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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. My best guess is that Patty got tired of Lanz's wayward/unpredicable ways and didn't want to put up with her anymore, so Lanz cut her off. Ms. Patty probably called out Lanz to her face several times like only a mother can. So now she only surround herself with people that can put up with that and don't rock the boat. this is purely speculative by the way, don't come for me.
  2. Wow she really keeps digging her mom's grave. Writing a whole essay about the women in her life, but not once mentioning your own mother. That relation is wrecked beyond repair, damn. Regardless, I feel for her in this, she clearly is aching to be a mother but somehow this hasn't happened to her.
  3. I'll tend to say that Lana will opt for the latter, now that we got that lemonsoranges cover art. You think Lana will record a new poem for her spoken word album? Like "i hate patty"? roses are red, violets are blue i hate patty and so should you maybe that's too much of a foregone conclusion on my part.
  4. it's Mother's Day, you can chose to honor your mother and other mothers/motherly figures in your life if you damn well please, but "exposing" your own mother on social media on this day is petty and immature af.
  5. I don't think that's what people find problematic to be honest. Personally I think it's pretty cool that she feels as though she as that strong of a bond with other women that are very close to her. What I find weird and embarrassing is putting your own mother on blast on social media and basically alluding to you not wanting to have a relationship with her/pretending like she doesn't exist. Which would be fine if she didn't make it so public, but I find that to be humiliating for her mother. Also, I don't know the dynamic of their relationship, for all we know Patty has done stuff to Lana that she can't forgive/let go of and vice-versa. But it's still embarrassing, unbecoming, shady, sophomoric and even heartless to do that for your millions of followers on Mother's Day.
  6. So fucking petty and heartless, like using her Twitter as some sort of diary in which she's like "I don't like my mom, I got other friends I can be their mom! Thank you God!". Lanz is familiar with making herself look like a fool.
  7. I just feel like this was her "response" to people questioning why tf she would honor Candace Block on Mother's Day in that weird/cringy insta post after she turned off the comments. Lanz, sometime not saying anything at all is best.
  8. That's fair. I also agree, her whole post felt more like her trying to throw shade at her mother under the guise of "God is good he gave me a new family "
  9. True but people on here are quick to judge Patty as a mother, we don't know what's going on. But we can also acknowledge that with the information we also got, Lana is probably not the easiest person to get along with. She's got her own personal issues that we're aware of.
  10. Maybe that's just me, but like whatever is going on between them, instead of pretending like your own mother doesn't exist and replace her with your older Instabaddie friend, isn't it like the one day of the year you would be the bigger person and try to put differences aside, let go of your anger/issues and try to amend/rekindle things with the one person this whole damn day is dedicated to, no?
  11. Well damn Lana you didn't have to put your mom on blast like that. The secondhand embarrassment, whew.
  12. I mean we don't know much about the dynamic of their relationship, it takes two to tango. However, knowing Lana has a history of being a bit difficult and also having troubled/difficult upbringing, I wouldn't be too quick to solely blame Patty for the demise of their relationship. From what we can tell her other siblings they seem to get along well with Patty. Also she just seems to be more lowkey and looks like she doesn't want to be in the spotlight.
  13. Candace Block on insta, I believe she's apart of her Instabaddie/LA socialite/Trustfunds/Church-cult-goers group of friends.
  14. A good friend of mine on here once told me she was almost entirely sure that Lanz had deep rooted unresolved issues with her mom, well, suspicion confirmed. Poor Patty. Also, knowing her Dad is on insta and follows her I honestly wonder how he too feels about this. The cringe is real.
  15. I'm personally confused and weirded out with Lana making a whole damn post about her older insta baddie friend Candace on Mother's Day and not her own damn mother Patricia. Lana sis, call your mom.
  16. Lana is lowkey following Gwyneth Paltrow's footsteps with that "alternative" science/crystal rubbing shit and I do not stan this.
  17. This very much confirms that Lana is following the footsteps of other basic California influencers with all that "gOod ViBeS, cRyStaLs, MeDiTaTiOn" and shit. I wouldn't even be surprised if this bitch bought Gwyneth Paltrow's "THIS SMELLS LIKE MY VAGINA" candle, let alone any crap from Goop.com. Oh Lana.
  18. This one will def be considered unpopular, but I don't like 'Mariners Apartment Complex' all too much, I actually think it's kind of overrated. I don't like Lana's half hassed vocals/spoken tone in here, the lyrics are fine, but the song overall is meh. 'Venice Bitch' felt superior as far as promotional singles go.
  19. That's a beautiful and insightful piece you wrote, but no ma'am, Lana is definitely lazy.
  20. Excuse you, but Chase was hot. Also we can only assume about their relationship as they had been super private and lowkey throughout the whole thing. Didn't they just look expensive?
  21. as long as we're not ultrasubversive, it's all good
  22. you said you'd leak it toooooo, daaaaark bluuuue
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