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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. @sitar I can make the Diet Mtn Dew one~ what size you want?
  2. Can someone teach me how to fix the quote problem if there is a way? Like a manual code? I've kind of just been pressing quote over and over again hoping it will work. edit: ata confirmed for idiot. disregard this.
  3. She has a handful of shots that I think are visually stunning and executed well like (NSFW) but she's pretty young and still trying to define her style. I also think being Lana's sister is both a blessing and a curse. While it's propelled her career and allowed many lana fans to find her work, it also kind of boxes her because people rarely just refer to her as "Chuck Grant" it usually "Chuck Grant, Lana Del Rey's sister". I think once Lana's buzz dies down a little bit we'll be able to see if she can make it on her own as a photographer.


    feeling dat mob mentality
  5. oh my god you're an emoticon manager that's adorable. 8/10 jealous but I know you will be the fairest of all emoticon managers.
  6. u guys r da bestest. Softly kissing my laptop hoping that the universe will transfer this love to you all~
  7. Agree with theFuture it's a real cute idea but it's not like she's running for government.

    Jealous Girl

    definitely "you" but I wish it was your.
  9. well it's not really a super happy song~
  10. YES that is ~*~iconic~*~ gonna be mimicking that in the shower at some point today. wait this isn't helping my nudity case. this is why we have a lovechild together.
  11. omg was the naked bit necessary? I'M ONLY NAKED WHEN IT'S HOT. I'm even wearing a dressing gown right now and it's 31.
  12. I have such an appreciation for the Brite Lights video and wow I hope I'm not alone in this. I am that awkward teen who dances and sings raps in her room. I pull those kitsch dance moves and seeing her doing that tells me she loves what she does, even if it wasn't necessarily intended for our eyes. There's something very innocent about that. She can't shake it like The Pussycat Dolls but isn't that great? This woman who we idolise and talk about on an internet forum for hours is so human.
  13. I feel the Paris love, I really do lost but now I am found, I can see but once I was blind. Paris really is just so gr8.
  14. it's like she's met different versions of the biebz. As he grows into a conventionally handsome douchebag I would probably kiss at a bar, she stays the same. Stalker Sarah confirmed for vampire.
  15. does she only have one outfit?
  16. Willow Smith is my pre-teen idol. Quote me on this bitches, no shame.
  17. I'm not really sure why people are so outraged or even surprised by her reaction tbh. She strikes me as a deeply sensitive person, which of course has its advantages as shown through her thoughtful lyrics and just the way she approaches some questions in interviews. I think she's a strong person in many ways but I also think a real weakness of hers is accepting criticism. I know it seems like a really petty flaw, but I'm sure there's been a time for many of us where we've received criticism and inexplicably felt a deep, unjustified resentment towards the person who gave it to us. I feel like her problem might be like that but on a much wider scale. I'd react like such a little bitch if I was her tbh. Anyway, I sympathise with U.S fans but at the same time I feel exactly where Lana is coming from because, well, I'm human too.
  18. maybe there's a secret lizzygrantboards that is invite only and they have heaps of unreleased shit and we're all flop fans


    is this a favourite lyrics thread or a Ride appreciation thread or something else?
  20. you're part of a lana del rey forum. stan proudly.
  21. idk why this is a pressing issue. Haven't we already figured out gender is an illusion and that one can be as feminine or masculine as one wishes regardless of sex?
  22. Climbing aboard the Never Let Me Go train.
  23. Nah if they wanted to write a sex article about Lana it would be "GET THE PEPSI COLA PUSSY YOU'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF"

    Guess the Song

    wait is this a game i can win or does it go on and on? i only play to win.
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