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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. Well I was just trusting queen lana to be able to make 12-17 songs of a coherently high quality, it's sad how little faith you have. FOAR SHAME!
  2. I know this is just wishful thinking on your part but thank you, you have given me a dim ray of hope for the next few weeks until the record comes out.
  3. Damn I was hoping it was a rumour, UV should have at least 14 songs on it.
  4. Can anyone send me the part of the interview where it says there will only be 11 tracks on the record? So far I've not seen any evidence that there is a reliable source behind this claim and I have trust issues.
  5. Confirmed tracks: West Coast Cruel World Possible tracks: Money, Power and Glory Trans-AM (remember that?... So long ago!)
  6. I swear every time I say something this whole forum halts for like nine hours. Did everybody just suddenly get a life while I was gone?
  7. Guys does anyone know where I could find a full translation of that magazine article, my french isn't so good. (:
  8. So apparently the magazine says UV is due the end of June, could anyone send me a link to a full translation or anything?
  9. Umm... I'm sorry, you make music? Wow, well I had no idea I was in an online fight with a FAMOUS SINGER!
  10. Umm... I'm sorry, you make music? Wow, well I had no idea I was in an online fight with a FAMOUS SINGER!
  11. I got it from the way they said "just" got two new titles... I mean WC was announced back early April and CW isn't exactly fresh news either, so the word "just" led me to assume there was some big news I had yet to hear. And also calm your fucking language. Like damn...
  12. I did watch one of her Coachella performances on YouTube... She's come so far since SNL
  13. I wish she'd give an exact date but I suppose this story implies it'll come over the weekend... Was she any good? The singing I mean?
  14. Ugh!!! We already have two songs from UV why does this album feel 1000 miles away? If we don't get the west coast vid sometime over the next three days I'm gonna
  15. A lot of great artists are insecure about there work, it's a shame really 'cause this means if we ever do get AKA it'll be a remastered version, walkie talkies replacing guns and whatnot.
  16. I live in the uk and noticed that after the radio mix came out my preorder of West Coast had been cancelled and I had to do it all over again. I hope We're not getting that stupid radio mix... I nearly killed myself after hearing the official version of dark paradise, I can't go through that again.
  17. FML I just looked at my calendar, way back in February I marked today as ULTRAVIOLENCE... :rip: Not making the same mistake with June 2nd
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