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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I think it's funny that a literal French person tells someone that they spend too much time disliking something. Like isn't that the absolute most French thing in the world to argue and spend time talking about stuff you don't like? Also, have you noticed how this thread was literally dead before I came back to talk about the album again? Just saying. I don't wanna say "my impact" because that's hella pretentious. But read my mind.
  2. Tame Impala is definitely at the crossroads of rock/psychedelic rock and pop music. 'Let It Happen' is a much stronger song than 'Venice Bitch', I don't really care about the song lengthwise, to me it's a cute track with cute lyrics and a long hazy outro and that's all there is to say on my part. 'Let It Happen' has a much superior structure to me and actually a pretty strong climax and guitar solo. Also, anyone that has seen Tame Impala live and witnessed them opening the show with 'Let It Happen' can attest that this is truly an otherworldly experience (I have). Also, it wasn't bold of Lana to release 'Venice Bitch' as a promotional single she had also released 'Honeymoon' which, while not as long, was still a pretty lengthy track, but it was also at a much slower pace. That was actually bold of her. Much like @ pointed out: the early stages of the 'NFR!' rollout clearly started to distract everyone from the Israel gig situation at the time. Clearly, 'NFR!' was far from ready (if it ever was) from being released at the time.
  3. Tame Impala (also of the most prominent emerging figures on the current music scene) released its first promotional single off 'Currents' called 'Let It Happen' and it spans almost 8 minutes long and that was back in 2015. I venture to say that it's a much more impressive track than 'Venice Bitch'. Just because it's ten minutes long and features an almost six minutes long hazy outro doesn't make it the most impressive song in her catalog. It was an odd choice for a single, it's a great song (though to me without the outro it was a pretty weak one to begin with), but the length of it doesn't automatically make it her most impressive track in my honest opinion. Also, unpopular opinion, but Lana releasing 'Venice Bitch' a year prior to the release of the album was odd, because by the time the album came out I almost felt like both 'Mariners Apartment Complex' and 'VB' felt out of place on 'NFR!'.
  4. That's an interesting little essay you wrote there. I strongly disagree though, we can talk about production in an objective/quantifiable way. Especially when it comes down to technicalities and this is what I've been doing since the album's release. But also, and obviously, my overall "appreciation" of the album from a personal POV. But after watching Jack himself describe what he was going for in terms of production for this record, it's absolutely clear that this is far from a minimalist album. If it gave you this impression: fair enough, but like that was not the intention on this album. On the contrary, it's pretty obvious that he tried to go for this grand elaborate sound. But to me it falls incredibly short. Literally nothing remotely impressive, let alone groundbreaking on 'NFR!'. It's a wannabe folk meet rock-ish album with too many piano ballads, that's all there is. We're far from the days Lana tried to set herself apart with a unique sound, approach and aesthetics. Glad she seems to be at crossroads artistically speaking and doesn't feel like doing the most to "impress" her critics (and she really did nothing truly impressive to give her all that recognition from her most fervent critics). But, she couldn't sound anymore beige and basic if she tried to on here. What a lackluster little "album".
  5. Lana ain't paving the way or breaking any doors with the production on NFR, let's stop right there. It's not remotely groundbreaking, at best the production on here is subpar, at worst... it's NFR.
  6. Or maybe we have fully functioning ears? Either way, this album truly is nothing impressive or even remotely musically groundbreaking. I strongly agree with @@Vertimus comment here about other songs on previous albums being vastly superior than pretty much anything on this lackluster album.
  7. Still, I don't like when people assume that I'm part of a group that does this. As someone that's been relentlessly taunt with that term growing up I must say I think that it's a bit tasteless to suggest that, or use that term to make a point. But that's just my two cents.
  8. I would kindly ask to be removed from the narrative on which you assume that I spend my day calling my friends very offensive slur, thank you.
  9. Don't try to fool me though, I remember very well you implying I was more annoying than another (obviously and objectively) more annoying user than me on this very thread. Glad you've once again changed your mind and think my posts are interesting to read though.
  10. I still venture to say it's her least interesting album on all regards (and yeah I've listened to 'LFL' and was less than impressed, but at this particular point I almost enjoy it more ) and the overall production of this album is far from impressive. All her albums have highs and lows, but somehow on 'NFR' I find it easier to point out the album's downsides than pinpoint what is actually interesting about the album because there isn't much thought to be given on what I find impressive here to be honest.
