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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. FMWUTTT would never work as a single and G&R is just god awful but besides that I agree with u on those choices for singles. I love Ultraviolence, right now it ties with AKA as my favourite albums ever. One issue I do have is the reverb on Cruel World is just too fucking much. It really hurts my ears and sometimes I have to skip over it when I'm listening in the car cause it just gives me a headache, which is a shame cause the song itself is great. I wonder where Lana's gonna go from here especially considering the critic's reaction to this record, UV's gonna be a tough act to follow.
  2. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Off To The Races vs. Pin Up Galore
  3. On how she wants people to hear lyrics like "he hurt me and it felt like true love": "I just don't want them to hear it at all," she says. "I'm very selfish. I make everything for me, kind of. I mean, every little thing, down to the guitar and the drums. It's just for me… I don't want them to hear it and think about it. It's none of their business!"
  4. What does this actually say? I can't find a bigger picture online
  5. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Pretty When You Cry Vs River Road
  6. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    National Anthem Vs Sad Girl
  7. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Angels Forever Vs National Anthem Angels Forever Vs National Anthem
  8. Priscilla emerged from the white marble spanish dungeons in the shortest skirt she could find in her closet, the denim material latching onto her bronzed legs like a second layer of skin. She raised one leg over the car door and planted it on the leather seats of Paulo's topless Lamborghini then slowly attempted to climb over the door. Paulo liked to think of himself as a gentleman, but could not help but sneak a glance as the young maiden practically did the splits in his face. Oh, what a view, right then and there Paulo knew he wanted to keep this fine woman for himself until the end of time. They would buy a cat, together, call it Chalksey, oh Paulo loved cats, and he just knew she did too. Every night, as the cat would lick itself clean in it's basket as Priscilla fell asleep in Paulo's caramel shaded arms, dreaming of her future with him, he would drink milk out of his hands, as it dripped from his sleeping beauty, slurp it up and perform his experiment. It was an experiment he had always wanted to perform, but believed would only truly work when he was fully fulfilled, when he had accomplished all goals he sought after, namely his fair maiden Priscilla. He would slurp the milk, not moving his tongue, just letting it course down his throat like a clear stream, and see which experience, the quenched thirst, or the taste, was faster acting. Then, when he had found all he needed, when he was finally living in suitable contention, would he discover the outcome to this trivial test. The next morning, as Priscilla's glistening teeth severed through dark brown toast and butter, sitting there, a casual beaut in her dark purple gown and stripy night frock, as Chalksey groomed himself in the discreet and charming way Paulo was accustomed to, Paulo would grin, look up at Priscilla, now also with a grin on her face, and say: "I drank your milk last night!" And Priscilla would explode. Explode into fits of uncontrollable laughter, leaning back on her chair and cackling like a creaky door slamming shut. She would bang her fist on the table in expression of her utter disbelief and amusement. The warm coffee would fall off the table and land on poor Chalksey, who would screech and run frantically from side to side, as though searching frantically for the happiness Paulo and Priscilla had found together, the both of them howling with laughter like wolves. And here it was beginning, as Paulo cast his eyes upon the promised land. It was calm, everything in place and nothing moving. When suddenly, a small slit, just above the one Paulo had been paying most attention to, it opened, it seemed to stretch out like a forced polite smile at a dinner party. Out gushed the most grotesque noise, and for a brief second Paulo saw it, a long brown, snake shaped creature, pushing itself through the slit like a prisoner desperately attempting escape before his tomb was sealed. Then, as if all muscles had died at once, the slit came open and the small brown creature emerged gingerly, like a butterfly cautiously returning to the light of day after it's transformation. As it was for the most part out, it hung for a few second, hung like a brown tail from Priscilla's behind, which seemed unable to say it's goodbyes with the faeces, then drop it into the open world, or rather Paulo's leather car seats, then finally it did. It sat there, and Priscilla swiftly pulled her leg out of the car and tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the chunky lump of brown on her dashing escorts' car seat. Paulo, immediately filled with regret and a sense that all hope for his future with the girl had gone, swiftly acted to undo this fate altering turn of events, bent down over the poo and ate it up. This did not in anyway help the situation. Priscilla, now standing in awe as her ever mutating shock lead her to the conclusion that Paulo had eaten her poo to embarrass her, ran off humiliated and furious. She hurried into her tomb and, in her state, forgot to be careful as she approached the temple stairs, tripping down them as children roll down hills. Unfortunately the poor girl did not land as safely as most children do when playing that game, and her neck was broken in the fall. Paulo drove off in a daze. "Well... There's 25 bucks I'll never see again" He sighed, couching up chunks of poo as he did.
  9. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs Brooklyn Baby
  10. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Yayo vs Get Drunk
  11. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Kill Kill vs Born To Die
  12. And the song was so erotic and orgasmifying that whoever listened to it grew huge pepsi-flavoured vaginas all over their body, the song was soon acquired by the government who used it as their secret weapon in the war of the worlds against gangsta prime.
  13. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Trash Magic vs Cruel World
  14. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Shades Of Cool vs Trash Magic
  15. Whats ironic is that people always complain about how manufactered and fake Lana is, when most singers are told exactly what to say in interviews and how to respond to questions. It is obvious no one's ever given Lana any insight on how to talk to interviewers, and when she says something that can come across as stupid or insipid, it's really just because she's being herself. She's the most real and relatable artist out their because she doesn't really fit in with any crowd, and sometimes she slips up and people give her shit about it. People always say "she's so fake she's just saying she wants to die to promote her shit music!" but people have made up ridiculous rumours about her online, she has no control over any of it and can't explain to people how untrue and hurtful these rumours are. From her perspective it must feel like the whole world hates her, I can understand her being unhappy. Like I said she's very real in her interviews, and she really does come across as a very lonely and confused woman.
  16. Like when she talked about starting and ending her next record with stacked accapellas or whatever it was, it's a shame that never happened really
  17. She's probably eager to make new music now cause of the good reception to UV. This'll probably be some kind of EP not a whole new album (if she is seriously making this record )
  18. I knew Lorde would sneak her way into this eventually. God she gets under my skin. Also, this isn't her fault, but I hate how people always accuse Lana of having "ghost writers" and barely contributing to any of her songs, and people praise Lorde as the voice of a generation, completely ignoring the fact that she has co-writers on every track on her album.
  19. Who the fuck is Sky and what the fuck does she have to do with ANY of this. I get why the Cobain girl spoke up, and what she said was reasonable and fair. But Sky just butts in like an attention whore and starts talking about how she's never done heroine. Like just fuck off you're not gonna say anything 100 idiots haven't said before.
  20. One of the comments: "what a vacuous theistic moron, with a weak voice to boot. I'm sure she'll make a ton of money for the men who chart her course, I greatly look forward to ignoring here entire output, and encouraging others to as well." Ignoring her output by listening to all her radio interviews and leaving nasty comments on them to make it clear that you just wasted your time listening to that interview because you hate Lana as a singer and a person and are looking forward to ignoring her output. God sometimes I just wish these assholes would find a singer they DO enjoy listening to. In fact I put money on him being a Lorde fan
  21. See, that's not how you're supposed to reply to someone that's given a respectable reply to your argument, it makes you seem petulant and idiotic. Goodbye now.
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