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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. you mean to play it louder because apparently when they recorded the album they had no idea what a baseline was Edit: In case my comment didn't make sense. I meant to say that while the album is great, to me personally, it just lacks bass and percussions. Like the production and mixing of the album feels somewhat flat and bland to me.
  2. Hold up sweetie, there's a whole difference between using loud backtracks and lipsync! Lana uses these loud back tracks in pretty much all her performances because she doesn't have choristers on stage with her, if she had those pretty sure we wouldn't hear the back tracks. Also, she probably uses it to be "kept in track" with the beats and melodies, because she often improvises on stage and sing random high notes. Anyway, this is still Lana's live voice we here on stage.
  3. Loud playback tracks during live performances is kind of a staple for Lana
  4. Agree, seeing it live was so magical. She sounded amazing and the entire stadium was silent, I honestly think this is one of her best performances.
  5. Does anyone have any update about the surf shop orders?
  6. I saw Lana live in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017(ok it was just one song for a tribute show, but still) and also looking at pretty much all her live performances... it's very unequal tbh. In 2014 I feel like it was a bit shaky at times, but she still seemed to want to go for high notes and give a great performance. In 2015 I feel like this was her peak, pretty much the entire Endless Summer Tour was flawless, she gave great performances and pretty much hit all the high notes, especially those vocal runs in Off To The Races! In 2016... I guess there were a couple great perfomances, but seeing her at Osheaga she looked great on stage, but she started to look like she didn't give a crap at the same time, she did all her little Lana mannerisms, which always sends her hardcore fans into post-orgasm state and they scream extra loud, but other folks (especially at Festivals when it's not just fans) they don't really get the appeal, which ends up being a little awkward. In 2017 that one performance with Adam Cohen was everything, nothing to complain about. In 2018, oh my god. Her stage presence was weird af to me. On some nights she looked like she couldn't care less to be on stage, on others, I felt like she was doing the most, and sometimes too much too? And now here we are, pretty much the same as last year, unequal and just kinda weird to me, and also seemingly not giving a crap if she hits the right note or not? Edit: We're miles ahead of her SNL performance, but sometimes I feel like Lana doesn't try too hard to just prove to everyone she can hit notes and sound as great as she does on her records.
  7. Venice Bitch and The greatest both say hi! Let's be honest, imagine the entire album with UV production :legend:
  8. Really sorry guys, I do feel like Honeymoon sits pretty comfortably atop of her discography, but to me HBTB is not it
  9. I just realized that I only skip High By The Beach on Honeymoon, so basically Honeymoon has only one flaw. Taste.
  10. Exhaustive list of songs I skip: Summertime Sadness This Is What Makes Us Girls Lolita Yayo (I much prefer the AKA verison) Burning Desire (ooooops) Fucked My Way Up To The Top Guns and Roses High By The Beach Love Lust for Life 13 Beaches White Mustang Summer Bummer Groupie Love In My Feelings Coachella Whatever Was On Her Mind When She Wrote That One God Bless America - And All The Filler Songs On This Album Change MAC (Sorry by the time the album came out I was kinda tired of this one, still great though) Fuck It I Luuuh You How To Disappear The Next Best American Record Hope
  11. Omg agree... don't get me wrong I love the sound, but that outro was anticlimatic af to me.
  12. I mean she mentioned a lot of names of account she actually follows, it would make sense she got like 14 million subscribers, if only a small percentage of her followers watched the live that would still be a lot aaaand way too messy lol
  13. is it just me or she only answers questions from people she actually follows?
  14. Doing the math, it takes more time for Lana to release the album counting the day she first mentions it as albums go... so yeah we're getting White Hot Forever in 2031? At least we'll reach the 4000 page with that pre-release thread
  15. Look I'm actually fucking happy that Lana is finally receiving all this acclaim left and right, but to me it was long overdue. Too little too late, her past albums deserved as much praise as what NFR is currently receiving. Other than that I'm doing great, school just started again and life is going super well
  16. Ok I haven't been here in a hot minute, I needed some alone time to make up my mind about that album. But I'm back
  17. Well, it's been a fun ride, really sad that this thread is ending. See you on the other side
  18. Here I go: Born To Die: Video Games I know it's cliché but this is literally the song that has gotten me into Lana, I can't forget that. Paradise: Ride Probably my best song too (until recently I didn't even know there were a lot of people here that didn't like it lol). Best production of any of her songs, mark my words! Also one of her best vocal performance too. Best video of hers too (along with Shades of Cool, and now Doin' Time apparently lol). Ultraviolence: I would said West Coast had it had been the single version, but believe it or not: Sad Girl! That song is a fucking mood, the bridge puts me in a trans like state! Honeymoon: Terrence Loves You Such a beautiful, delicate, cinematic and etheral song! Her best bridge too. Lust for Life: Get Free Such a weird and interesting track, one of my favorites too. Norman Fucking Rockwell: The greatest Well... The greatest is the greatest, that's it.
  19. I just came back from College for Labour Day weekend, and Terrence Loves You came on shuffle... omg
  20. There's this group of "fans" that literally follow Lana around the globe to attend her concerts and various public events where they may catch a glimpse of her. He's one of them. He's the kind of fans whose Instagram bio is like "Met Lana 1298407 times ". Not hating the fact that he met her, but I heard a looot of stories of how him and his friends do shady stuff to always be front and center at all her shows, like he shoves, pushed and get in the way of other fans just so he can have his millionth selfie with Lana.
  21. Honestly, thank you. I don't say that enough, but thank you for the daily laugh you provide us, me. You are comedic genius, I cannot say thank you enough for your silly input. THANK YOU LUV
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