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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Well, it's been a fun ride, really sad that this thread is ending. See you on the other side
  2. Here I go: Born To Die: Video Games I know it's cliché but this is literally the song that has gotten me into Lana, I can't forget that. Paradise: Ride Probably my best song too (until recently I didn't even know there were a lot of people here that didn't like it lol). Best production of any of her songs, mark my words! Also one of her best vocal performance too. Best video of hers too (along with Shades of Cool, and now Doin' Time apparently lol). Ultraviolence: I would said West Coast had it had been the single version, but believe it or not: Sad Girl! That song is a fucking mood, the bridge puts me in a trans like state! Honeymoon: Terrence Loves You Such a beautiful, delicate, cinematic and etheral song! Her best bridge too. Lust for Life: Get Free Such a weird and interesting track, one of my favorites too. Norman Fucking Rockwell: The greatest Well... The greatest is the greatest, that's it.
  3. I just came back from College for Labour Day weekend, and Terrence Loves You came on shuffle... omg
  4. There's this group of "fans" that literally follow Lana around the globe to attend her concerts and various public events where they may catch a glimpse of her. He's one of them. He's the kind of fans whose Instagram bio is like "Met Lana 1298407 times ". Not hating the fact that he met her, but I heard a looot of stories of how him and his friends do shady stuff to always be front and center at all her shows, like he shoves, pushed and get in the way of other fans just so he can have his millionth selfie with Lana.
  5. Honestly, thank you. I don't say that enough, but thank you for the daily laugh you provide us, me. You are comedic genius, I cannot say thank you enough for your silly input. THANK YOU LUV
  6. more like a rash, or a ringworm. He's such a creep...
  7. the outdoor cinema bit, yeah but you've never seen Grease?
  8. I hate to say this... but I agree. For the IILY/The greatest is great because it clearly is a huge nod to the Ride music video (AKA her best tied with Shades of Cool) but nothing really happens, like it's pleasing visually, but that's it. While here we have a storyline henny!
  9. Merci, j'ai vraiment hâte de le recevoir! Mais j'ai l'impression que l'envoie va prendre beaucoup de temps
  10. 1. Cruel World vs Norman Fucking Rockwell 2. Ultraviolence vs Mariners Apartment Complex 3. Shades Of Cool vs Venice Bitch 4. Brooklyn Baby vs Fuck It I Love You 5. West Coast vs Doin Time (only because the album version is trash compared to the single/Rob Orton mix) 6. Sad Girl vs Love Song 7. Pretty When You Cry vs Cinnamon Girl 8. Money Power Glory vs How to Disappear 9. Fucked My Way Up To The Top vs California 10. Old Money vs The Next Best American Record 11. The Other Woman vs The Greatest 12. Black Beauty vs Bartender 13. Guns And Roses vs Happiness is a Butterfly 14. Florida Kilos vs Hope is a Dangerous Thing UV: 10 NFR: 6
  11. I just ordered it, is FNAC legit? I mean I'm from Canada, I hope I receive it in time, or at all
  12. I guess I'm getting used to this album as a mood record... but to me some of the production and that mixing is not it.
  13. 80th on 89 songs... and Coachella is ranked at 37th
  14. Well... yeah the songwriting feels much more introspective for sure, but with all the nods to her previous songs/albums. Doesn't have that brand new feeling about it.
  15. I honestly can't with some of y'all. Acting like this is an adventurous album lmao. It's literally halfway between Ultraviolence and Honeymoon, like the subdued soft melodies, but with a "rockier", stripped down guitar influenced sound, like we haven't heard that from Lana before. Nothing groundbreaking (and with a touch of heavy beats on some tracks so: reminiscent of Born To Die and Lust for Life too). Also it's a fucking acoustic album, this is literally the musical equivalent to the Miranda Priestly quote "Florals for Spring? Groundbreaking..." It's a good album, but to act as if Lana is re-inventing a whole genre or venturing into unknown territory is fucking laughable.
  16. Agree, there are people ready to jump of both sides of the fence, and I'm at peace with that. I'd much rather have lively (but civilized) discussions about our likes and dislikes, than feeling like this community is just dead.
  17. You like both albums, yet you mock the stans. Alright. Also, aren't you the stan that was going on tangents yesterday and had this whole theory about Lana being held captive in Interscope's basement? Not saying you're delusional... but that was a delusional moment.
  18. noah fence but has Lana delivered vocals after Ultraviolence?
  19. Agree, but sometimes as a producer don't you put your feet down and try to make a point for the betterment of the project you're working on? I mean I very much imagine Lana being a bit stubborn in the studio and wanting things to work her way, and from what I head she had fights while working on Ultraviolence because I imagine Dan Auerbach being as equally stubborn... and look how it turned out to be? For NFR I feel like both of them were feeling going for this "quality", so I blame the both of them (but Jack I blame you the most).
  20. Honestly it's just hilarious how you're always using Honeymoon and Ultraviolence as some sort of leverage to make something that NFR is not. Which also begs the question, if you don't like these albums all that much, what's got you into Lana, sorry but like you jumped from Born To Die right to L*st for Life? Norman Fucking Rockwell is a cute album, but it ain't aaall it. We all know that if Lana was not at the receiving end of all that hatred in the beginning of her career she would've had critical acclaims after critical acclaims, and THAT is a fact.
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