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  1. kik liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Sigh. The powers of clairvoyance that some people on this board possess is astounding sometimes. I would have thought we were past the point where sexual behaviour wasn't seen as conflicting with loving being around your family, but apparently we've still got a long way to go, baby. 
    Here is an alternative explanation for some of the behaviour that doesn't require pretending to have some insight into the mental processes of somebody who you've never met. 
    Singing, writing, performing, dancing, public relations, mixing with people, taking criticism and being optimistic are all different characteristics or skills. A person can have a few, or all, or none of these, but having one doesn't necessarily mean that you would be expected to have any of the others. To be a pop star, though, you're meant to have all of them, to an extreme degree. Each of us will decide which of them is more important - some people don't think a person should be considered a singer if they can't perform live, others don't care as long as they sound good on record. Some of us don't want to see a singer who can't dance at the same time, others of us don't care. Some of us don't care who a singer treats her fans, others of us really care about how the performer relates to people who like her. But you cannot ascribe a mental iilness to somebody because they are missing a few of these attributes. 
    Even if Lizzy always wanted to be successful, the fact that there are parts of fame that make her miserable don't make her a hypocrite. They just mean that she couldn't see the future (like most of us can't), and the things that she was looking for in being famous came with a higher price than she expected. It's an age old story, and the only artists who manage to get through it are the ones who find a way to ignore all of the bullshit and focus entirely on the creative process. The rest either burn out or overdose or freak out. I'm hoping that the shift in tone in reporting on Lana - from beautiful puppet to worthwhile songwriter and singer - helps her to make the transition, but at this point, anything can happen. 
    The Beatles stopped performing live because they couldn't hear themselves on stage, and because nobody cared about what they sounded like. Maybe Lana will decide that the chance to see the smiles on the people in the front row is not worth all of the bullshit, and she'll stop singing live as well. It's 100% true that some of her songs live are better than others, and some of her shows are better than others, and she has a few decisions to make about performing. But from her perspective, the things that she enjoyed doing - that were her way into the industry - had nothing to do with standing in front of 50,000 fans. They were writing, singing and putting together videos, and all of them could be done in a small room with only a few people around. That's an attitude I can relate to.
    Finally, relationships fall apart for all sorts of reasons, and there is no such thing as the objective truth of why something fucks up. Everybody who has an opinion is either a biased participant, or someone who doesn't know what happened. So when it comes to her time with Barrie and what went wrong, the only reasonable response is to nod and move on, and accept what both of them say about it as their take on it.
  2. kik liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I saw from the comments that many of you liked this interview. For me this overall boring interview is changing something important regarding my perception of her. I’m not sure about anything regarding Lana but I have certain inclinations regarding what I believe about her.
    After this interview I’m definitely inclined to believe that she has some real psychological issues and she has no understanding of the consequences of her public persona on her private live and her psychological well-being.
    I reacted in the past rather forcefully to opinions that she is a pathological liar because I believed that she’s a dreamer exaggerating things a little bit and she just don’t remember certain things accurately from her past especially regarding the time frames.
    Now I believe that she is making up a lot of things because of her psychological problems.
    She has some behavior that suggests towards psychological problems. I think that she suffers from low self-esteem in general but it is very interesting to analyze this regarding to two main aspects: her profession (her singing abilities especially) and her sexuality.
    1. Her stage presence was always something that baffled me. I’m not fond of Gaga or Beyonce type of stage theatrics but Lana behavior on stage was (and it is) simply strange. She’s obviously shy, she creeps on stage, she is incredible nervous, holding desperately the mic, adjusting the position of the mic-cord, she turns her back to the audience to often to talk with her band, she made a habit out of that smoking shtick, she’s taking selfies for 10 min. with the front row, she never does encores etc. Everything is suggesting that she’s uncomfortable on stage. Her mental state it’s so obvious that when I see one of her live videos I always have an uneasy feeling like something not so good will happen. I observed that her live singing it’s uneven: there is some moments when her voice is pure and pitch perfect and some when she’s clearly messing the things up. I think that as soon as she’s on the stage she has to distinct threads running in her head simultaneously: one that is concentrating on her delivery and one that makes her exaggeratedly self-aware for a performer that is making her to feel that something bad will happen. When this latter thread takes over her voice starts to tremble, she looks miserable and she starts to improvise in a defiant and exaggerated manner which is more often bad than good.
    I think that, because she started to sing so late and without proper training, she doubts her own singing abilities. He stated often that she wanted to be mainly a studio singer and she’s uncomfortable on stage.
