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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Lonerism is a modern psychedelic masterpiece imho (and it was deemed so in a couple of decade end lists as well). It's honestly one of my favourite albums of all time. Currents is an amazing record as well I live for the sorta lava lamp/psychedelic 80s synth atmosphere, but I did prefer the lowfi/neo-psychedelic approach of Lonerism. I want a psychedelic record from Lana at all costs. Anyway, both are amazing records that cement Kevin Parker as an important figure on the current music scene. I want him and Lana to collab so bad, but I feel like it's a bit far fetched. He did an amazing record with his then girlfriend Melody Prochet: the self titled album Melody's Echo Chamber. It's a fantastic album that almost feels like a sister album to Lonerism. He can def work with other artists and bring out the best in them with his own approach. The song Some Time Alone, Alone slaps so hard. A FJM collab would be amazing too. I Love You Honeybear is one of my favourites as well!
  2. I'm so hear for this. I can't say I've been a huge fan of his collaborative projects, besides that one song with Kali or the entire Melody's Echo Chamber self titled album which SLAPS. But Kevin is definitely one of the most sought after person in the industry right now. He's extremely careful and meticulous when it comes to production. His production style is super tight. He and Lana would do amazing together I think. I've been campaigning for them to work together on this thread before and I'm still holding on. Something halfway between Honeymoon, Ultraviolence, Lonerism and Currents would blow my fucking mind.
  3. The top ten (minus California, that's more top 50 material) is pure taste. The rest of the list is... a choice. Not mine, but a choice.
  4. Thank you! Though I'm one of only two nominees in the "Can you come up with something else?!" category for this year's Lipsters (along with my bff/nemesis @Jared). So I'm probably doing something wrong (or right ).
  5. I do not possess the will power to create such a complete masterpiece, but I can try.
  6. I was about to say that, but me and my "controversial" NFR opinions are trying to keep a low profile this year.
  7. Terrence Loves You is so pure. I venture to say that it has the best, most beautiful, intense yet subtle, bridge in all her discography. Top ten material in my heart.
  8. Also not one Honeymoon song in the top ten... choices. Sorry but Happiness is a Butterfly and Fuck It I Luh Ya breaking the top 50 over Terrence Loves You and The Blackest Day. Lethal injections! Thanks @@PARADIXO for this very interesting project/thread!
  9. AS IT FUCKING SHOULD. West Coast is a fucking masterpiece probably the first and only Lana Del Rey song I've been obsessed with from the actual first listen. This song is just on a whole other level and has yet to be outmatched by Lana, her most atmospheric song perhaps. It's also, in my honest opinion, her best promotional single ever released. I can't believe she did that. The production is fucking perfect and pristine. Everything from: the instrumentals, actual properly recorded hazy bass and guitar riffs, her brilliantly layered vocals, the subtle hitches in her voice, the dreamy and ethereal way she sings:"your love, your love, your love" before the now iconic tempo shifts, the beautiful and languorous 12 strings guitar, the way she sings those sensual, yet contemplative lyrics, the backing vocals that sound like a fucking mermaid call AND the sorta Kill Bill siren that comes in during the second chorus almost like a second voice to add to the already dramatic, melancholic and intoxicating feeling of the song. The chorus just keeps on going in crescendo only to end quickly and abruptly leaving you feeling punch-drunk and wanting more: THEIR FUCKING MINDS. Every time I listen to this song at around 3:20, I kid you not, I lose all sense of self. Dan Auerbach is a fucking G E N I U S of a producer and his input on Ultraviolence is L E G E N D A R Y and boundary pushing for Lana! Finally some taste on LanaBoards!
  10. I'm actually not mad about that, it's only really amazing live with the sort of demonic guitar.
  11. Praying everything that is holy that Jackoff didn't have any input in the production or mastering of this project.
  12. No we're just audiophiles that like quality recording and have listened to a shit ton of music (from Lana), but mainly from other artists. The production on NFR! is just that lackluster and not as pristine as some of you may think. It's not the fact that she's working outside her usual circle of musicians/producers, it's just that it happened that NFR! sounds the way it sounds and it's just off to some fans. There's a difference between recording vocals through a sheet of paper for one song, and actually properly recording/mastering vocals and instrumentals for an entire album. I just find that comparatively to albums like Born To Die, Ultraviolence and especially Honeymoon. There is a certain level of attention to detail that is nowhere to be found on NFR!. I think these arguments are pointless, because music appreciation is very subjective. So no one can claim that "x" album/song is objectively better than "x" album/song. You can only really say what you mean based on personal appreciation. I personally do not appreciate the overall production on the album. There are songs I love, others I don't care for. But overall even the songs I actually appreciate on this album I find that there are sonic elements that sound off, annoying or even bad. They have already lost their luster to me since the album's release. I also remember fans on this very thread being like "oh just listen to the album on low, or on vinyl, or streaming, or in your car, etc". Like I shouldn't have to change my music setting to fully appreciate a record, I agree that in some circumstances it might enhance what is already present. But this is certainly not something I had to do with Lana's first three records, or with other albums by my favourite artists, to actually enjoy them to their full potential.
  13. West Coast

