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California Sun

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Everything posted by California Sun

  1. I think it's either called "Been There and Back" or "I Still Want More"
  2. amazing clip of a new song on her IG story
  3. California Sun

    Charli XCX

    just came here to say that Rhinestone Hearts and Wires slay anything Charles has done since that point
  4. i find this weird considering sky is friends w / has a song w charli bc isn't charli the one who like produced nasty cherry or something?
  5. yea but they often try to be historically accurate so them deviating away from that this season is slightly off-putting
  6. I think this season would def have been better binge watched. also, a small nitpick but Kajagoogoo did not die in real life and Richard Ramirez never escaped prison
  7. Fresh Laundry > Regulars > Rings a Bell
  8. even if the album title has changed i hope WHF (track) is still on the album, bc i was intrigued...
  9. My season ranking: 2 > 6 > 4 > 9 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 5 > 7
  10. NFR, HIAB, & Bartender video?? Please join your sisters, Pacific Blue, Poetry Book, and 25 Unreleased Track Album, in the basement
  11. Sky really gave us 3 collabs and 1 single this year and said 'enough is enough, they've been fed'
  12. so there's two superstar demos? one acoustic and one with trap drums???
  13. pretty sure there were two versions of Art of Letting Go
  14. i feel like this season is such an homage to scream queens which i would appreciate a lot more if I didn't expect so much from AHS by this point in their run
  15. not sure but I think she did an interview where someone asked her what was scrapped from NFR and she mentioned a couple (?) "big" Shangri-Las sounding songs that she left off bc they didn't fit iirc
  16. Unpopular onion: NFR, MAC, VB, Love song, Cinnamon girl, and Happiness should have been released as their own EP and the remaining 8 tracks (along with Roses Bloom for You, the Shangri-Las esque songs she scrapped, the two folks songs she performed w Jack, and perhaps a couple more songs that came out of the same sessions as California) should have been released as their own album. If this had occurred though, I would still be fully expecting Yosemite and Looking for America to be on White Hot Forever
  17. California Sun

    Charli XCX

    sorry if this has been brought up all ready but didn't she say at one point she was going to be nonstop feeding us new music all the way through October or sumthin? bc its October and all we got was Click No Boys Version and some Spicy remixes
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