    2. She exaggerates her sexuality mainly through awkward statements in interviews that are contradicted by some of her observed behaviors: the promiscuous girl fantasy. She had a 3 year long relationship with Barrie and I never heard something serious regarding that she cheated on him. She created me the image of a good girl that fantasizes about being bad. Driving at night on the metro and writing, going to the beach, roller-coasters, and the pictures with her sister and her father hanging out: for a bad baby she’s too much involved with her family, she hangs out too much with her sister which is a very benign being btw. She was involved with WoW players, I know some things about WoW players and they are “bad” online and generally pretty regular people offline.
    “I had a long-term relationship for seven years with someone who was the head of a label”. From what I know she had two labels in her life “5 Point Records” and “Interscope-Polydor”. She was signed in 2007 to 5 Point Records. David Nichtern was the head of the label and David Kahne was the producer and I’m pretty certain that she didn't fucked with these guys and certainly she didn't have a 7 year long relationship with any of them. Maybe she was involved with guys from another label or with lesser guys from 5 Point? Not likely, because we would found something about that online. She fucked around random guys on the open mic circuit for record deals? No. It’s more likely that she invented this “adventures” to match the inner expectations towards the character Lana Del Rey that she fantasized about.
    “I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry”. There are two things that are suggesting that she’s not a in full control of her behaviour: first, is the obvious exaggerated-overtness of the statement which is about admitting publicly to promiscuous behavior. Sexuality it’s a private thing and people in the GP reacts strongly towards these type of statements. And of course the “annoyed that the whoring didn't resulted in record deals” will not be perceived as sarcasm by a large proportion of the GP. Second, is her problem understanding the consequence of this statement on her future inner wellbeing. I remember the student from Duke University who wanted to pay for her tuition with porn money which is a reminder that there is no fresh start after you do or say certain things in public.
    Her alleged promiscuity is just contradicting with her statements about being a good person, helping the community and being with her family.
    I don't know if any of you observed her stiffness when she dances. I don't want to read to much in to it, but this can be a small suggestion that she is not so easy going. Watch her dancing with Mahoney in the SOC video it's totally awkward. Her physicality is more posturing to me than something that would suggest nymphomaniac tendencies.
    I think that Lizzy Grant is in the midst of the psychological chaos created by the adoption of the Lana Del Rey character when she took the decision that Lizzy and Lana are the same person. Lana is a fantasy and Lizzy is just morphing strangely under this façade. There are two outcomes possible: She will become Lana Del Rey or she will melt psychologically at some point and we'll all know it.
  3. kik liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I've written a few novels.  Everyone says they are unmarketable   But I wrote them for me so...
    Still, it's pretty much my only dream in life to get published.
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I used to sit and watch the sea and write shitty poetry. Now I am trying to write my novel... But my emotional/health problems gave me writer's block.
    I'll make it someday, my own books (not short story or poem collections as before).
  5. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    They way she's looking straight at the camera at 0:55... Ouaaaah!!
    I would think Rio is a great place to write, it looks like a very cool and vibrant city! I bought cheap notebooks to carry in my purse yesterday. I always get inspired at the wrong place, at the wrong time and when I get back home to write it down, it's all forgotten. Even simple ideas. Taking notes with my iphone is bad, I prefer the contact of ink and paper. Gotta write that damn book!!
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Nice work LanaBoarders.
    The inspiration behind the Detroit reference in "Guns and Roses"?
    Acceptance. Realistic expectations. Mellow. Dare I say it, shades of cool.
    I'm still somewhat baffled by the fact that her audience is mostly teen and early twenty-something girls and gays. Sometimes I wonder what the demographics would be if BTD hadn't had the hip-hop beats and samples.
  7. kik liked a post in a topic by Neptune-Avenue in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    i think shes been like playfully sarcastic... with a slight undertone of "only if it was that easy lol"  almost as if to say "the least i could have gotten was some musical exposure"     
  8. Bekim liked a post in a topic by kik in Member of the Month (July): Bekim!   
    Peanut butter & porn
  9. kik liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (July): Bekim!   
    I do not know Bekim well but clearly y'all use him so let that be an introduction enough? Lel I'm looking forward to knowing him better through this interview, as I'm sure all of you are. His pictures get lots of likes so let's see if we shatter his image as LB sex symbol or anything. Also drag him for sending me a formatting nightmare!
    Member of the Month (July): Bekim
  10. violentest liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Replace Whitney with Lana in this interview and imagine the results
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  14. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    She is into Gainsbourg and Baez. I knew it!
