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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Yeah sure, I'm literally the only person that comes here to repeat myself, as if other people on this boring thread don't do the same in other ways, like at all. Thanks for your input though. Agree to disagree, indeed.
  2. The hype around the album died a week or so afterwards. Born To Die literally re-entered the Billboard 200 chart as of today, and is like 50 places in advance to NFR. So much for Lana's "magum opus" uh? (who's going to tell him that there's world of difference between making subpar music lacking beautiful visuals and being a cheap mainstream commercial "artist"? )
  3. what is upsetting is seeing the same gifs over and over again, especially those featuring Jackoff, other than that I find you to be pretty harmless
  4. Oof I don't even know how to adress it? We are a fair few that come here and express our thoughts about NFR. 3 isn't so accurate? I'd say around 10-12-ish maybe? On the other hand, coming here and seeing that some user (in that case one in particular) keeps quoting articles he wish he could've written, basically regurgitating other people's thoughts ad nauseam, which couldn't be more ironic. If your only contribution to a forum it copy-pasting what other people are saying about something in particular and try to pass this as facts. I don't think you have much room to talk about other people's comments or input when you don't have much original thought to throw in the ring yourself. Oh well.
  5. This comment is honestly much more interesting, introspective and nuanced than any review, critique or thinkpieces I've read about NFR or Lana these past couple months. Thank you so much for your contribution!
  6. Oh poor Jared. Must be sad to come here and actually see that people are discussing the album and everything Lana from their personal perspective. On the other hand, your only contribution to this community is copy-pasting the circlejerky articles about NFR and trying to pass those as facts, all the while re-posting the same gifs over and over again. Bold of you to assume that NFR will have the same cultural impact or longevity as Lana's previous albums too, last time I checked Born To Die was actually charting way higher than NFR, I guess that doesn't count, right? I don't see why us questioning the legitimacy of bitter critics that up until LFL had nothing but bullshit to write about Lana, now making a 180 turn to kiss her butt, is considered annoying or repetitive, while you only come here to quote those same sucky critics/reviews? Get over your sensitive self Jack, I mean Jared. Not every single fan on this forum will have the same level of appreciation for this record as you and other fans do. No one is losing their shit over this, but you.
  7. Not super related to the music, but artwork/aesthetics wise I wish Lana would go back to collab with Neil Krug for the upcoming album. They did beautiful work together in the past! He's currently working on the visuals for Tame Impala's upcoming record and the pictures are just phenomenal! I wish Lana would relegate Chuck to a lesser role, her pictures and editing skills really aren't that impressive (I guess that counts as an unpopular opinion too, oh well). Edit: Not saying Chuck is untalented. I've seen her work for various publications, magazines and project she took parts for other artists. For the most part it's actually pretty great! But it just happened that everything she's done with and for Lana has looked so amateur and DIY-ish.
  8. I mean I definitely agree with you about Lana finally being recognized for her talent. But I don't see how just because she was different than other "pop" girls when she first came in that she deserved to be treated like an alien. But also, the criticism targeting her extended much farther than "criticizing" an album, it was very rough and not justifiable. For years (and to some she still is) was considered that rich untalented girl that got a music contract because of her father. I just wish she had received that level of praise when she was not as "beige" or tamed if you will. But to each their own. I agree that there has been a shift around the release of UV, and then with HM and LFL. After each album there have been fans not happy with the direction she took, which is normal I guess. I personally have experienced a shift after she released LFL. I see NFR as being superior to it in many regards, but I still find it to be subpar and not as intricate or interesting as her first three records. I don't really care how much critics are eating shit up over it, it remains the same lackluster album to me. Agree to disagree.
