that as actually more likely than her recording them herself. But Taylor would more likely wanna co-write something with Lana than use something someone else wrote completely.

  11. Idk I think these side songs like Doin Time or now the pop collab might be kind of a compromise. Like maybe Lana doesn’t wanna make mainstream albums or mess with the cohesiveness of her albums by adding a more mainstream song for the public so to compromise with her label maybe non album pop numbers is the answer. Idk what it means for how soon NFR is coming but I do think it means NFR won’t get diluted by her label wanting a chart hit or something. Or maybe she’s just having fun or something. But I’m excited even if I’m not really an Ariana or Miley fan because it’s still better than another hip hop collab.

  12. Or she could pull a Beyoncé and have the record drop on digital platforms and have physical records coming the following week...

    As much as I’m a slut for vinyl, this is what I’d want if it was a surprise release. I’d have too much anxiety if I woke up and saw it out then had to run to the record store. Even though I’d also complain to my bf about wanting to listen to it on vinyl already lol.

  13. My favorite too. Your description of NFR sounds just like THOSL then—a deviation from her standard approach that misses with the public but becomes an artists’ favorite and eventually is recognized as a masterpiece.

    Exactly this. Everything about it. Everyone hated the album title and the album cover and it was even the same time she started heavily shunning fame. It’s the same moment in their careers. This is one of the reasons I’m confident NFR will be that bitch.

  14. Overall, I don’t think the song is about Franco. Barrie is a better guess, especially after his first fairly dismal solo album. NFR could have been inspired by a number of young men in the arts who think very highly of themselves. Certainly there’s no shortage of such people in Los Angeles or in NYC.

    I was actually wondering if NFR could be about multiple men, sorta like how Carly Simon wrote You’re So Vain about multiple men. They’d all think they’re Norman Fucking Rockwell but that’s the joke of it because of course they all would since they think they’re so great. But idk we’d need more lyrics first.

  15. I mean, I'm not asking her to reveal all the details of her personal life. No one is 100% honest and open all the time. But it's concerning that she's been exposed to have a pretty long history of lying and making false promises at this point. I wouldn't care if she told a completely made-up life story as long as she was at least honest about what she's going to release and when. That's just basic professionalism.

    No actually this is what has always happened in art. Just through most of history they didn’t have kids on the internet fact-checking backstories and looking for information on artists like they’re the FBI. Artists used to get a bit of privacy and were able to remain mysterious. Bob Dylan lies about his entire backstory. Jim Morrison claimed his entire family were dead. David Bowie changed personas like clothes and acted like they were real in the moment which caused him to contradict himself constantly. People knew that that’s what artists did and they deserved a little mystery.

  16. Lots of the artists people call “authentic” just have an “authentic-looking” persona. One being whoever they want to be and writing from their soul and taking artistic liberties to bring this artistic vision to life is a lot more authentic than artists whole shtick is “I’m so real and relatable”. Art isn’t about sharing everything about yourself. You write yourself and play yourself in the way you choose. Art is short for artifice. It doesn’t mean artists are “fake”. It’s art.

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