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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Ah c'était pour rire le roman. Pas obligé de te sentir aussi vexé par ce que je dis, j'en fait pas une affaire d'état. Je trouve juste ça vraiment con de se sentir aussi attaqué par mes commentaires sur l'album. J'en ai franchement rien à chier que t'aime pas ce que j'écris sur LanaBoards. Je suis pas là pour me faire des amis, juste là pour exprimer mon opinion, peut importe si les gens me trouvent répétitif ou non. Autrement dit, je m'en calice.
  2. Bold of you to assume that we have shitty taste when you literally take some of your precious time to think that Jack Antonoff is a musical genius, when he's actually (at best) a decent pop producer. Like the amount of praise around NFR is starting to look ridiculous, like it's legit getting the "Album of the century" treatment while sounding the way it sounds... more like the joke of century to me. Spare me your conspiracy theories about the album getting negative feedback within the fandom. It's literally her most beige and simple album sonically, like the level of intricacy that Lana has displayed on her first three records is nowhere to be found. It's not all bad to me, but I just do not find myself enjoying this album listen after listen, doesn't really have that much of replay values as great as you think it is. At this point it almost makes Lust for Life have interesting production and melodies creds. I can listen to Born To Die, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon countless times and notice something new or special at every listen. NFR is not a bad album per se, it's actually pretty good, but it's also very surface level to me. Lana wants to go down that road these days and be more simplistic? That's on her. Doesn't mean that we have to pretend that her albums are not getting more simple, and from analytical and artistic point of you less interesting. At this point it almost makes Lust for Life have interesting production and melodies creds. Like I said on the other thread, I find that her current visuals embody the album's spirit perfectly, it's cute and fun, but it's all over the place, amateur, simple. But like I also said countless times, that's just my opinion.
  3. Wow, finally someone that gets it. I'm legit going to frame your post.
  4. So unnoticeable that every time one of us, especially me, post somewhat of a negative comment about literally any aspect of the album there's a sea of comments that basically act like the thought police of the LanaBoards, or police of "good taste" and are like: "we get it you don't like the album, just shut up already". If it's so inoffensive why do you guys act out on it? Legit curious. I'm not here to change opinions, just state my own, if you agree, well you agree, if you don't, you don't. But why do you some of you guys get up in arms about like opinions as repetitive or annoying as you might think they are? I've had people coming left and right for my jugular last week and honestly, it didn't really encourage me to stop being active on here, but the whole time I was thinking that it's a little too much for just being active on a fan forum.
  5. I find it extremely funny, but kind of unsettling, how all these years we were, in a way, fine that Lana didn't really get the type of acclaim she's been receiving for NFR. Because we knew that her albums were amazing and the industry selectively kissing some artists' butts was not something Lana needed as an artist. But now some fans act as if that's all that matters for Lana, to receive this sort of validation from the very same industry that has paid her dust and disregarded her for so many years. Like they turn a blind eye on the how the industry is just ridiculous, and act as if they are actually right when they dictate what is great and what is not. But also acting like the thought police of a forum when other fans dare express their so called negative opinions or thoughts and basically want to create some type of 'safe space' specifically for fans that are in love with the album. It's a freaking forum.
  6. yOu'Re wRoNg!!!1! cRiTicS eAtiNg sHiT uP blah, cRiTiCaL aCcLaIm blah, yEaR eNd blah, dEcAdE eNd blah, gRaMmYs blah, yOu jUsT wAnT lAnA tO sTaY iN tHe pAsT blah, yOu hAvE nO tAsTe blah, sToP cOmMeNtInG oN tHiS tHrEaD blah, i KeEp pOsTiNg tHe sAmE vAgUe GiF blah!!!1!
  7. Thank you so much MoveBaby! I really try, but it's hard in those LanaBoards water. Your posts are well articulated as well! Some members can beat around the bushes all they want, but we all know what they're really saying. They want Lana to be beige and tamed! But above all, can't stand the idea of being critical towards Lana. Oh well. If by same old same old they mean quality production, intricate instrumentation and atmospheric soundscape, then hell yeah I want same old same old.
  8. My thought exactly. It's not terrible, it's just not impressive or that interesting. It's just a collage of random footage Lana thought looked nice and cute and mod podged the whole thing together with a vintage filter and called it a day (footage that we had already seen a year prior to the video I might add). At this point with Honeymoon at least there was somewhat of a narrative, with the triple video it's not much that it's boring or lazy, it's just that it's so random and unrelated to the songs. It's very middle of the road.
  9. Has there ever been written anything more accurate about this album? How you describe Jack's production (hard to get more accurate than that). You just get it! So good!
  10. It's a great album to listen to when you painting your entire house with beige paint. I appreciate that he went into a different direction as far as production and melodic construction go. But, like you said, it's pretty straightforward comparatively to her other albums. I don't want to use the word dreamy, but like it's not very dreamy. But then again, that's just my repetitive opinion.
  11. I mean props to him for going in a totally different way than Lana's previous producers/collaborators, and bringing this new horizon of songs. But like I said a million times before I just do not like his style of production on this record. It lacks the level of intricacy and the cinematic, mysterious and enchanting vibe the past albums had. The other albums you can dig into them and be amazed after listening to them for a thousand times. NFR is great, but it's very much surface level to me.
  12. You're right about that though. From what I've listened NFR is different than what he has also produced in the past. But, to the risk of annoying some of y'all again (not sorry about that), the production and mastering was still not it. Am I blaming Jack for the shortcomings of this album? Absolutely. But Lana was in charge of all of that for sure as well. She's as equally responsible if not more. Hence me saying she needs to ditch all previous collaborators and find someone brand new, someone more challenging than a Yes man.
