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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. ur too much but yeah that article was pretty whatever, but i did think this was an important line it's nice that they kinda opted to debunk the notion that lana grew up with Rob as some huge affluent businessman, thus she was privileged and daddy bought her recording contract. not saying lana grew up dirt poor and she's a rags to riches story, but it's always kind of bothered me when people's number one qualm with ldr is her apparent money.

    Azealia Banks

    defs has death grips influence idk if i'd go so far as to say a rip off bcos death grips is just way more abrasive. interesting for her 2 notice tho.
  3. lanz competing for most problematic fave 2014. rude considering azealia stood up for her.
  4. you want to film-rape lana? that's gettin to true Stan level of stanning
  5. honestly you speak (well type, but you get what i mean) better English than a lot of the people i went to high school with.
  6. what the heck is going on here. i feel too young to see this but i'm 21 so idk man idk also is this what came of those candids of them together from 2012 or w/e?
  7. lookin like 100% chance of snub from where i'm standin
  8. maybe i'm being too critical but i really feel like that in terms of episode structure this season is really falling into a specific formula every ep. like most of the episode is kind of average drama with a very talented cast yet a really dry script, but then there's one really shocking pure horror scene that's always done quite well and kind of saves the episode in a way.
  9. i'm sry it was 6:30am and i p much just rolled over, opened my laptop, refreshed the lanaboards tab and posted
  10. not really imo. the UV review was much more legitimate than the BtD one, but Pitchfork still doesn't consider her a serious artist and are more than happy to fall into the trap of discussing her authenticity or weather she's a feminist.
  11. honestly tho if ryan (i guess we should start calling him ryan now? iunno i rly like saint pepsi for a stage name) just realease a whole album of bops like this i'd be satisfied
  12. w8 pitchfork wrote an article that contained the hash tag #justiceforlana? my my, how the tables have turned
  13. lmao get a load of this guy everyone, he thinks p4k scores mean anything more than pandering to the indie darlings
  14. I'm not too sure on the details tbh. i think it might actually have something to do with Pepsi being trademarked tho
  15. oh at saint pepsi having to change his stage name
  16. waiting for a year in the future when lana exclusively sings weddings and does movie soundtracks. our pop idol who?
  17. i'd like 2 note i think i've only been publicly shut down by you once so i feel ya bruv.
  18. you can still be a fan of an artist and condemn their actions.
  19. so ova eminem. leave him w/ my past 14yo edgy classmates.

    Azealia Banks

    BWET has my #markofapproval
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