    Lana is just being Lana. Cut her some slack.
  15. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  16. essiductonto liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  17. timinmass101 liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  18. Valentino liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    If she would shop for a good psychologist instead of a world-renowned clairvoyant, she might find a good one who won't tell her things she already know about herself, but practical everyday life tips, like how not to give a fuck about what other people think because you cannot control what they think and how they perceive things, how to communicate her discomfort, how to assert herself and set her limits regarding what she's comfortable to talk about. In short, how to get out of an uncomfortable situation like a lady.
    To know if the interviewer was mean spirited when asking those personal questions, we can't really tell. We don't have all the conversation and mostly, we can't hear the voice tone and see his eyes. When you get into personal stuff, you have to be extremely tactful, diplomatic, human. Being able to make people at ease and making them open up is a gift.
  19. toshi liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  20. kik liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Dan Auerbach Speaks About "Ultraviolence" Label Issues   
    I was hoping someone would tell me what music I'll be listening to in the future. If someone can tell me what I should have for lunch, I'll be set 
  21. kik liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Movie Discussion Thread   
    I finished watching Laurence Anyways and I Killed my Mother. The director is a genius indeed.
  22. kik liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Ultraviolence Tour Ideas & Possibilities   
    Let's discuss ideas & fantasies we have for this tour here. 
    For example:
    -What do you think the stage will look like?
    -What visuals/videos do you think she would put on stage?
    -What kind of merch would you be willing to buy? (You can make up your own!)
    -Do you think she will still go down to meet fans/meet fans after the shows/have a meet & greet?
    -Do you think her shows will still sell out fast?
    -Do you think crazy fans will actually commit ultraviolent things at the shows?
    -Where would you want Lana to tour? 
    & any other questions you might pose and dreams you want to become reality.
    I'll start off:
    -To be honest, I don't think she'll keep the golden majestic design Lana had on her Paradise tour. I think she might keep the palm trees, but I also think she'll have walls of flowers onstage. Gone are the days of wearing flower crowns, but in its place, there are flower beds & flower kaleidoscopes. Or maybe the stage will just be plain & simple.
    -I really hope that Lana will still go down off the stage to meet her fans in the front & take selfies, sign albums, etc. As much as I'd enjoy the show, I'd be really sad if I waited hours to get barricade & then be unable to give Lana something special. I'm a bit worried that with all the crazy show reports & the still escalating fame, her management might prevent her from greeting us in her super intimate ways.
    -Because of the tone UV set in contrast to BTD, I'd hope that the fans wouldn't be so aggressive as everything I've read. Then again people have gotten into fights during "Young & Beautiful" & apparently people have grinded to "Video Games".
    -As for merch, I wish there'd be signed UV box sets that she'd give out to lucky fans, but seeing as she only did that with the PARADISE box set for select European shows, that'd be unlikely in the US. Also I could imagine Lana having photoshoots of her recent stuff plastered onto T-shirts all over.
    -Finally, I just hope that there won't be an age restriction on any of the shows. I'm almost 18, but making the shows 21+ would not only make me wait longer, it would still possibly mean that the bitchy  really drunk trouble making fans would go to the shows & I'd have to put my claws on them if they still like Lana next year or in 2016. 
  23. kik liked a post in a topic by intensely in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    just had to quote all of this. I read this comic on Ayn Rand today and your comment is extremely apt.
    on the other hand I think it's great she knows how to end things and set strong boundaries. it's not a big deal. Julia Roberts used to walk out of interviews around 20 years ago when questions get invasive and now she is a pro with press and knows how to enforce privacy.
    i've read many a celebrity interview where usually a male journalist will whine about a woman celeb doesn't take his shit and the male journo takes it really personally and runs the woman down. I don't really see this here - instead he comments on her fluctuating moods, and his opinion of her is supposed to be paramount, but she tells him, I am confident...yes! 
  24. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    If she would shop for a good psychologist instead of a world-renowned clairvoyant, she might find a good one who won't tell her things she already know about herself, but practical everyday life tips, like how not to give a fuck about what other people think because you cannot control what they think and how they perceive things, how to communicate her discomfort, how to assert herself and set her limits regarding what she's comfortable to talk about. In short, how to get out of an uncomfortable situation like a lady.
    To know if the interviewer was mean spirited when asking those personal questions, we can't really tell. We don't have all the conversation and mostly, we can't hear the voice tone and see his eyes. When you get into personal stuff, you have to be extremely tactful, diplomatic, human. Being able to make people at ease and making them open up is a gift.
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