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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. awww yeee shout out 2 ata
  2. omggg so jealous of americans rn
  3. i could ship evil and lana tbh. step aside barrie
  4. ya i'm just gonna leave this here, fir future ref
  5. just laughing forever at this tbh. I have never been so invested in a piece of media that I understand so little about. I hope she twerks with the Jesus impersonator
  6. ahhh true. her whole possession was a weird plot tbh
  7. omg no i love cordelia what are you saying ;((( her character development from buffy through to angel was just really great writing.
  8. yeah i feel u. there's been a lot in this season that's kind of like a lot of really cool shit with no explanation of tru meaning, you know?


    this is why ur my wifey, shit like this right here. omg yas raf, glad u enjoyed Triangle


    thank u for tha pity like @@lola


    Following up on my contribution of arists/bands with sexually ambiguous names, i bring to you Crywank, the project of James Clayton. Best described as acoustic lo-fi punk or just sadcore, Crywank has recently put out a new album, Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday And Everything Is Stupid. But before you get to that, James Is Going To Die Soon is where you need to start. samples here's his bandcamp http://crywank.bandcamp.com/ and here's where you should start http://crywank.bandcamp.com/album/james-is-going-to-die-soon if for whatever reason you have no money, PM me for dl links ))
  12. A video has been uploaded by a girl (speculated to be a prostitute) of Justin Bieber sleeping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCpaTwQ8gGM Her twitter has also been found where she recently tweeted top lel
  13. i still have no idea what tropico is gonna be about lmao
  14. omg loving it so far do you happen to have a hq album cover? I'm sure it's been posted on the thread somewhere but i can't find it ;(((
  15. someone photohshop this w/ barrie crying in the corner pls @@Beemo
  16. @@laiadelrey we kind of already have an old thread talking about hair colour so for convenience sake, i'm merging the two ^_^
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