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Everything posted by AllForYou

  1. AllForYou


    she’s so talented it’s such a shame she’s given up, at the very least why can’t she train the AI on her own artwork instead of using stolen art?
  2. AllForYou


    I stand corrected someone needs to upload these in separate folders, not everyone has starlink internet miss grimes...
  3. AllForYou


    wetransfer is being a rat so it won't let me, I don't think this stempack is anything of note though, I think it's just for her free labour initiative cause you can upload what you make
  4. AllForYou


    I don't think it is, I think she's trying to go with book 2, which is dumb af cause we all know if she does release book 2 first she'll never release book 1 and just make a joke how book 1 is a 'lost piece of media in the AI lore' 3 weeks... do we believe her?
  5. AllForYou


    I really wanted a concept album after Miss A wasn't really the concept album I was expecting and I am regretting wishing that SO much, I fear we may reach new heights of grimes pretentiousness
  6. AllForYou


    you can sign in on desktop, you just need an email, it's just a website with nothing interesting atm, I thought there was a new song but it's just spoken word
  7. AllForYou


    she tweeted: ‘I feel like something abt the way we approach aging is wrong. I feel a lot happier, prettier, more creative in my 30s, more attracted to ppl less autistic. I know technically cells supposed to be starting to die and fertility near end? But doesn't feel that way.’ imo she worded it badly (her second favourite hobby) and missed a comma, I think she meant SHE felt less autistic, which… girl you are in a completely isolated bubble, talk about/work on nothing but your current special interest and don’t have to interact with ‘normal’ people because you can get other people to go shopping for you, you are living the autistic dream rn also I HATE this whole ‘women start to lose their fertility at 30’ shit, not only is is incredibly outdated (the sharp decline in eggs in in a woman’s 40s) the implication is so misogynistic, men’s peak fertility is the same age as women, their sperm starts going downhill too. yet they’re never pressured to go stop their career and pop out a couple of babies ‘before it’s too late’ Grimes I am begging please read a basic biology book and perhaps something on feminism too…
  8. AllForYou


    someone pointed out (not here) that because she left columbia she's probably lying (her favourite hobby) about the songs being 'too old' but she can't release them properly because they're with illangelo (player of games, shinigami eyes)
  9. AllForYou


    grimes what the fuck
  10. AllForYou


    she tweeted something like ‘what’s wrong with smelling like nickels anyway’ and I just
  11. AllForYou


    the first line of the chorus, then she goes back to singing in english she recently ‘revealed’ she has ADHD and tbh I’ve always suspected she’s autistic too, (I’m both so I’m not pulling it out of my ass), elon is autistic too so that’s probably why they get along so well. I don’t want to infantilise her cause she’s spoken on how she hates it (and I hate it when people equate neurodivergence = immaturity) but she’s always struck me as really naive & trusting. I fear she’s got a sunk cost fallacy with elon, that man is got getting off this earth anytime soon, he’s a fraud, a cheat, and a liar. but as much as I don’t want to blame her for what Elon does, I don’t want to let her off the hook as being under ‘elon’s spell’ cause she’s a grown woman with 2 kids
  12. AllForYou


    urgh just read though the Reddit, I didn’t realise she’d gotten so bad (I don’t follow her cause she’s so messy)… anyone got any grimes adjacent musicians that don’t have brain rot?
  13. AllForYou


    agree, also I haven’t looked into it cause I don’t want to log into a random site without any preview but this is just for vocals right? grimes’s production is what I’m interested in, and how she uses her voice just like another instrument. (regardless of her lisp) some of her songs are indecipherable because she doesn’t annunciate or buries her vocals in the mix… but they’re bops this is really embarrassing to admit but until I looked it up I didn’t realise she started singing in french in art angels I thought she was just being grimes
  14. it’s the 4th anniversary of love + fear, and you know what? we loved and we feared
  15. AllForYou


    the lack of live performances doesn't surprise me, she's never really liked it and she's spoken about an unhinged stalker who threatened to murder her had turned up at one of her shows. I'm sure that's probably worse now she's associated with the muskrat & touring won't ever be easy with young children. I think she does like music (she’s making lots, just not releasing it) but she just tries too do so much that is gets overwhelming with her ADHD, she called darq souls an engineering nightmare (that's why it wasn't released) so it wouldn't surprise me if that happens often. I think because her MO is to do it all herself (with the exception of mastering/engineering and some other bits I think) she's dug herself a hole she can't get out of. violence was a bop and she had help with that so if she wants to not do everything herself I'm fine with that I realised I'm probably giving her more credit than she deserves though
  16. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    I'd love it if she did a surprise drop, especially if none of the songs have already been leaked, then maybe we won't have people that have listened to the demos a million times in the run up saying 'it's aged' when it's only been out a week
  17. AllForYou