    The Greatest

    I personally don't like how Lana mumbles the lyrics in most of the song (though this is on her, not Jack). I don't like how when she she goes for the "nobody warns you before the fall", "I guess that I'm burned out after all" and the "I guess I'm signing off after all" the vocal mixing sounds especially flat and compressed during those specific parts, like hearing the song with the volume on high makes it sound like it's sorta sizzling/crackling a little (which is overall pretty off to me). As for the instrumentation, I find that most of the song lacks bass or strong percussions to create a more balanced sound, or create depth sonically. Also, I find that the instrumental "climax" after the "I guess I'm signing off after all" is somewhat lackluster, it sounds like it's a bit all over the place and gives me a "high school band" kinda vibe, the guitar is unnecessarily hazy and all the other instrumental don't mesh well together. Also, don't hate me, but the musical outro in 'The greatest', as a matter of fact all the musical outros on the album (maybe to the exception of 'Venice Bitch') are all forgettable and pretty pointless. Not saying every song needs a bridge, but I guess that when you can't write proper bridges you go for these outro that just don't add much to the song, to fill some type of void creatively speaking. I'm probably being very nitpick-y here, but this is how the song sounds to me, but then again this is how the vast majority of songs on the album sound to me: very subpar instrumentation that sounds flat/dry and overall weak/off mastering. I would've honestly like to see Jack describe how he produced other songs on the record, how he explains why they ended up having such a subpar/anticlimatic sort of production for the record, but there's no way I'm paying 300$ for that web series. Because despite what I just wrote, I actually enjoy 'The greatest' for the most part, but there are songs on the album that sounds downright terrible to me (as far as production goes). I agree with everything that's been written here. Jack just makes me cringe as a producer. He thinks he's all that, but he's not even there. Go back to producing TSwift records and leave other producers to properly record and master Lana records and actually give them depth and interest.
  14. Better than that how about Lana fires J*ck first? And starts on good base for LP7? I don't know if he pays people that well to shove NFR down people's throats on LanaBoards, but it must be good money since he's being very thorough with his job!
  15. Critical acclaim? I mean I might not give two fucks about NFR but it's the only album of hers that actually had critical acclaim in the true sense of the word. The others had mixed to positive reviews at best.
  16. West Coast

    The Greatest

    lmfao This video exemplifies how he lacks the ability to produce a Lana album/song. 'The greatest' is lyrically great, besides the "culture is lit" lyrics which are very "hey how do you do fellow kids?" to my ears. But a beautifully produced song with properly recorded, mastered instrumentation and vocals it is not.
  17. Disagree cause the Burnt Norton Interlude is fucking amazing and puts me in such a peaceful mood, but what made it amazing is that she actually used someone else's poetry... hearing Lana talking about macha tea and going to that church poetry form... eh
  18. Which is probably how it's going to be depicted. I mean judging from most of the poems she has shown us thus far. Her poetry is very hit or miss for me. Critical acclaim is such a weird concept. Lana didn't receive any on any of her albums until NFR. But she somehow powered through and released actual amazing albums, that NFR has nothing on them imho. It's also very momentary. We'll see next week. That's if she actually releases something on time for once!
  19. I think it's safe to say that as far as visuals go, Lana's so called homemade videos are just very beige and bland. It's not even like they have redeeming qualities about them besides looking cute. It's not the fact that they are homemade, it's the fact that she acts as if they are worth seeing. She once said that the reason why she didn't release the Honeymoon video was because nothing really happened in it. Yet here we are with these lackluster and boring visuals. I venture to say that the Honeymoon video is actually better than all of this because it had somewhat of a storyline and was actually related to the song, or at least the cinematic, mysterious and tragic atmosphere of the song. The triple video is just very nonsensical as far as lyrics and mood go.
  20. Norman Fucking Rockwell est aisément l'album le plus ennuyant de Lana Del Rey.
  21. That's from 2018, but it was looking pretty puffy.
  22. Imagine thinking Jack can deliver a Lana album period. He needs to get the hell away from Lana. I don't want Beige Fucking Walls! part. two.
  23. Like NFR? *badum tss* (That one was too easy, I just had to )
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