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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Ultraviolence vs Black Beauty
  2. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Oh jees! Ultraviolence (cause it's new) vs Gods And Monsters
  3. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games vs Ultraviolence
  4. Ok. I really hate being the negative one, but after thinking about it, I doubt this record is going to be a smash with the critics. I just read an article where this "journalist" described the concert in Vancouver. He started talking pretty positively about some of the other acts, then he went on to Lana and started talking about how her name isn't really Lana Del Rey (for those of us who didn't know) Of course, he used the obligatory SNL story to fill up about a third of the article. The whole thing was extremely unprofessional but I mean, do any of us really think it'll get better? If anything it might get worse, people will talk about how she's a bad role model and romanticises domestic violence (even if Eminem, a fucking MAN sings about beating + killing woman, yet critics excuse him because "he's not really being serious, sexist values right there for ya')
  5. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Brooklyn Baby vs Shades Of Cool
  6. My mind went blank when I saw the seals. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J8xoJg0N598
  7. Well looking over you're certainly right you haven't called anyone wrong[i/] and perhaps I did get a little bossy, mainly just cause I'm a stan trying to defend my fave from a "hater" (or in this case someone with slightly negative opinions about them) but I mean if you don't like it, for the sake of those who are[i/] excited, you could try toning it down slightly if you wanted to. Even if you haven't enjoyed some of the new material so far. Not telling you what to do, your opinion is is your opinion. I'm not trying to get into a fight or anything but tell me. Do you really dislike all the tracks so far. Ultraviolence, Shades Of Cool, Brooklyn Baby, West Coast?Cause so far the only example you've given is Brooklyn Baby. Just a genuine question. Edit: messed up the italics,
  8. Ok so I haven't really been a member of this site for too long but I think it's fair to say that this is the exact same reaction you had to the paradise snippets, right? "Like an American, oh ooh oh oh oh oh ooh oh oooh, like an American" "My pussy tastes like pepsi cola, my eyes are wide like cherry pies" " I sing the body electric, I'm on fire sing that body electric" "I was an angel, looking to get fucked hard... Fuck yeah, give it to me" I don't know... Bel Air and Yayo are pretty flawless lyrically so I'll stop there. My point being the chorus usually sounds pretty dumb and repetitive on it's own, for any respectable singer. Maybe this won't change your mind but if you do hate uv in it's entirety well then, ok, see ya'! But please, if you do dislike it, then just don't talk about it here, or at the very least constructive critisism only, I don't want each thread filled with ex-fans saying "ughh I hate Lana now, her lyrics aren't insightful and her production isn't "whimsical" enough" That being said I will agree Lana has definitly made an odd evolution as an artist, most likely because she's listening to much to the critics and trying to impress them rather than her fans. If this era produces music you'd rather not listen to then I'd understand your dissapointment but it just seems selfish to try to bum the rest of us out when we're getting all hyped and trying to diminish our opinions by saying "no your wrong, this is shit" M'kay? ... M'kay then.
  9. Oh I get that. First time I heard Hollywood I was reading a nancy drew novel (no particular reason... ) Now THAT of all songs remonds me of dusty old kid's mystery books. My exams end a week before UV so I guess I'm lucky, or maybe not In that I'll be super thirsty all the way through, I may be distracted one day cause Lana releases Brooklyn Baby or Cruel World *fingers crossed* while I'm meant to be studying. So yeah, depends on how u look at things.
  10. Yeah, sure Don't pretend you have the willpower to ignore Lana for a whole TWO DAYS. None of us do. This whole waiting procces would be so much easier if i listended to someone awful like kreayshawn.
  11. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Kill Kill vs Ultraviolence
  12. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    National Anthem (album) vs National Anthem (demoo)
  13. Or if he kills someone and is put on death row. Anyway Cola is about Barrie, sorta... or at least she uses his description of her pussy in that song (I still find it hilarious how casually she answers that question) ...
  14. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Without You vs Shades Of Cool
  15. I actually think some of these lyrics are on par with songs like Get Drunk or Kill Kill etc. a level of emotional impact her music hasn't had on me since I first heard Video Games. Not to diss the rest of BTD, still the best record of 2012 (mainly just cause the first few songs are so good the second half of the album could have just been Lana queefing pepsi scented farts into the microphone and it would still be one of the best albums I ever heard)
  16. Fingers crossed this'll come with my West Coast preorder. Finnaly this era is getting back on track!
  17. Wait I didn't think it was out yet what the hell? What the fuck is happening? Oh God I can't take this.
  18. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Fucked My Way Up To The Top vs Brooklyn Baby
  19. Give it to me, give it to me, everything, you know how I like my world on a string.
  20. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Us Against The World
  21. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Gods And Monsters
  22. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Off To The Races
  23. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Teenage wasteland vs pin up galore
  24. Oh well then your obviously not trying hard enough! And I went to all that trouble trying to be dislikable!
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