  11. Disagree. 'NFR' was echo praised. It's legit overrated. I still firmly believe critics echo each other most of the time, and they definitely did on 'NFR'. I would agree that songs like 'MAC' and even 'VB' were praised upon release, rightfully so I might add, but the rest of the album is quite frankly almost entirely forgettable the production/mastering of the album didn't press any buttons. But this also happens to be Lana's least Lana Del Rey-esque album, on which they tried to incorporate as much "Lana clichés" but without any sparks whatsoever. This also happens to be her most uneventful and least polarizing album too. No wonder critics praised it as much, they didn't like what Lana had to offer to begin with. Perfect case of an artist having to conform to her most vicious haters in order to fit in. The conversations/discussions I've had here with other fans, as well as on other platforms and my friends outside of this community, many of whom have been long time fans, they all tend to say that while this album is indeed good, it's nowhere near the brilliance of her earlier work, it really that beige. Also, I've seen many people comment on the possibility of Lana going back to work with Jack for her next project, and even people that claimed to be fans of the album were skeptical and also quite critical of the idea of Jack and Lana to collab once again. Also, didn't you actually dislike the album upon release and were really critical about the whole thing too? I don't know. I mean I remember a lot of your comments about that here and there and I actually befriended you over these comments because I would agree with a lot of what you wrote! Time changes.
  12. Critics are full of shit and echo each other big time and them praising one album over the other doesn't mean shit. It's complete fallacy to pretend that all of sudden critics giving credit to Lana over one album actually means something and the other albums not receiving the same treatment is the reason why people don't like 'NFR'. Look at you acting all matter of factly. If people don't like the production of 'NFR' maybe the production on 'NFR' is that "lackluster, beige, flat, etc bullshit" like you said.
  13. If you don't hear Lana being obviously off key, no wonder you think that NFR is better than Honeymoon. I'm sorry, but Honeymoon sounds absolutely perfect, NFR sounds choppy at best.
  14. With its half-baked production, tinny piano, white noises and Lana sounding hella off key when she goes for that high note in the second pre-chorus. Sure.
  15. I wrote an entire essay about how much this album is still not it to me, but it's whatever. NFR is still not it to me and the production is still bland and lifeless as far as Lana records go. I still don't care for Jack's input in here. Not interesting or groundbreaking in the slightest. I'm glad he enjoys his company in the studio, but I'll never get the appeal. Also this thread is dead. Thank you for coming to me TED Talk.
  16. Why is this thread so silent... Wasn't it supposed to be the best album ever released? Even with her lost Grammys and that NME awards, where you at hardcore NFR stans?
  17. I personally want to Lana to get all the recognition in the world, but to me (and I honestly don't care about Billie Eilish, like at all) I want Lana to win awards for an album that's actually outstanding and deserving of praise, and NFR wasn't that album for me. It's honestly become overrated at this point. I venture to say that Billie is also overrated for the type of music she puts out, but like I said, I don't care for her, she can win all the awards the industry wants to give her, I still don't care.
  18. I went back to listen to the album after almost a month of not listening to a single songs off of it... I still stand by what I wrote on here. The album is just not that interesting to me, the production and sound of the album is very poor in comparison to all of Lana's previous work (even Lust for Life at this point). I don't see the lyrics as being that superior, Honeymoon still has the outstanding lyricism in my view. Songs like The greatest, Venice Bitch, MAC and the title track (even though I can't stand Lana going off key in the second pre-chorus and that cheap/tinny poorly recorded piano) are still the best songs on this album. The rest of the album is quite frankly almost entirely forgettable. I simply do not care for Lana DIY/amateur wannabe vagabond poet from the Valley approach to her art on this era, it's uninteresting, plain and characterless.
  19. Disagree. She clearly inspired people in the likes of Lorde, Halsey and Billie Eilish. Not saying she paved the way for every single alternative artist, but it's clear that Born To Die was very influential to some of the most popular acts that "came" after her.
  20. Thank you! I was honestly considering starting one lel.
  21. I know this is an unpopular opinion thread, but Lana's legs are fucking perfect! They deserve their own appreciation thread!
  22. I didn't follow the whole thing, but she posted stuff on her instagram stories, calling out Lana (yet again) for her looks/plastic surgery and a bunch of other stuff. I brushed it off because Azealia is pathetic imho, but her comments about Lana losing her appeal had me thinking of Lana not caring about her aesthetics as much nowadays.
  23. I find her to have a beautiful physique personally speaking, she looks healthy. Gtfo.
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