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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    This is what makes us girls vs Last Girl On Earth
  2. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Cruel World vs. A Star For Nick
  3. @@FormerLanaFan I am sorry for bringing your daughter into this. That was unnecessary and I apologise. I would respond to some other comments in your reply that I disagree with but I don't have the energy and you already said you weren't going to reply again so it'd be stupid to assess your other statements in any detail. Goodbye Forever.
  4. They spend all day trashing a woman they've never met to prove they're smart and they call her a bore? Also Some others critisised her for only wanting to talk about herself. What a pathetic attempt at hate. I mean at least the others put some effort into their hate, it's an interview you dumbass she's answering the journalists questions. I swear to God sometimes we're the only sane people left on earth.
  5. @@FormerLanaFan I can still taste puke in my mouth after having read your previous comments. It's sickening that you try to excuse your basic slut shaming as moral guidance. We're living in the 21st century, women shouldn't be made to feel morally inept because they occasionally have consenting casual sex. They certainly shouldn't be labelled whores. You, as a father and husband, should be more mature than that. I also find it reprehensible that you have the audacity to blame our outrage at your comments on our own youthful sex-drive. You have a daughter for God's sakes, she shouldn't have to worry about you disowning her should she choose to live a healthy sex life.
  6. Roses, Bel Air, take me there, I've been waiting to meet you. Palm trees in the light, I can see, late at night. Darling, I'm waiting to greet you, Dumb meanie baby
  7. I've noticed that to me every song on the album sounds like a closer. Like each one has this... conclusive feel to it. Know what I mean? This whole album sounds like the insane final lullaby someone sings before jumping off a bridge. I hate when people say "I want (lana song) to play at my funeral" but honestly I feel like most of her songs are perfect for that. Most of them are written to honour ended relationships, so I guess they could work just as well to sum up a person's life in general.
  8. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Your Band Is All The Rage vs. Pin Up Galore
  9. I'm sorry what the fuck is happening to this thread?
  10. Is no one else laughing their asses off that one fucking magazine article led someone to abandon their appreciation of an artists discography entirely? And they actually changed their name to "FormerLanaFan"... Is this a fucking joke? Maybe they just got frustrated when we all attacked them and decided to stage their own dissillusionment so that they could leave...
  11. I always thought Lana was a little out if Barrie's league. The new guy is pretty good looking but he probably isn't a great singer. Barrie's music is awesome. Is that song "I see her smiling" an original from him? Will it be on his album?
  12. Yes but there's a difference between deciding if you suspect someone is gay and suspecting someone to have a form of mental illness/personality disorder. I wasn't aiming my comment directly at you but rather people who in the past have defended Lana against these sort of accusations. I know a lot of you like the RS interview but come on, the way she stormed out was kinda silly. She has said and done things in some recent interviews that are kinda hard to defend. Then again, as I said she is just coming out of a very serious relationship. My point is this is the most mature, level headed and normal Lana has been in quite awhile, what exactly in this interview could lead someone who defended Lana against her "I wish I was dead" controversy to suspect the woman has a personality disorder?
  13. I hate how Lana's starting to talk and act more like a normal, responsible and mature human being, and you guys who were all for her wanting to kill herself and acting like a tantrum-prone three year old in all her interviews start criticising her for her perfectly normal and healthy sex life. Plus I' m pretty sure that whole "I slept with a lot of guys in the industry" was a joke. Guys, she's just getting out of a 3 year relationship, if you seriously think what she's saying is abnormal then it's likely because she's still coming to terms with their breakup. It's kind of hilarious how you guys are suggesting Lana has sone sort of personality disorder... because you notice her behaving and talking irrationally. Seriously guys. Just look at yourselves.
  14. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Trash Magic vs. Elvis
  15. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Mermaid Motel vs. The Man I Love
  16. I mean, in my opinion, Lana's getting better with each new record. I'm not saying any song on UV is as good as Video Games (cause in my opinion she won't EVER have a song as brilliant as that... and doesn't need to) but can anyone here honestly say they didn't hate or dislike ANY of the songs on BTD/PARADISE? I hate Dark Paradise (luv the demo tho) and I know people here dislike DMD, MDM, or Carmen. And if you seriously love each track on BTD then you're most likely one of those PARADISE haters. My point is you're probably looking back a little too fondly on the BTD era. If you really analyse it I promise a lot of you will realise you like UV just as much if not more. As for her commercial success, well UV did pretty fantastic for such an alternative style record. I can't really tell wether that's just because people love the album itself or it's just down to idiots looking for another summertime sadness remix but I guess we'll see whenever she chooses to release her next album. I honestly don't care as long as I like it and she's happy with it.
  17. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Florida Kilos vs Ride
  18. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Florida Kilos vs Catch & Release
  19. :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:
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