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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. Also, comparing an artist who's very much alive and has decided to just stay silent with dead people who literally can't communicate with their fans because... well... they're dead :rip: is kind of a reach. Yeah I'm a fan of artists who died but I can't expect them to talk to the fans because they're fucking dead, Lana on the other hand is just being a brat.

    Imagine feeling that entitled to someone’s attention. She’s a musician, not your pet. Artists shouldn’t have to die to escape you.

  2. Growing distant from an artist who wasn't released stuff in a while and doesn't try to mantain a good communication channel with their fans it's a very normal thing actually.

    Soooo what do you do when artists die? Do you just stop being a fan because they stop releasing music and don’t communicate? How does frequency in new releases and communication levels change enjoyment of audio? I was under the impression our minds connected to music regardless of release date or public relations because it’s literally just sounds. You guys are really overthinking the enjoyment of arts.

  3. Interscope knows, just like we all do, that she will be snubbed or robbed anyway

    With the praise MAC and VB got, NFR coulda probably had a chance this round. Even if it’s released just before the deadline, since critics have been anticipating it for awhile. But then releasing right after the deadline does give a whole extra year, but by that time critics might have already forgotten NFR if it doesn’t make a big splash. But the Grammys are garbage anyway, so another snub isn’t really a loss.

  4. I just started reading Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber the other day. It’s short stories and they’re kind of fairytale retellings and it’s kind of dark but funny. I’ve been meaning to read it for a long time, so I’m glad I finally got around to it.

  5. I really used to hate National Anthem, but I find it quite fun now. I used to also not really care for Carmen but now it’s one of my favourites on BTD. Also it took me awhile to appreciate Groupie Love because I judged it too soon for being a hip hop collab but it’s so adorable and I’m quite fond of it now. And I used to find Brite Lites and Smarty annoying, but now I don’t mind them.

  6. Other than NFR (obvious), I’m really looking forward to Taylor Swift’s Lover, Bat for Lashes’ Lost Girls, and The Lumineers’ III.

    I’m also interested in checking out both Sheryl Crow’s and Melanie Martinez’s new albums, but I’m not sure if I’ll buy until I get a chance to hear them and decide if they’re worth it. I’ll probably also check out Mike Love’s new album but I already know it’s not worth buying.

  7. whenever i’m home alone i sing btd/paradise songs with those dramatic vocals she used to do (think million dollar man hackney weekend 2012) cuz it’s fun and every single time my cat meows at me like she’s telling me to stop bc it’s annoying her or she sounds concerned bc she thinks i’m in pain lol

    When I’m alone, I always sing Lana’s songs with really weird dramatic vocals (think snl) and my cats aren’t even phased anymore. They love when I add their names into songs though. Whenever I play albums, Lana ones or otherwise, me and my husband sing to my cats with their names added into the songs and my eldest cat (Finky) has gotten so used to it, she’ll come into the room when she hears a song we sing her start. My husband only ever sings Summertime Sadness as Finkytime Sadness now and during Yayo he always sings “let me put on a show for you Finky”. Tbh half the excitement of a new album is us slowing adding my cats names into every song even in places that make no sense. That’s usually how my husband learns Lana’s lyrics lol.

  8. Let’s try something a little different. Which songs off the album do y’all think will be best for singing to/as/about your pets?


    Happiness is a Butterfly definitely suits one of my cats. I’ll probably sing it to her all the time.

    Hope already is already a song I sing to one of my other cats a lot or with him (“hope is a dangerous thing for a kitty like me to have but I have it” haha)

    And I really think Cinnamon will be perfect for singing to my oldest cat.


    I always find it fun repurposing songs for my cats.

  9. When Lana said she would hand deliver books to mom and pop book shops, did she really say those were the only places that would sell her book? I’m pretty sure she didn’t. I always interpreted it as she would sell the book regularly, but also bring copies to independent book stores that wanted to carry them because it’s a good way to support local businesses and it’s more economical for the bookstores themselves plus it gives her the chance to go on a fun drive to deliver them. Like Tom Cox hand delivers copies of his books to local bookstores whenever he has a new one and he encourages people to buy them from local bookstores, but he also sells them on amazon and from chain bookstores. Self-publishing doesn’t mean she has no choice but to self-distribute. If she only sells them at independent book shops, call me a clown, but I really never got the impression from that post that she wanted to exclusively sell the books from local book shops.

  10. No one asked but here’s my ranking of the songs from Court and Spark lol. This was way more difficult than I expected because I love most of the songs except maybe Twisted, but I do still appreciate her sense of humor in that one. Looking at this list I’m still not satisfied :crai:


    Free Man in Paris

    Help Me

    Car on a Hill

    Trouble Child

    Raised on Robbery

    The Same Situation

    People’s Parties

    Court and Spark

    Down to You

    Just Like This Train


    I love this! We should do song rankings for all her albums to get to know each other better.


    Anyway this would be mine:

    Trouble Child

    Just Like This Train

    Court and Spark

    The Same Situation

    Raised on Robbery

    Down to You

    Help Me

    Free Man in Paris

    People’s Parties

    Car on a Hill


  11. I’m actually really excited for the poetry book, almost more than the album. Her poems are really good and you can feel her soul in them when you read them. They have a bit of that Dickinson/Frost vibe to them. I hope it’s bundled with the album, so I can open them together. Imagine dropping the needle of NFR for the first time then sitting down and opening Violet for the first time to smell the pages. The new music and the poems seem to have a similar mood and would be perfect to experience together. But I’ll buy both no matter what. And this fall Joni Mitchell is rereleasing her poetry book from 1971, so imagine how nice it would be to get Lana’s and Joni’s poetry books around the same time and getting to read them back and forth. I can’t wait.

  12. Wait why did everyone hate the father John misty performance? I didn’t see it so I don’t know.

    His Coachella performance in 2017 was apparently just overlong guitar solos and political rants. I didn’t see it either so I only know from the articles at the time. But it makes sense why watching his performance made Lana feel like she was at Woodstock with that context.

  13. do yall have any special plans for your first listen of NFR?


    i feel like this thread needs positive vibes idk lmao

    Assuming the vinyl doesn’t come out the same day as the album itself like with LFL, my plans for my first listen are most likely gonna be me sitting in my backyard with my headphones on, maybe with a joint. Probably lots of swaying and twirling with my arms out and my eyes closed and just feeling the music.

    But due to the wait, I still kinda hope the vinyl comes out the same day so I can lay on the floor in front of my stereo and cry for the first listen, but I know I’ll still have plenty of time to do that over the years.

  14. I am just saying it’s a bit mysterious that they’re not actively promoting the album by its name and keeping its name recognition high.

    Maybe it’s just that, about being mysterious. Maybe it’ll get people googling “what’s Lana Del Rey’s upcoming album” instead of just mindlessly presaving it. Idk, she hasn’t been referring to any of her albums by name lately, so it’s making me think it has nothing to do with NFR specifically. Maybe by not naming the albums, new fans will go look them up themselves and it’ll give them more insight or spike interest or even detract people who really don’t care enough to look it up. Or she’s just so anti-promo that she’s actively anti-promoting them. Idk, she’s an enigma.

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