    The other half of Miss A... why didn't she release it, it was DONE
  18. AllForYou


    I feel like she probably has hundreds if not thousands of unreleased songs stretching back since she first started, though she's lost a lot of them now iirc. it's so annoying that we never get to hear any of them in any capacity
  19. AllForYou


    honestly I used to really give her the benefit of the doubt because she's got kids (like yes she is in a privileged position to be able to afford a nanny to look after them 24/7, but she shouldn't have to do that and potentially miss out on her children's first words/steps etc if she doesn't want to!) but now she's independent and isn't tied to doing a conventional album release, I really don't understand why she can't just put random songs on bandcamp and drop photoshoots (like she does anyway?) and let her fans create her albums for her if her perfectionism is getting in the way people do that with Lana's unreleased in between getting actual albums on a regular basis lol, yes they wouldn't be on spotify/apple music but girl we want literally anything...
  20. that’s not what Jess’ interview made it out to be, but imo it was a case of bad timing and nothing to do with her being pregnant. Marina said during the Q&A where Jess interviewed her she hates being called underrated as it makes her feel like she’s doing something ‘wrong’ and in the same interview Jess was talking about how she goes into meetings like ‘this is the most underrated artist of all time’ so I think Marina’s post-froot ideals didn’t work with Jess
  21. I can see how stan culture could get tiring but the alienation of her fanbase was her biggest mistake, and made the stans worse because ‘she hates us anyway’. (I’m not meaning to sound like I’m victim blaming, that’s what they say) if she kept ‘marina and the diamonds’ and kept up engagement I personally believe she could have weathered L+F but it was too many nails in the coffin and it started the whole era on the wrong foot. I remember when she was going to do a Q&A then had technical difficulties, she didn’t say ‘sorry I’ll try again another day’ she just said nothing for hours (people were waiting up cause they didn’t want to miss it) then deleted the tweet and never said anything. like yes it’s not her responsibility that teenagers in a different timezone were staying up late but y’know, they just wanted to ask her a question, it’s to be expected she based her whole FROOT campaign on her fanbase promoting her album it seems so weird that she either doesn’t seem to know how it works anymore or deliberately ignores it. it’s her hardcore dedicated fans that buy all her merch (like a £20 tiny candle) and vinyls that fund her, not the casual listeners that heard primadonna on TikTok. her fanbase is especially important now she’s independent, I can’t see her paying out for a promotional campaign.
  22. tbh I wonder how much of it is her mental health actually being better vs not wanting to sing about it anymore. it could get a bit re-traumatising, maybe that’s why she’s never sung buy the stars or weeds for example? because there’s not just writing the lyrics which might be quite therapeutic, there’s having to listen to a bunch of demos/mixes about it, and months/years later having to sing it on tour on a nightly basis for weeks and fans always bringing it up/tweeting lyrics at you
  23. I agree, she's admitted in a few interviews she can't write in the same way as she used too, she used to write from somewhere specific and now she writes more generally. personally I would like to see her to move into making 'concept albums' if she doesn't want to touch on her personal life, akin to folklore by taylor or all the gods we can touch by aurora. I don't mean that I want her to don a wig and start playing electra heart again. (although I think electra heart is the type of woman to fake her death, I'm not really sure what marina could actually do with that.) she could just dress up for music videos and the album shoot, as she's touched on how draining becoming and being electra heart was and this would keep it to a minimum. imo she just thrives when she has a concept to work on, and I think that's what was missing with L+F and ADIAML. purge the poison (excluding the verses from her perspective) is a really good example of how well she works when she's using a different lens (mother nature) and ADIAML too.
  24. this is a bit weird considering she tweets like, once a month
  25. in man’s world she mentioned a hotel owned by a sheik that killed thousands of gay men, then proceeded to go to that hotel after the song was released. she posted it to her Instagram with ‘campest hotel in LA’ so she was pretty shameless about it.
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