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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Brooklyn Baby vs Off To The Races
  2. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood vs Brooklyn Baby
  3. @@User14 Mediocre vocalist? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrgk60YRtxo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NGDfp-1alKA https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ckKRXNmJho Mediocre lyricist? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WIvYpa2St8g https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BqjWFFrHMBQ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rJABBmAMXnY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=esBJY00xQz0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHS5C0RKa8A https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XC6g_wHjGss https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GyCIlIBj9A0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Py_-3di1yx0 Good riddance
  4. Ugh, Riverside and Last Song better be fucking phenomenal to follow this up
  5. Can someone PLEASE teach me how to embed videos? Like I know how to copy and paste a link but is there like some kind of code or something?
  6. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/3814-ultraviolence-pre-release-thread/# Can't remember exactly what page but I think around 200 pages in the whole thread turned into a troll fest and and imploded on itself Were you not around back then? ...those were dark, dark times
  7. Is there a preorder on itunes? I'm from the UK and if this is as messy as the West Coast release I'm gonna stab a bitch
  8. Well I hate to post three times in a row, but apparently no one can think of anything relevant to the topic, so I'll get us started. Well, I'm starting to really anticipate Lana's idea of "surrealist" lyrics. I often see you guys saying that she'll never sing about anything but romance, men, etc. but I mean a lot of songs from AKA are very surrealist in style and theme. Particularly Oh Say Can You See (an absouloute gem from the Lizzy era) and if we get an album of songs of that lyrical quality I might just die. Other examples of Lana's surreal theme: For K Pt. 2 Gramma Mermaid Motel So yeah, in other words I'm still desperate for a comeback of SURF NOIR. I know so far her statements on the record haven't sounded the slightest bit similar to AKA (but Raise Me Up IS kinda "orchestral grunge") but I mean the fact is with how unpredictable Lana can be my guess is probably as good as hers
  9. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    AFFA Vs Off To The Races
  10. Are you referring to me? For one thing, the whole reason this argument started was when you insisted UV was "Not that great of an album" In a thread not at all related to UV You said this after @@ilovetati said something about wishing for an era with the musical style of UV with the aesthetic style of BTD (big budget videos, etc.) In short, you took a post both relevant to the thread's subject and respectful of all other opinions, and replied with a rude statement about something entirely subjective. I was offended by your insinuation that an album I liked was bad, especially considering the inappropriate venue you choose to express this opinion (this is the HONEYMOON thread) And so I replied by saying that as someone that likes that LP I thought your post was annoying and irrelevant. I was hoping that the discussion would end there. Apparently you're too stubborn to admit that as the individual that instigated this irrelevant discussion it's your responsibility to acknowledge what you said was offensive and unnecessary. Surprisingly enough, I'm a fan of BTD too, I was a member of this forum before UV came out, I just prefer UV because I find it a more consistent record. I didn't feel the need to mention my opinion in this thread until you started spouting off about how UV was a bad album. In the context of this thread this makes as much sense as me mentioning my aversion to Lady GaGa. More then that, it's like me saying that Lady GaGa is a bad artist and that her music is tasteless when I'm aware there are many fans of her music reading this thread right now. I like UV, you prefer BTD. THIS IS THE HONEYMOON THREAD
  11. Not sure if someone's already mentioned this song but Some Velvet Morning would be brilliant (especially a duet with Barrie, but yeah that all depends on the conditions of their breakup) "It Don't Hurt Anymore" by Hank Thompson Also I would LOVE a Lana christmas collection: White Christmas I'll Be Home For Christmas Winter Wonderland Let It Snow Blue Christmas Santa's Coming To Town Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Santa Baby Silver Bells The Christmas Song Now that I've gotten thinking about a christmas LP I sorta want Lana to pen her own blood-stained melancholy christmas classic
  12. Remember when Lana first announced UV? Then we had that thread that rapidly spiralled into shit and I started talking about my pet horse Derrick, the one with erectile dysfunction? Yeah, let's not let this thread get to that stage. This community is fragile enough as it is.
  13. I don't get why you have to be so vitriolic regarding Miley's cover. She was paying homage to Lana, not trying to "outdo" her own song. Speaking of live lounge, it seems a lot of you have forgotten Lana's cover of Goodbye Kiss. That was a fucking outstanding live performance. I think the only place she has trouble with live performances is when she's trying to sing over Blake's loud guitar and the obnoxious fan girls in the front row screaming their tits off. When Lana's given a respectfully quiet, calm venue she can actually kill any song (with the obvious exception of her SNL performance but come on it was her first live performance and it was being televised LIVE, that was too much stress to put on someone like her when she was just starting out) Still not sure why we're discussing live performances at all, I thought this was a thread for Lana's new album
  14. I'm confused. That snippet we heard. Was that of a separate song called "falling apart"? Or was that WFL? If they're two different songs, will they both be released on the 20th? Are they both gonna be singles?
  15. I don't think anyone here takes issue with whichever album you prefer. But we needn't discuss UV in this thread at all. I mean it's fine to say something like: "I'd be excited to hear a record similar to BTD" but saying that UV is "not that great of an album" is irrelevant and aggravating. I, for one, think of UV as Lana's best offering yet. Am I, and the many people who share this opinion, supposed to allow you to trash our taste in music without batting an eye? See, now we've degraded this thread into petty arguments about albums not related to the album at hand when all @@ilovetati really did was express affection for both the records in question. None of us wish to constrain your right to express your opinion, but a lot of us are tired of people so constantly flexing this right as if we give a fuck
  16. Make out with James Franco. Would you rather that everyone around you saw you as this perfect, flawless body but you see yourself as horrificly ugly or see yourself as flawless and sexy but everyone around you sees an ugly dog?
  17. It sorta looks like she's trying to hide behind him in front of cameras. I'll agree their relationship seems bizarre (like as far as I know he's never spoken publicly about their relationship and she's barely discussed it either, plus all they seem to do is hang out on the beach or go out to dinner... I don't remember seeing him at the Golden Globes...) idk I just get the feeling if they broke up we'd never even know and he'd just fade into obscurity.
  18. The lyrics in Uv are some of her best. I don't really know what you mean, she can't have started the Paradise EP more than a few months after BTD was released and that record is phenomonal (arguable better than BTD) Lana's on a creative streak right now, I'm not worried at all tbh
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