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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I was honestly about to write you a long ass post about how I'm sorry if I've offended or annoyed people on this thread with my opinions on Lana, Jack, the production, the visuals, the tour setlist, Lana's antics, etc. But I went to think about it and you know what? I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry for one bit that I don't give into the circlejerk-ish ways of some of the users on this thread. We're all fans of Lana, but that doesn't mean we all appreciate the same thing. She has literally hundreds of unreleased songs in her catalog, as well as 6 officially released studio album that are drastically different, and one EP for people to enjoy. We all appreciare Lana's work on different level and that's how it should be. I honestly can't with some of y'all, which I assume would literally be at the forefront of discussions about freedom of speech, but whenever they see a lot of comments from the same users they are like "ahhhh ok we get it you don't like the album, now shut up". I've honestly been quoted by at least five users since yesterday for that. Well flash news: I won't stop sharing my personal thoughts on the album for you guys to stop whining. If you don't like my comments, scroll past them, no one is forcing you to read what I or other people have to say about the album. I've never once blocked/muted anyone on this thread, not even that Jared dude, you know why? Because I genuinely feel like people have the right to write whatever they want, even though I don't agree with what's being written. Also, quite frankly, I find that to be completely harmless, if you can't properly articulate your opinion about something and resort to parrot critics, I don't know it kinda makes me feel validated lol. Bottom line, aaall of this are my opinions. This is the NFR thread and I'm discussing NFR, whether or not you find me repetitive or annoying, I'm not going anywhere.
  2. OK Jared. We get it, Jack pays your rent. We know. It's that obvious. My DMs on here, comments' likes, Instagram mentions and Reddit posts I've read beg to differ though, but I guess you don't know what that's like to be in touch with other fans that think alike, so you like to imply that I have some sort of schizophrenia complexion, that's very, very funny Jared. But go off about how I'm mirroring my own thoughts unto other peeps. Aren't you that one Jack stan one here that has not the ability to express personal views and parrots critics 24/7? Hang me out to be the delusional one.
  3. True, but at the same time let's not act like there aren't other users on here that repeat themselves ad nauseam. Isn't there that one other user that only come here to parrot critics and kiss Jackoff's butt and reposts the same creepy gif too? But also most notoriously goes on tangents about
  4. Am I being negative or mad? I don't know possibly. Am I being critical? Absolutely. We can agree to disagree. But I've been in touch with a lot of fans on LanaBoards and on other platforms, and what I'm writing here is a shared sentiment with a lot of other fans. You can think I'm "pressed" or "mad", anything you want. Doesn't change how much a lot of fans think this album is incredibly underwhelming, lackluster and even dreary. Also coming for me for writing my thoughts on NFR in the NFR thread... choices. I understand that I write a lot of the same comments, but at the same time like I've said a million times before it's just my opinion, if you get annoyed over opinions, especially mine, that's on you, not me. I like to think that I participate in a discussion and I add a little bit more to said discussion than ask other users: "what's your favorite song? ", "what song grew the most on you? ", "rank from least favorite, to most favorite songs on the album? ", "what zodiac sign would you associate with each song? ". But also certain user(s) that are completely foreign to the concept of critical thinking and personal input and are only here to parrot critics over this single album. All of y'all a have good day though! PS: My ears are fine, there's difference between hearing impairment and having taste.
  5. I know she's beautiful. What I meant to say was that it's silly to deny that she's had work done on her face, because while she's beautiful, she doesn't have that natural of facial features.
  6. Unpopular (or maybe popular?) I hate when Lana fans act as if Lana is a natural looking person. Like it's painfully obvious that she has had permanent work done on her face, and gets fillers/procedures done every now and then. Not saying she doesn't look great (although sometimes it's a little iffy), but there's literally no point in denying that Lana has had work done at this point.
  7. whenever someone mentions plastic surgery/fillers on the subreddit I swear there's at least 10 gays that threatens to sue because Lana "has never!!1!"
  8. Agree that it's more circlejerky than LB, but it's not all giggles and confetti. We get messy there sometimes too.
  9. Alright Jack. I thought you had received a warning point for excessively using these two words?
  10. Omg I cannot actually believe that we agree for the second time. Christmas miracles, they exist.
  11. Yup. This interview is honestly a bit weird to read. It's like he keeps talking about the production of the record as if it's this amazing and revolutionary thing for Lana and for the music scene, but: Lana, from a production point of view, as worked with producer that pushed her sound much farther than she has on this album. Producers that created a far more elaborate, intricate and beautiful soundscape. Like to me there are nice instrumentals on NFR, but a lot of them they end up sounding a bit muffled, flat, dry and weirdly mixed. I personally do not find the sound of the album to be atmospheric, as opposed to her first three records, on which she created a very specific, detailed and complex sonic environment. The production on NFR, if not compared to Lana's album, is extremely lackluster compared to the tens of thousands of albums released this decade. I can honestly name 10 albums from different artists that are far more elaborate sonically, but also actually cohesive and coherent production and stylistically wise. Jackoff seems to value his so called production creds, and the music he makes, a little too high. I mean he's not a bad producer per se, and he's a good musician. But, let's not pretend like he made some of the most elaborate melodies for this album, for the most part they are quite simplistic. Besides like the long musical outro of Venice Bitch and the chord progression/chorus in The greatest: the rest is actually quite basic. For instance: the piano track on the title track, HIAB, are quite plain and simple.
  12. It's still money wasted to me. I'm not interested in the slightest to know how Jack ruined this entire album with his shitty input as a "producer" no matter how much your or JackJared or anyone are trying to push him down our throat as an allege "musical genius".
  13. Feel free to waste 320$, what a bargain. That's it, this era has reached its ridicule peak.
  14. I didn't mean softer as in slower, I find the melody and sound of the album to be much softer/delicate, aerial/ethereal or lush if you will than NFR. But also, I find that Honeymoon has that little je ne sais quoi, or quintessential Lana "feel" lyrically, that sense of mystery or mysticism you know? So in that regard I find the lyrics on NFR to be more tamed, or casual (almost subpar?) compared to Honeymoon if that make sense.
  15. This I agree with: "Right album, right time". Lana is at a pivotal moment in her career. After year of being considered and regarded as a problematic figure on the music scene, I genuinely believe that some of her most fervent critics have finally softened up to her. Also, lyrically, NFR happens to be her least "controversial" effort thus far, it's much less tainted with sense of mystery/mysticism but also the so called "edgy" lyrics of her first three records. I still don't think critics "get her", I think they would still give subpar reviews to her first three records to be honest. I wholeheartedly disagree on this though. I do not get a sense of the classic, let alone grand feeling, nor the same level of intricacy both lyrically and melodically than what she has displayed on Born To Die/Paradise, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon. NFR doesn't stand out like that in her discography in my opinion. Though it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb much like Lust for Life, to me it still feel very underwhelming and somewhat lackluster in many regards. But to each their own.
  16. Not to be rude, but don't you think I have already watched the video before posting my comment: hence me saying imagine paying 320$ to hear Jackoff brag about the lackluster production of NFR? It educated me on how bland and flat the instrumentation of the album is, but at the same time how amazing he thinks it was.
  17. 320$ to hear Jackoff brag about the lackluster production of NFR...
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