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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Some of the choices on this list are very that... choices. But Ultraviolence is just transcending.
  2. There it is ladies and gents! Born To Die, Honeymoon, Lust for Life and NFR! are nowhere to be found on this list though.
  3. he's going to wake up from his long winter's nap soon enough with a flaming hot post about how Honeymoon and Ultraviolence stans are bitter and delusional, can't wait! Sidenote, do you think this album is actually really going to be titled White Hot Forever? Or will she pull another Music To Watch Boys To/Honeymoon on us?
  4. I mean... lovely song, but I rarely make it past 5 minutes.
  5. Venice Bitch is obviously a great song, but it's clearly not her strongest lyrical effort, let's be real. Also, the long/hazy/dry musical outro basically beefs up what is a pretty ordinary song to begin with. Just because it's ten minutes long, doesn't make it one of her best song.
  6. I can also already tell that there's a LanaBoards user on here that shall remain nameless (his name starts with J and ends with ared) will probably be jerking off to the thought of Lana and Jack, yet again, downplaying themselves with this cheap ass production/mastering approach. RIP Wet Hot American Summer.
  7. This thread will most likely go from "White Hot Forever Pre-pre release thread" to whatever name Lana is actually going to give this next record. I can't with the "pre-pre"
  8. I don't know if this is the right thread, and it's probably been adressed before somewhere. But does anyone actually have a theory or maybe some tea so spill about what happened with Lana and Stella's personal (and professional) relationship?
  9. Oh please, fans have been arguing on both threads, they (and also the iconic Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-release thread ) were chaotic and messy. But that's what us Lana fans do best, argue with one another, but unite when duty calls! You bet your *ss I'll be campaigning for Lana to win all the Grammys, even though this is clearly not my favourite record!
  10. Are we going to ignore the fact that Pretty When You Cry was literally done in one take? Like of course it's going to have slight flaws. Sorry but on NFR they definitely had a different approach, not so much live takes, hence why it's weird that all these mistakes still came through while mastering the record? You can already tell from the first 30 seconds of the title track that the production and mastering of the record was sloppy, you can literally hear Lana smacking her lips and the piano sounding hella tinny and her vocals sounding really flat/compressed when she goes for the high note halfway through the song.
  11. I do not find pleasure in the misery of others, but it's actually quite hilarious coming here and seeing you acting like Jack is the second coming over Christ and acting like NFR is Lana's only great album, just because the same sucky critics that overlooked Lana's entire discography up until now woke up from their long winter's nap and finally gave her some sort of recognition. Also, acting like this is literally her only interesting album. Jared you are the funniest, literally!
  12. I guess I see where you're coming from. There were definitely mixing decisions I found to be out of place or weird on LFL, but my biggest complain about LFL would be that it had too much trap beats and collabs, which just felt weird for a Lana album, or her sound for that matter. Also a lot of the lyricism on LFL felt forced or just juvenile in my opinion. NFR is definitely a more mature album overall. I do not actually hate NFR, I just have a lot of complaints about it. I don't mean to sound hateful, there are definitely songs I love on this record, but overall there are a lot of artistic decisions that were made in the process that just don't make me enjoy this album to the fullest.
  13. That's kind of a weird statement, NFR was the result of Lana and Jack's collaboration. Surely if Lana had worked with someone else we would've had a completely different record from start to finish. I said what I said. There's a difference between the style of production Lana (and Jack) went for on this record, and what, for instance, Kevin Parker did on the first two records of Tame Impala. They are both completely different in style and execution. I don't mean to say that you are putting words in my mouth, but you kind of are. While I do firmly believe that NFR has a somewhat, and sorry for a lack of a better word, but "cheap" sound. On Lonerism, for instance, I feel the opposite. Just listen to his tracks Endors Toi and Apocalypse Dreams. They have definitely a Low-fi vibe, but they sound far from cheap, they are complex, with rich and balanced instrumentals. Not saying none of the tracks on NFR have good instrumentals though, but the execution was completely different, and somewhat sloppy in my honest opinion.
  14. Ain't nothing wrong with Low-fi though? NFR is not Low-fi at all, to a certain extent maybe UV was. But what I dislike about NFR above all is how sloppy the end result was with a lot of songs. How tinny the piano sounds, how it lacks bass, how a lot of amateur-ish mistakes transpired in the mastering of the record, there are people that think it adds to the so called "charm" of the record, making it more "organic". I just feel like it makes a lot of the songs have this demo/unfinished "quality" to them. Low-fi does certainly not equal cheap. Also, I'd like to add that Lonerism is a Low-fi piece of art, literally one of the best, if not the best, psychedelic album released this decade.
  15. I very much feel that, I hope Lana gets her hearing abilities back ASAP. This new production/mastering approach is literally frightening, I mean for someone that claimed to spend months producing and mastering records, this is quite unbelievable. I get that she wanted to make something lighter, more moody (?), but it literally sounds like bunch of demos back and front. The attention to detail was left for dead in a ditch. Is there any hope for Lana to collab with someone else, maybe someone new? Like our Lord and saviour Kevin Parker? (I don't know if you guys are still talking, but Neil Krug can you match these two pleaaase?)
  16. Sometimes I legit question whether or not you're troll and you actually agree with us, or you're literally trying to find a way to suck Jack's dick.
  17. "malicious propaganga" I can't with you Jack Jared remember how you got almost banned because of And you 3 Jack stans need to realize not everyone is onboard with what Lana went for (and is apparently still going for for Wet Hot American Summer), no matter how much you keep mentioning Pitchfork reviews and Metacritic scores.
  18. Imagine thinking we do not listen to this album almost on a daily basis... I cannot Just because, me, or other people do not like certain aspects of the album and think that this critical acclaim thing is bullshit, do you honestly think we hate the album from start to finish?? There are obviously skips and cringe moments (both lyrically and production wise) on this album, but it still a decent record. Criticizing and hating: learn the difference!
  19. Here's a thing Jared, all lot of people think the production on NFR is literally the most lackluster and bland of all her albums. You guys can try to convince yourself that the production/mastering amateur mistakes were intentional and add to the so called "charm" of the record, but it ain't it. Jack is not the musical genius you make out to be, and that's that. Here's another too, accolades don't mean crap. Critics echo one another, and this happen to be Lana's least controversial album to date and we're past the days of Lana being considered a manufactured no talent Daddie's little girl. People (even her harshest critics) now consider her an interesting artist. 1+1 always equals 2.
  20. This is exactly like I said though... anyway! Have a good day, hun. You'll probably be reading a thousand more posts about people liking and disliking this, as well as her futures record/s. You can find me annoying it's fine. But don't put words into my mouth, I'm fully aware that my comments here are very that, just opinions, not trying to pass them matter of factly. Agree to disagree.
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