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Everything posted by Wilde_child

  1. BTD Paradise Edition. I have seen the Blue Jeans video and found it amazing some time earlier however.
  2. I am worried because I try to understand since I often feel seriously depressed and even suicidal. But I wish Lana could feel joy from living and know in her heart that she is loved. She seems numb! Her life has meaning, she makes a difference. Her Art should bring her comfort not hopelessness. Does anyone get what I mean? I want the best for her.
  3. I am staying away from new Ultraviolence interviews. My nerves can't take it... all of this is really affecting me lately. I never looked up to and loved an artiste or person as Lana/Lizzy... even though I never met her I feel connected. I feel for her. I'll just wait for the record arrive thru mail and listen to it forever. Love you Lana, don't give up, you are special, you have the right to shine!
  4. Maybe her boyfriend is dragging her down? Why doesn't her father do something? She needs psychotherapy. I am not being judgemental... just feel Lana is a friend I never met and I care for her. I feel rotten.
  5. Yeah you have a point. But I feel really stupid for every little thought I obsessed on her Art now. Cannot explain. I feel very bad for feeding on her unhappiness. Perhaps her contract and management force her to do what she doesn't want to, like happened with Elvis in his later years. Poor girl. I am praying for you from the bottom of my broken heart.
  6. I suffer from depression and I think that Lana is really very depressed and I wish she feels better soon. But finding out she does not care for doing concerts and probably is not feeling loved by her fans makes me sad. I shouldn't dedicate my time and thoughts to an artist who wishes to be left alone. I feel such a fool now I could die. Sorry Lana but you are the world to me.
  7. LOLing so hard at this topic... Here go mine: Pink Lipgloss Kmart Darling Starbucks Blues Bad Jazz Singer Choke Me Like Jared Did I'm his Nancy He's my Sid
  8. 135. Her boyfriend is cool but not as cool as she is.
  9. I don't care, she could throw me off a train and I'd still love her. I am quite nice and shy actually.
  10. LOL. Now that I read the whole thing I understand better what she means. I like the bit about being interested in women with masculine energy even though I could care less about gender limitations, gender roles, yadda yadda yadda... Me, I relate to her lyrics for the romantic aspect of them, the tragic, the melancholy. She could be singing about loving her teddy bear, her dead cat or missing her best friend. Anyway, when it comes to Lana I can't explain things right... I wonder if she would like me if she met me... or be disgusted...
  11. Yeah and I love her even more for her personality, just the way she is. But the "I am a girl who needs a strong tough and objective man to guide me" shit she's got going on is a bit of a turn off sometimes.. She is clearly a smart girl and very self aware. And she has a point of view that is outside the mainstream of us mere mortals that can make her seem crazy, insane, or out of touch. I do agree she says things in interviews that are indicative of her playing the media; like shooting fish in a barrel, it just so easy. Her comments on feminism in the Fader article are an example of that. She was very careful and precise in what she said and what she didn't say. The derivative news media just went insane. However, I also believe that she just blurts things out without much thought that most people would filter first, and that reveal her vulnerabilities. ("Lana, how to you mentally prepare for a concert?" "I freak the fuck out.") So, I think her public statements are a combination of both well thought out cynicism and emotionally vulnerable honesty.
  12. She forgot to add she loves the dick LOL. Women can possess those traits too honey bear... Each day my hopes of Lana going lez quickly fade...
  13. Such fuckers, I could hurt men like that if they messed with my girlfriend's mind. Those kids are fragile and unstable... They need love not abuse. Glad Lana left this cult thing.
  14. I'll praise J. Franco forever for his movie "Sal" and that one on Jimmy Dean. But he comes across as a bit of a jerk. Hope Lana never shags him.
  15. Snippets http://soundcloud.com/ldraddiction/sets/ultraviolence-snippets
  16. Can anyone tell me what is Lana's natural hair colour? Thanks heaps.
  17. He took her to the Hamptons, Bugatti Veyron... God, what a sexy speaking voice.
  18. May be because she registered the song when she was still going as Lizzy Grant.
  19. Hope you are right. This sect talk is creepy. :/
  20. Those snippets are killing me... But it sounds like a cohesive album to me.
  21. Could she suffer from dissociative identity disorder? It would explain some stuff. It wouldn't affect my appreciation of her Art though.
  22. With each track disclosed I get the feeling this would be an exquisite album, life saving material. Brooklyn Baby took me to Paradise... Kill me kindly, doll.
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