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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. Maybe it's a typically Australian term or perhaps even just amongst my social group but to jump rope is just slang to take drugs. I assumed jump was just a shortened version of that.
  2. When I got desperate for money last year I did some cleaning and babysitting jobs and all of the ones that were guys were usually the hugest creeps. The ads specified **FEMALES ONLY** and when I read that I was like omg i'm gonna get abducted. They were mostly just socially awkward and one guy used to hang around while I cleaned his flat and would be like,"did you clean ______?" "...yeah... you saw..." "did you do it properly?" "...yeah" "you wanna do it again?" at which point i was kind of like OKAY THIS ISN'T COOL. Some of them were nice though.
  3. lol like she even needs a bra. I think I read 34A? small boobs sistas unite. Dayglo Reflection is collaboration with who? Bonus: What's the name of the album it's from?

    Crystal Castles

    Apparently she was really emotional at the set due to the death of one of their fans. He passed away a few days ago from cancer, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHUMkGQwx98 this was his tumblr http://crimerave.tumblr.com/ It's quite beautiful to see she's so in touch with fans.

    Amy Winehouse

    omg she's such a child. bless.
  6. Ahhh that's a shame. Well I really hope you get a chance to meet her beforehand then!

    Amy Winehouse

    Me too. I had a bunch of texts that morning asking if I was okay and at first I thought it was because I must've done something really dumb when I was drunk but then I went online ;_: that overwhelming sadness. This was actually a really great article I read about her afterwards if anyone's interested. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jul/24/amy-winehouse-alcoholism-addiction It discusses addiction quite intelligently.

    Amy Winehouse

    Her style was so great. Loved her tattoos too.
  9. In Paradise when she's like DOPE THAT'S SICK her gangsta talk is just toooooo funny.

    Amy Winehouse

    I feel like it's about time we paid tribute to the beautiful, immensely talented, and often troubled creature that is Amy Winehouse. Like many other fansm her passing was a huge shock to me and I was so saddened to see the world lose such a funny and creative woman. Post your favourite pictures, gifs, interviews, performances and songs and let us celebrate the life of Ms. Winehouse. Here's one of my personal favourite performances http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=A4-KpDUgoBo At the beginning when she's looking around for Blake and mouths "i love you" it breaks my heart. He was such a dick but it was such a complex relationship.
  11. God I've tried reading this on three separate occasions and every time it just comes across as insane shit that someone wrote when they were really high.
  12. Like others in this thread, I think your best chance meeting her would be after the show. Is there any way you can get a taxi home rather than train? It would be worthwhile.
  13. She just looks so motherfucking classy like that.
  14. I could fall asleep to this tbh
  15. So I came across this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vukaFRUs6BQ It's Video Games slowed down 7.21x. The vocals freaked me out at first but it's really growing on me. I love how ethereal and haunting it sounds. I kind of reminded me of that Justin Bieber song slowed down 800x. What do you think? Anyway, if you know of other Lana songs slowed down I'd love to listen.
  16. I LOVE SNOG MARRY AVOID OMG. P.O.D has so much much sass.
  17. Like I'd have it any other way.
  18. We should all watch a movie together via synchtube or something. That's be cute/10.
  19. I've already done Madrigal so I hope you won't mind me attempting to decipher 10milestereo~ Good vibes. My new lanaboards drinking buddy. I imagine you to be intellectual and sharp with a deep love for art and film. Often contemplative, maybe with secrets. I hope to get to know you more.
  20. Yeah that might be it. Well fingers crossed and thanks for the info~
  21. 27 How many siblings does Lana have?
  22. Why does that matter though? Her cover is a lot more orchestral than some of the older versions and in my opinion she's really put her own spin on it. Not trying to be rude, I just don't really see how it being a cover should impact ones judgement.
  23. YOU'RE IN AUSTRALIA? I did not know this. Not to be creepy but I haven't gotten my boxset either, when did it say yours was shipped and do you mind me asking what state you're in?
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