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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. Ride above National Anthem though... I dunno man that seems y'know, wrong.
  2. Adding this to my mental list of lana del conspiracies. I can't see it not being true.
  3. I just want to kiss lizzy grant in a chevrolet
  4. nominating you for sassiest member of the week
  5. your bro said i'm hot tell him my inbox is open to dick pics just sayin unless he's underaged, in which case this is mad creepy. Sticking with it though.
  6. I promised myself I wouldn't come to these threads anymore oh god. if you contributed to the slaughter of yayo u r dead 2 me. Kill Kill 34 Queen of the Gas Station 5 For K Part 2 33 Mermaid Motel 22
  7. gurl i write 5 page stories when i'm drunk/high and then edit them when I'm sober. Great process and I love it.
  8. If it were an emoticon it'd have to be
  9. channeling her psychic energy i see. her lips look good though
  10. sure is gonna be a ~lana del christmas~
  11. Do any of you know ataraxia? Her style is kind of charming alcoholic. Lana should be dating her, they'd be a perfect couple!
  12. we're just gonna have to wait for lana nudes
  13. no lol it barely looks like her. Also that chick had more boobs than our girl, bless her tiny breastesses. and when i say more boobs I mean bigger. if she has MORE boobs i would've kept watching tbh.
  14. i can't watch porn where they call the girl hoe/slut/bitch/cunt. It annoys me too much and i end up scrolling through the feminism tag on tumblr.
  15. can't believe i watched a whole 10 seconds of that.
  16. Any time she wears those fresh2death jackets. Live for that. Also this
  17. I'm gonna stop you right there. There is almost 0% chance she's been sober that long due to the fact there are photos from the last 7 years where she's holding what almost certainly is an alcoholic beverage of sorts. Do I think she's cut back on drinking/drug use? Yes, most likely. Has she quit completely? I'd be extremely surprised if she had. It's a nice thought though.
  18. almost was kind a key word but anyway, I guess what I was trying to get at was that different sounds trigger different emotional reactions in people. What you may perceive as emotionless another person may be very touched by.
  19. I gave my opinion and you essentially said it was wrong and I should "try again" Never mind though~ different views etc
  20. didn't realise I was here to fight :brit: just an opinion.
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