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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. It's alright! But google translation just sucks for writing whole sentences, I've been there too
  2. You beat me to it. Is she foreshadowing another tedious album with lackluster production?
  3. @@Tristesse kinda tried to come for me for defending @RormanNockwell, but we sorted it out like mature francophones.
  4. Je suis complètement en accord. Je pense tout simplement que dans l'exemple présent ce n'était pas vraiment ça l'intention de KingJay. Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le fait de dire à un autre personne ici que tu n'es pas en accord avec elle ET pourquoi tu ne l'es pas. Dans la situation présente, ce que je trouve con c'est d'attaquer quelqu'un simplement parce que tu trouve que ce qu'elle dit est ennuyant et répétitif. Je vais être le premier à l'admettre: ce que j'ai écris, et continue d'écrire, dans le post-release thread est somme toute répétitif. Par contre, si ton seul argument pour débattre de mes idées c'est "ah ta gueule on t'as assez entendu!" (ce qui est le cas en ce moment avec KingJay), à ce moment là c'est sûr que la personne a vraiment pas compris c'est quoi un débat. Il a le droit de lui dire que c'est répétitif, mais ça serait bien un de développer un peu l'argument, ça fait bête un peu comme rhétorique. Aussi d'oser dire à quelqu'un ici qu'il est obsédé par Lana... je veux dire, si t'es ici clairement toi aussi t'as une obsession pour elle à un certain niveau. Pour le reste je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi, tout le temps être d'accord c'est ennuyant à mourrir!
  5. En effet... un peu plus et je te dirais de suivre tes propres conseils, mais bon je ne veux pas encore partir en guerre avec toi sur un autre thread. Je trouve juste ça complètement ridicule d'attaquer @@RormanNockwell ici pour avoir des opinions tranchées sur Lana. Aux dernières nouvelles on est encore sur un forum et je pense qu'on doit encourager la discussion et non la taire.
  6. Ah tiens, une autre "police de la pensée" qui essaie lamentablement de faire passer mes paroles pour un sophisme, tout en faisant la défense d'un sophisme lui-même. Veux-tu vraiment qu'on commence à faire un exercice de philosophie sur LanaBoards? On va en avoir pour un moment. L'ironie est à son comble.
  7. Also, @RormanNockwell, don't even try to have a civilized discussion with @KingJay, he literally goes from one thread to the other pretending to be level headed, but also try to shut people up for daring using LanaBoards for its one true purpose (to discuss all things Lana you know), but ultimately failing miserably. He tried to make me stop posting in the infamous post-release thread, we all know that didn't work, like at all. Do yourself a favor KingJay, don't overestimate the influence you got on here, literally none of us have influence on here but mods. Also, don't parade yourself with an holier than thou attitude and act high and mighty when it comes down to so called "negative" opinions from other users and take the role of some sort of thought-police. Literally, no one cares.
  8. That's a lot of words for "this song has barely no instrumentation and sounds like a whisper". I really don't see the complexity in this one, but then again, to me, NFR is her most simplistic/tedious and least avant-garde album to date. To each their own, but I agree with @sjatib, 'Love Song' ain't that song. To me on an album that featured not one, but four piano ballads, it was one too many, it should've gotten the chop to profit the superior 'Bartender'. I guess that counts as an unpopular opinion.
  9. THIS IS AMAZING I'm submitting this for best post at the 2020 Lipsters! (wow you're cute too... )
  10. The threads were on fire Lana's a liar Jack really is a know-it-all I guess Jared's not coming back after all
  11. J***B L*****r was found dead in a bush (near Lana's house).
  12. West Coast

    Song vs. Song

    Money Power Glory vs How To Disappear
  13. People seem to often forget that LanaBoards is a discussion platform.
  14. I feel the exact same way, I'm living for Lana's first three albums and the meaning behind them, how intense they are. But, I see that she was ultimately a sad person at heart at the time. Now I couldn't care less about her newer stuff, but I'm glad she seems to be in a happier more healthier place on a personal level.
  15. In no way am I obsessed with Lana's relationships, I honestly don't really care about that, because I'm mainly interested in the art aspect of Lana. But trying to act level headed on a forum literally dedicated to a celebrity is quite laughable. Trying to pretend that you're not obsessed with Lana Del Rey while being a registered user on LanaBoards. The audacity. There sure are different levels of obsession, but still.
  16. Exactly, I personally was left pretty underwhelmed with LFL, there was too much trap beats and futile lyrics to my personal taste, but at least the songs I loved on there I really loved them. Overall, the album felt more like a party playlist, but a party it was nonetheless. NFR is just too plain and beige for me to enjoy, it's legit her first album that has actually bored me. I too want a new era ASAP, NFR left me starved. i
  17. Imagine thinking that the instrumentation on NFR leaves room for your imagination. It's the most unimaginative production on any of Lana's records and I have heard L*st for Life. Honestly the only song on NFR that I'm like "Wow that's kinda cool" would be Venice Bitch, but even on VB there are sonic elements that make me cringe. I honestly thought I was going to leave the eternal debate about NFR's sound and production behind in 2019, but it's shit like that makes it hard for me to let go and forget about it. Props to him for trying to create some sort of sonic experience on NFR, but with albums like Born To Die, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon I think that it's no easy task (I mean for him maybe). NFR just happen to be too safe and beige/plain for Lana, on top of sounding flat and ever so lackluster to me. What haunts me the most is the way he bops his head frantically...
  18. I honestly forgot that this existed. The fact that no one on LanaBoards has mentioned anything beyond that teaser clip kind of tells me that no one in their right mind would pay 300$ (or even some voidable monthly subscription plan) to hear Jackoff brag about the lackluster production/mastering on NFR.
  19. he's a fucking 'celebrity' cop on some shit tier TV channel I don't think he's got much room to talk. He legit shares airtime with the likes of Duck Dynasty, The Walhburgers and Storage Wars, even the term 'celebrity' is a bit of a stretch for him honestly.
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