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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. i believe the only official colored records we had were the translucent red for HM and the coke bottle for L4L.

    She released coloured vinyl (as well as standard black) for Ultraviolence, Honeymoon, and Lust for Life. She also released a blue vinyl Born to Die for Record Store Day a couple years ago (2017 I think?). Paradise is the only album she officially issued on vinyl that hasn’t also been officially issued as a coloured vinyl. So there’s precedent for her to release a coloured vinyl of NFR, and for her not to. But she’s released more than 2 officially on coloured vinyl.

  2. LP120 is the version of it with the better tone arm but I think it's like twice the price


    And it’s worth doubling the price if it means getting to actually enjoy your records. But that’s why I tried to find the cheapest one with a good arm. If you don’t mind your records skipping lots and getting damaged though, one of those suitcase style ones are cheaper than any of these. You get what you pay for.

  3. Audio Technica LP60 are also pretty good and only $100 :creep:

    It has a terrible tone arm. It’s not adjustable and and is too heavy. Not only will it damage your records, but most records will skip constantly too. Almost everything is unplayable (including UV deluxe vinyl). I used to have one of these. Don’t waste your money on a turntable with an arm like that (unless you’re a billionaire, then who cares), it’ll cost way more in the long run.

  4. Anyway I’ll do a For the Roses ranking if anyone wants to keep this going


    For the Roses songs ranked:


    Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire

    Blonde in the Bleachers

    Judgment of the Moon and Stars



    Lesson in Survival

    Woman of Heart and Mind

    Let the Wind Carry Me

    See You Sometime

    You Turn Me On, I’m a Radio

    For the Roses



    @@Volta I’d like to see yours if you’re up for it!

  5. i hope the vinyl is everest green (li never talked about vinyl cover yet i have a right to)

    if it is i might go out and buy another record player. i owned 2 and they both broke so i kinda said fuck it and didnt want to waste money on another. can someone link me to a good quality one that isnt super expensive



    This is the most reasonably priced turntable I can find that isn’t complete garbage. It’s a bundle with the speakers, so they’ll be compatible and more affordable than buying separately. Just stay away from anything with “built in” speakers or an arm you can’t adjust if you want it to work properly for more than a month (if even that). But you might as well treat yourself before NFR comes out because it’ll probably sound phenomenal on vinyl.

  6. This one was way harder than I expected but here’s my Blue ranking:


    Little Green

    The Last Time I Saw Richard


    My Old Man

    A Case of You


    All I Want

    This Flight Tonight




    @@Volta I find it interesting though how we both have Carey and Little Green in the top three

  7. Usually I like ballad-type songs more as well.

    For me, I don’t love The Jungle Line because the drums feel looped and repetitive, whereas the rest of the album has so much instrumental variety.

    Tbh The Jungle Line was initially my least favourite song and it was the drums that distracted me most. Over time I started to like it though because sonically it started reminding me of Friends by Led Zeppelin. And I grew to like all the lyrics referencing Henri Rousseau and the jungle metaphors kind of like his paintings.

    Also, In France They Kiss on Main Street was initially one of my favourites because I liked the 50s rock style and theme of it, but the more I listened to the album and the other songs grew on me, I guess it sank down the list.

  8. I’m curious what puts The Jungle Line and In France... at the bottom of your list

    It’s really just that the other songs are just so good and something has to be at the bottom. It was so hard because I didn’t really feel anything belonged at the bottom of the list. I truly love every song on this album. I’m probably just more attached to the slower sadder songs for some reason.

  9. Here’s my Hissing of Summer Lawns ranking:


    Harry’s House/Centrepiece

    Don’t Interrupt the Sorrow

    The Hissing of Summer Lawns

    Shades of Scarlet Conquering

    The Boho Dance

    Sweet Bird

    Edith and the Kingpin

    The Jungle Line

    On France They Kiss on Main Street

    Shadows and Light


    Since it’s my favourite album, it was surprisingly hard for me to rank them too. When starting my list, I was also only really sure of my top three songs. I’m actually listening to it now to help me.

  10. I like this idea! Which album next?

    My next choice would be Summer Lawns, but Blue or Ladies of the Canyon are obvious choices. Whichever is easiest to do next I guess.

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