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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Exactly, like Nikki comes across as a somewhat normal, wholesome friend? I get that country isn't for everyone, but she seems like a positive influence in her life so why hate on her so damn much.
  2. West Coast

    Heidi Montag

    There is a thread for everything
  3. The real question is whatever happened to Ashley; I'm guessing she's hiding with Stella now.
  4. she really does nothing except being Lana's friend and people are pressed, let the girl live
  5. As we should. Waiting to write my first thinkpiece about 'Blue Banisters' no spoiler tag like:
  6. Hello you, welcome to LanaBoards! I'm the local 'NFR!' hater (I mean not really, but kinda)
  7. Just goes to show that 'NFR!', while it has its qualities and I can understand the appreciation it gets, from an OG fan perspective it feels like her most digestible album; I don't want to say it's watered down, because there is definitely some Lana-isms in there, but it's definitely not as controversial as a body of work than albums like 'Born To Die' or 'Ultraviolence'. You either like Lana as she is or you don't, this whole "I like it when she's not really doing her thing" to dismiss her earlier work is so silly. I genuinely believe that 'Blue Banisters' is a beautiful album, but it's definitely not made for the masses.
  8. The Walmart of producers, cheap and affordable. No offence to him, I think he's a talented musician and he's made great songs for and with Lana, but lately he seems a bit... artistically tired.
  9. Thank God Lana makes music for herself and her fans and not for so called music critics who seemingly live in their little echo chamber—thinking they make and break careers.
  10. I agree with everything here, especially the highlighted part, like to me this is one of the few factors that enabled 'NFR!' to receive such critical acclaim. It was her least controversial album. Lana definitely echoed that when she said "what was not to like about NFR!?" she knew what was up.
  11. I absolutely dread the fact that critics now consider 'NFR!' to be the blueprint of Lana albums, like the one that she will need to top. In my honest opinion, 'Blue Banisters' stands on its own and does not need to be compared in any capacity to her so called "career height". I know I've said a lot about 'NFR!' since day one, and I have definitely softened up to that album, but I still have so many issues with it; while I think it's a good album, the demo-like production, tin can mixing and oftentimes cringe lyrics are seriously ruining the whole experience for me. In that regard, 'Blue Banisters' is overall miles ahead.
  12. She once stated in a Pitchfork interview that pretty much only her parents call her Elizabeth/Lizzy, everyone else call her Lana.
  13. The most interesting part to me is that she signed this post as Lana/Elizabeth
  14. I just meant like some fans didn't follow the Honeymoon account back when it was not private, until she did make it private. I mean those that were aware of it, but never wanted/bothered to follow it. It's whatever though. Also, I agree it's very bizarre to make a big fuss and a very dramatique video about leaving social media behind only to start being active on a private account three weeks later... Lana and her Lana-isms I guess.
  15. Or when it was literally not private for years
  16. I guess that's punishment for having the album first.
  17. IDK if this only for the Canadian suppliers, but I've just received an email from Universal Music Canada informing me that the vinyl is pushed to November 12th.
  18. Kween of scrapping material
  19. That is the most random thing
  20. That's what I thought too. Well, I guess she sold her autopen.
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