  9. My only problem with this outpouring of praise for this album from critics is that it's very dishonest for us fans to accept their opinions as facts when all these years Lana had been had the receiving end of so much negativity from her image/public perception to her performances, which definitely transpired through the criticism of her albums. As fans we are doing ourselves a disservice to actually be like "oh look critics finally acknowledged Lana's talent on this album" and use that as facts for the album so called 'greatness'. Well that's bullshit. Using critics that have relentlessly bashed and hate on Lana since she first hit the scene as Lana Del Rey, as creds to impose your views on this album is not only dishonest, but laughable. I'm honestly sure I can find negative critiques or thinkpieces about Lana's first three albums that were written by the very same critics that now revere her as the second coming over Christ. Critics echo one another, and this happen to be Lana's most tamed and sterile album, on which she definitely stripped away the "Del Rey" persona aspect of her music, or any "drama" for that matter. Of course they are going to praise it, they didn't like what she had to offer to begin with. Not saying that this is what you're doing, but coming here and copy-pasting these critiques/year end lists excerpts as proof of this album's alleged superiority is just deceiving and not representative of the reality. You said it yourself, I personally see NFR as being badly produced and mastered, and somewhat weak lyrically... I'm a fan, I've been into her music for seven years I listen to her albums countless times. I don't just listen to the album two or three times, write a couple paragraphs and call it a day. That's why there's an immense difference between a fan and a critic. Of course I'm going to be more 'picky' and pinpoint things that critics won't really think about (going back to the production and mastering). I'm going to let you decide which one you think is more worthwhile down the line. Critics don't make artists' longevity, fans do.
  10. as far as collab with other singer(s)... none please. but if she were to ditch Jackoff ( ), I'd want Lana to start working with Kevin Parker. Please and thank you.
  11. Well no. I'm going to discredit this "era" because of its lack of amazing song, horrible production/mastering approach and weak lyrics, as well as Lana's obvious lack of interest in promoting and performing it. I will also continue to point out critics suddenly turning this lackluster album into a sort of Lana Del Rey-circlejerk, praising it non-stop while still disregarding where Lana actually made points musically (AKA her first three albums). The visuals are secondary, but go off "boo".
  12. So this was clearly written by you. I don't think I've ever read something so delusional about this goddamn album:
  13. Does NFR actually count as an era though? I mean do lack of specific visuals (I mean besides the double video) like iPhone videos with a Super 8 filter shot by Chuck and ugly pop art font count as aesthetics? Also, today I learned that Jared writes for Stereogum, wow. Good for you hunny, glad you got a job!
  14. I honestly went from thinking it was one of the few great songs on this album, to think it's one of the most annoying ones. The vocal arrangement/progression is a mess, it sounds hella compressed, but also I hate how she mumbles the lyrics in the two verses (and that "and I'm waaaaaaaaaasted"). The guitar solo/instrumental climax sounds flat too, it lacks bass as well.
  15. Exactly. It's her freaking job to sing. She has looked so out of it for the past two tours that when she actually hits some sort of high note (and in that case it was actually pretty cringy) her fans act like she's the best vocalist that ever was and ever will be. Anyone that has ever been to a Lana concert knows that even if Lana sounds like complete and utter shit crap that when she hits a random high note her fans they got batshit. What is happening seriously...
  16. also on an album that traded bridges for musical outros it weirdly lacks both... choices.
  17. Just another day in the nonsensical life of Ashley Frangipane. What a fucking clown, seriously.
  18. I don't see how NFR! is being revered as the most mature and complex album lyrically. To me it's not that much more mature than a lot of her past albums from a lyrical point of view. I see it as being her safest and "tamed" lyrical "effort". In comparison to LFL which was a times very futile and juvenile, NFR! is somewhat of a step up from that, but still a bit futile and hollow to me. Lyrically some songs are just uncooked/unfinished, but also very subpar. Honeymoon remains her most mature and elaborated album both lyrically and instrumentally.
  19. There are countless stories from fans that have encountered him firsthand, as well as his little clique: they are rude, pushy and hella shady.
  20. She did struggle with the belting in Shades of Cool in its last performance (or second to last?) this tour. The thing is Lana has not had stellar performances night after night since The Endless Summer tour, and that is a fact. She's had good performances here and there, but she usually does the bare minimum and it shows (and she sometimes struggles even doing that). She also looks like she couldn't care less to properly hit notes.
  21. Her first three album were even more deserving of that accolade at the time of their release, but they were paid dust. Your point, exactly?
  22. that's just JackJared though, pretty sure he's a troll. Anyway, good for Lana for snatching two nominations, but too little too late Grammys. She's literally being rewarded when she couldn't be more subdued and beige, how sad.
  23. Not that I know of, literally every single award shows are rigged and a popular contest nowadays. Popularity, exposure, reviews and sales seem to be the determining factors in who gets the cake. Except Polar price, but that's out of Lana's league. Although, time will tell.
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