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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. I'm confident about most of the tracklist, but honestly the title sad girl is worrying me. It's either going to turn out being a standout on the album or a melodramatic "I miss you, life sucks" ballad like the official version of Dark Paradise (I know a lot of people like it but personally I don't think it's that great) I'm intrigued about shades of cool, the title is different to anything from Lana before as far as I can remember. I picture it as get drunk 2.0
  2. Kathi said: "I WONDER WHO SHE HAD TO SUCK OFF TO GET AN ALBUM SINCE SHE CAN'T SING" Hold up, bitch was in her 50's? Lana's reply was classic, but it does sort of take the honesty out of her reply in that U tube vid somewhere where she says she wouldn't say anything to the haters... ...I guess she changed her mind.
  3. In OTTR I used to hear: "but I thrust in, because maybe I'm a whore" And in NA: "shuka shuka how now, shave my legs down down"
  4. I accidentally posted before finishing what I typed...
  5. Ok fine good point but it's just disappointing, I'm a hardcore fan and I just don't like it, which is a shame.
  6. Well maybe not clever but interesting, it may not have much going on but it still pulls your focus, whereas that pic of lana GETTING OUT OF A FUCKING CAR feels like the sort of cover a casual shopper wouldn't notice amongst a sea of vibrant album covers.
  7. Yes but that was clever ... This is just lana getting out of a car
  8. except the BTW cover is interesting ... This is lana getting out of a car...
  9. IDK... I'm not feeling "sonic monster" from this. If you ask me it looks awful. Oh well, I could always remove it from the CD case and make myself a cover using that cigaret photo. I didn't like the BTD cover either, it never grew on me I just didn't care after a while.
  10. According to that french article it's about a virulent love, but I'm not even sure what they mean by that.
  11. It's a little creepy listening to her sing about her "old man" in off to the races while thinking that her dad is still around and probably listens to the album all the time. And how do you think he felt when he saw the ride video?
  12. I mean it's pretty obvious that she likes Mountain Dew, that's basically all she said. But with a two minute interview I'd much rather hear important news about the new record than answers to questions probably asked sometime in the middle of BTD's promotion. I mean she is promoting the new album in this interview isn't she? Or what the hell is she up to?
  13. This is a lot better than the actual cover IMO, some people call it try-hard, but the actual cover doesn't even try at all, it's just bland and directionless. Oh I'm sorry I mean "natural". Just my opinion, if you guys like it then fine but it's not my thing and I don't think it's gonna grow on me.
  14. I wish that idiot had the sense to ask about UV. Who the fuck cares about the origins to the title of Diet Mountain Dew? Pointless interview
  15. I'm hoping she uses the dark picture with the cigaret in her mouth, It doesn't matter much to me, but I personally prefer that one.
  16. Is June 13th the official date for sure? I don't know how long I can think about what these songs sound like without hearing them.
  17. Guns And Roses sounds like my sort of song.
  18. Funnily enough I was familiar with all the songs Lana covered before she covered them. All three of them. Wow I have such taste. The covers usually sound great, but I'd prefer if she put them all in one record as a cover record rather than mixing them in with her own original material. When she creates an original record it should all be original Lana, a set full of tracks written by her so that each record is purely her own creation. If she does put a cover on UV that's fine, I'll probably love it but even if it's beautiful in a way it's just filler, she didn't write it or anything, she put as much effort into that song as Rihanna does her entire discography (none)
  19. But with the records we get the whole production, with the cover photo, the critics' reaction (let's see if UV is as widely hated as BTD) and the music videos (but I've let go of my high hopes for the videos for the other singles after the West Coast video, which didn't really impress me) Anyway, don't pretend you haven't cried yourself to sleep every night since she announced UV.
  20. Honestly I'd be happy for her to release covers, but not mixed in with her own material. She should do a record specifically for the covers (summer wine and Chelsea hotel included) We've waited a fucking eternity for this record, Lana, why would we want to hear a song that we could already hear before you released UV?
  21. FEEL ALIVE~ Got A Light In Your Eyes Remember The Days Hands All Over Me Tattoos, They Were Glistenin' You And The Sun Give Heaven A Try God's Favourite Child Look Into My Mind Set My Soul On Fire
  22. Some people got so crazy in the UV thread
  23. They're gone, all of them. We disposed of them all and there's nothing you can do.
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