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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. That's some great wishful thinking! I agree the album as a much more organic sound than its predecessor, but this is not the type of sound that I like personally speaking. I don't actually think that the album as that top notch quality like you said, it for sure sounds more "natural" or organic like we both said, but as it turns out it sounds quite flat to my taste. There's a lack in depth I think. It just sounds flat to me, it lacks bass or percussions, also the vocal tracks on a lot of songs suffer from that too. The vocals on most track feel like they were poorly recorded and it does sound to me like they were compressed as well (cue to Lana's high note when she sings the "you" in the second pre-verse of the title track, as matter of fact the whole track was poorly recorded). To me Honeymoon has a better sound, I've listened to all her albums on FLAC, CDs, Streaming and Vinyl, and Honeymoon has just the best sound out of all her albums, it sounds clear, it's balanced and extremely lush (maybe to the exception of High By The Beach and Freak), but as for the rest, it's crystal clear. I just don't hear that on NFR, but to each their own I suppose.
  2. Very curious what your experiences are like, seeing Lana several times for the same tour, but also seeing a lot of familiar faces in the audience. Do you interact a lot with people waiting in line, are people rude/nice/annoying?
  3. Agree, looking back now, I feel like Lust for Life never existed, like Love came on shuffle the other day and I was confused for a moment, then I remembered what song it was, this entire album fell into complete oblivion to me. I honestly expect NFR to follow this path too. Like it's been what two months since its release? The only song I actually listen to every other day is the title track, and sometimes once every blue moon I'll listen to The greatest, but that's about it. Such a forgettable record. The accolades on NFR are the cherry on top to me, like imagine being this interesting and polarizing artist and for years you get little to no media coverage, but when you do it's because you said something "controversial" or that people are out to bash your newly released album (because yOu ArE nOt AuThEnTiC !!1!). Now all of a sudden you get this weird round of applause from the very same people that "hated" you all along, basically praising you for releasing what is your most subdued and least "controversial" album thus far. NFR is the joke that keeps on giving for me.
  4. The first time ever I listened to NFR was on FLAC files, can't get any "better" than that, and it sounded unfinished and tinny. To each their own, but to me, NFR lacks depth, it sounds like I'm listening to Demos or like the unfinished version of an album. Some of fans here like the "organic"/unfinished approach on NFR. But personally, I don't. I don't mean to sound pretentious, but it sounds hella iffy to the audiophile that I am.
  5. at 2:02 "cause we do a two hour soundcheck before each show" Sorry but I have to laugh, this bitch barely stays on stage for an hour and fifteen minutes. Her fucking mind.
  6. I mean I do not particularly enjoy High By The Beach and Freak all that much, but in no way do they make me enjoy the album less, only two skips. Whereas Lust for Life and Norman Fucking Rockwell!... a collection of skips.
  7. Surprise, surprise. I have honestly not been into a Lana album from start to finish after Honeymoon. Not to say that I don't like songs on both Lust for Life and NFR!, but there are just elements on both albums that make me not enjoy them to the fullest. Mainly the lyricism and trap beats on LFL and the horrendous production/mastering on NFR!.
  8. But that's the thing though... I felt like the musical outros on NFR! were kinda weak. Like in The greatest, it was weak to me, just lonesome piano notes? On Venice Bitch the musical interlude/outro makes up for more than half of the song, and it felt unnecessary long to me almost corny. I know this is an unpopular opinion, I know a lot of fans now revere VB has one of her best track, but to me it's a cute song, but just because it's 10 minutes long, doesn't make me think it's revolutionary for Lana as the instrumentation is very random in it. Also, Cinnamon Girl, that outro was very anticlimatic to me, same for How to disappear (but that goes for the entire song too). I would definitely love her to get more bridges on WHF in lieu of these musical outros, but to each their own I guess.
  9. True. But at the same time the vast majority of songs on Honeymoon had bridges and it remains her most complete album too. Lyrically, or from a a song construction perspective, I find that there's something missing on a lot of tracks on NFR! (aside from the production/mastering). For instance, to me, California ends too abruptly, or like Hope is just very repetitive and drags on for way too long. The Next Best American Record, imho, despite not being as good as the demo version, is probably the most complete song lyrically on this record, and you know why? *Bridge* She and Jack definitely traded bridges for long musical outros on this record, I felt as though it was completely unnecessary at times, felt like kind of a drag to me personally. For White Hot Forever (LDR6, LP6 (?)), I hope she has a completely different approach to making music than what she had on NFR!.
  10. Oh please Lana make this happen! Send Jackoff take a long walk by the beach while you're at it.
  11. Very smart indeed. We stan a forgetful Kween!
  12. Totally agree! It's not to say that I don't like it, it's just not my favourite, but definitely a step above the other videos I've mentioned. Knowing Lana I have a feeling we won't get other videos, let alone a single video, for this album/era.
  13. Just knowing there was other footage that was made for Ultraviolence makes the official video look extremely lackluster to me. Doesn't work for me unfortunately. Cute but boring I guess? Half of these are pre-Chuck but somehow look post-Chuck Francesco and Chuck are cosmically related confirmed.
  14. like what is she doing to do? like is she like going to like read like a Christmas story like?
  15. Ultraviolence, Honeymoon, MAC and Venice Bitch are all extremely forgettable.
  16. Damn, California...chill. Calm down, it's not that deep, sis.
  17. As predicted this album will no longer be titled Wet Hot American Summer. Shocked and upset.
  18. I don't know if these count as lies, but they are certainly deceptive from her part. Here's the exhaustive list of the music videos we were supposed to get: Ultraviolence (pre Freak, and pre pre that cheap-ass video filmed by Italian Sausage) Pretty When You Cry Black Beauty Honeymoon (Officially that is) Art Deco (to be fair she only mentioned it once at a show after, you guessed it, she sang the song acapella ) Best American Record (before she yet again re-purposed footage for White Mustank) Cherry Get Free I might've missed some songs with the amount of unseen footage Lana shoots I wouldn't be surprised. I honestly expect that triple video to be added to this list very soon, once she yet again push her most recent record under the rush to make "place" for the next thing. Oh Lanz.
  19. Welcome to LanaBoards, if you don't like an album you're a "Stupid bitch". Simple as that, no explanation, did I get it right?
  20. Not just on streaming services though, on CD, FLAC files and even on Vinyl this album just has this sort of muffled/flat and tinny tone about it. The production/mastering process of this record gives me anxiety.
  21. Oh wow people on this fucking website, why do you guys feel so damn threated by fucking Opinions?! You literally have nothing better to do or say, no better arguments, just "Stupid bitch" like???
  22. That's what I thought too! Who tf wears black for Xmas special though...
  23. I'm sorry Ma'am, but I won't take this bitch seriously. He disregarded/overlooked her entire discography up until she released her most subued record (much like all these so called critics that now claim to revere the musical genius Lana is/has become? ), the one on which she sounds less like "Lana Del Rey", probably why he likes it so much though. Anyway, Fantino Rice can rot.
  24. The festival tour in 2016 had "Full Moon" as an intro, which was pretty cool too!
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