  13. Also, don't stone me (again, again and again), but I hate when Lana talks about her next move this early. The roll out of her albums are always messy, unprepared and not thought out. I feel like she's already foreshadowing another beige record with what she wrote on Instagram. Like she's talking about her next move this early and her latest album was released less than four months ago. Sis, enjoy that praise while it lasts, work a little on your Grammy campaign (because it desperately needs a little kick) than go undercover and work on your music and don't (over)tease it every so often. That way you won't already feel like your album will be fall flat like you said so.
  14. I feel like Lana going out of her comfort zone would be working with totally different producers, ditching Rick Nowels, Kieron Menzies (wherever he is) and of course: Jack. Improving her songwriting? I mean I feel like Honeymoon was her peak as far as great lyrics go. Lust or Life did feel like somewhat of a regression in that regards, with a bunch of futile and juvenile lyrics (though there were some very introspective songs: Get Free & Heroin). NFR while there were great lyrical moments (Hope is probably one of her best, if not her best song as far lyrical structure and content are concerned), there are also very subpar lyrics, that while some fans live for them, they are still that: subpar. Although it was overall an improvement from LFL, yet lightyears behind Honeymoon. But that's my two cent. For her next record, Lana needs to work with someone completely different and create something unexpected. I pray Jesus everyday that Lana and Kevin Parker get in the studio together. While it's obviously going to be different, I feel like the spirit or vibe of the next record will be similar to NFR; as Jack so elegantly put it: this fucked up sorta folk album. We'll see.
  15. Oh good for Lana seriously. Although, maybe in the eyes of critics NFR will have bigger shoes to fill, but comparatively to her first three records and fan appreciation/perception, this could easily be surpassed. Can't wait for what she brings next!
  16. Au grand dam de certains utilisateurs de LanaBoards, je vais continuer d'écrire mes commentaires et donner mon opinion sur l'album que ça vous plaise ou non. J'aime à penser que j'apporte une certaine diversité d'opinion sur le forum, je comprends que mes commentaires puissent avoir été perçus comme étant négatifs et/ou répétitifs. Mais à ce que je sache LanaBoards n'est pas un état totalitaire, et je pense qu'on se doit de promouvoir une certaine diversité d'opinion. Comparer mes opinions à de la litière à chat... wow. Ça ne s'invente pas! C'est pas parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec l'opinion des autres qu'on doit automatiquement donner dans l'insulte et la bassesse. Comme on dit: quand on a pas de culture, on bascule rapidement dans la vulgarité. Dans la vie j'ai l'intime conviction qu'on doit apprendre que ce la diversité d'opinion ça existe et que l'on aura pas toujours le dernier mot dans un débat et/ou une discussion. Dans un sens je comprends que mes commentaires sonnent probablement très négatifs pour certaines personnes ici, voir même beaucoup. Mais je me considère encore comment étant un grand fan de Lana. Je pense aussi avoir droit d'exprimer une certaine pensée critique envers celle-ci, elle n'est pas aussi parfaite que certaine personne le laisse entendre ici. Je pense aussi que mes commentaires ont autant leur place sur le forum, ou cette discussion en particulier, que les commentaires de d'autres utilisateurs qui sont, à mon humble avis, tout aussi répétitifs que les miens. Bref, j'aimerais conclure en disant que j'en ai franchement rien à chier que vous n'aimez pas ce que j'ai à dire ici. J'ai le droit à mon opinion et aussi le droit de la répéter autant de fois que ça va me tenter. Il n'y a personne, et je répètes bien: personne. Qui va me mettre au silence et avoir le dernier mot sur moi. Sur ce, comme je pense qu'il n'y aura pas beaucoup de personne qui vont être capable de lire mon commentaire jusqu'ici, et aussi que la traduction risque de laisser à désirer, j'aimerais terminer en disant ceci: à toutes les personnes qui ne m'aiment pas ici, vous pouvez tous manger de la crisse de marde. Je vous emmerdes profondément, tous autant que vous êtes. Soyez en conscient. Merci. Signé, un intellectuel averti.
  17. Well that was cute. There are bits and pieces that are fun in this video, she really is going for a carefree spirit (obligatory fresh out of fucks forever comment). Overall it's a nice video, the Bambi/animation bits were nice and cute as well. There were awkward/cringy parts though, her dancers not knowing the lyrics and also Lana faking playing the piano was... a choice. Overall this video represents very well this era: she's really going for this amateur/DIY-ish kinda beige approach to everything and seems to be enjoying every minute of it. Good for her.
  18. So should we just close the thread now that everything has been said about the record? I'm going to continue posting my thoughts on the album, whether or not you find me repetitive. I'm being just as repetitive as other users that post other types of comments on here. I definitely understand that my comments are probably repetitive, and a lot of you all are like "ugh we get it MXDH doesn't like NFR", but this is the NFR thread and I'm writing about NFR. If I were to write the repetitive comments but from a positive perspective and say how much I think the record is amazing with no criticism whatsoever, pretty sure my so called repetitive comments would go over well, wouldn't they? You can selectively clutch your pearls and decide what comment is annoying, or not, and decide the validity of my comments as much as you want. That's on you. What I'm trying to say is that some people come here to praise the album on a daily basis, and others, very much like me, come here to offer a different point of view on the album (as repetitive and annoying; you and other people think it is), so who cares really? Yes, this, in a way, relates to freedom of speech, it's like "oh you've said it already and I don't agree with with some of, if not all the things you've written about, please refrain from further participating in this discussion, thank you". Well no, Body Electric. At this point, you either scroll past my repetitive comments or you mute/block me. Pretty simple.
  19. I've literally been told, don't laugh, that I look like James Corden
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