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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. 'Yes To Heaven' is a beautiful song, but she literally tried to make it happen on not one, but three different albums. Yet, in the end, it was still relegated to unreleased material.
  2. As much as I have my issues with NFR, COCC turned out to be a very good album imho. It's cute and it doesn't drag for too long.
  3. What– I don't hate you. I don't hate these songs, but here's the deal: I'm seriously tired of this type of discourse and counter-criticism, it's like whenever someone says "well derr I'm not sure about this/these new song(s)" or "I don't like this new song because of x reason(s)" there is always that one person that comes along and discredit people like "UGH WE GET IT YOU WANT LANA TO DO BORN TO DIE OR ULTRAVIOLENCE 2.0 GET OVER YOURSEL!!!!1!". It's like people can't just not like a new song/album, because they just don't like said new song/album. Normalize not liking something Lana does while not necessarily wanting her to release material that harkens back to a specific time and place in her career. I'll even go one step further, normalize just not being enthralled with her approach on specific albums, because you have like opinions and personal preferences. I know this will sound annoying to some of y'all coming from me, the so called no. 1 NFR or Jack hater, but I said what I said.
  4. I don't disagree with that, at first 'Text Book' was the only song that really struck me as great, I have given a couple more listens to the others and I think 'Wildflower Wildfire' is good, but I'm not really blown away, it's definitely the most "bombastic" song out of the three though. The so called title track is just aight. It's been a couple days since I have listened to 'Text Book' and it's still a good song to me, but I think I like the idea of the song's structure/melody more than I like the song itself. I wish Lana would bring back fire songs, with bombastic energy, I'm over the sweet, subtle and "organic" approach to everything post-LFL.
  5. No shame in that, I get that it's lyrically an amazing song. But the overall melody and vibe does nothing to me. It's just overlong. Agreed with @mansfield ringer it could've been another sexy sad girl-esque anthem, alas it turned out to be a bore.
  6. I'm ready for Lana's true psychedelic pop-rock album tbh
  7. Well... it's been two days since the release and I think the initial excitement I had for this triple release has died down a bit. I find the so called title track to be somewhat forgetful, dare I say it's in the same league as 'LMLYLAW', it's not a bad song, but it's kinda dreary. I initially did not care all that much for 'Wildflower Wildfire', but it's a pleasant song, it's definitely a departure from the type of piano ballads we had on the past two records. It's a good song. 'Text Book' remains the superior song out of the three imho. The melody is what stands out the most to me, I like how it breaks down in three distinct part, it's giving me 'West Coast' meets 'Get Free' and I like that about it. I feel like all these songs are very personal to her... but does that make them better/greater for that reason? That's debatable. I'm not going to comment on the lyrical nature of the songs just yet, I like to have the context of the full album for that, but I think they are certainly interesting in that regard. I agree with other people in this thread, I did not care much for 'NFR!', despite it being a successful and critically acclaimed album, it did not and still does not resonate with me, except for a few key songs, but y'all already know this. Unlike some other people, I have overall enjoyed 'Chemtrails' a whole lot more than 'NFR!', but again, except a few key tracks, I do not find myself re-listening to the album all that much. I guess I have just been slowly groing out of Lana, her albums used to be an experience from start to finish, but since 'Lust for Life' I have not found myself able to enjoy the albums all the way through, and after the first couple listens I find myself skipping songs more often than not. I have hopes for 'Blue Banisters' to change that. I guess we'll see.
  8. I'm weirdly obsessed with 'Text Book', someone please send help. The melody is absolutely beautiful in an heartbreaking kinda way. Ugh.
  9. I think they are completely different in style. Them 'Ultraviolence' vocals are otherworldly and raw. So far, 'Blue Banisters' vocals are definitely a bit more on the softer side of things. Kinda prefer the UV approach if I'm being honest, but I'm not complaining. At least it's not the half-assed/spoken tone she sang most of 'NFR!' with.
  10. I'm still in complete and utter awe of 'Text Book', the meaningful lyrics sung with soft vocals, the guitar strings, the soulful back vocals, the melody switch and then the tempo shift. I hope we get more of this on the record. I'm shook and I can't stop listening.
  11. You know NFR is overrated when someone in the likes of Fantano gass it up but literally disregards almost all of her discography and proceeds to do that again and still make vague claims about how she's an industry plant and she's not "authentic"—years down the line. Talk about someone that's above her past albums. He can seethe tbh.
  12. At least she posted about her songs
  13. Not Lana promoting Jack's work on her day
  14. Well... I like 'Blue Banisters' and 'Wildflower Wildfire' a lot, the song structure is interesting and the lyrics are very good imho. But the song that has me shook is most definitely 'Text Book'—it's giving me all I ever wanted to hear on a Lana song for a while now. It's sooo good. I'm shook, I can't stop listening, it almost cured my adult acne.
  15. 'Text Book' gets better with each listen, it's giving me 'Heroin', 'Get Free' and 'West Coast' fusion. I stan.
  16. I know I have been talking mad shit about this album not coming out on time, realistically speaking. But let me just say this: 'Blue Banisters' better come out on July 4th, I want Lana to give us Sad Girl Summer 2014 style again!
  17. West Coast

    Text Book

    Dare I say that 'Text Book' is one of the best Lana songs I have heard in years. I'm literally shook from the first listen and it only gets better from there.
  18. West Coast

    Text Book

    and a hint of 'West Coast'
  19. Lana and Mike dropping three singles in a day to cement the end of the Jackoff years: triple-homicide
  20. My stan card has been reprinted, laminated, framed, dusted and sprayed with essential oil. I am levitating.
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