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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. the recordings exist sitar, we just have 2 #believe
  2. obligatory The D but in reality probs gum or something.
  3. Ya but my irl friends 100% do not think it's true. I want 2 believe ;_; An adaptation of my third favourite book, with my 2nd favourite actor and my favourite singer featuring on the soundtrack? oh lawd pls let it be. I suspected 2013 would suck because it's awkward to say and I'll be turning 20, but maybe I was wrong~
  4. Hmm okay, gather round children, Ata is gonna tell a story. Tickets were on sale at 9am and I had a tute at 8 till 9. From 8:50 onwards I was refreshing the page and my heart was going so fast I was 60% sure I would pass out or vomit or both. My tutor kept asking me questions and I was like "umm.. uhh................. i didn't do the readings idk" even though I did but goddamn i was not going to miss tickets. So it got to 9 and in a shakey flurry i keyed in credit card details then sat in the hall way hyperventilating because I had tickets. I made an obligatory facebook status and texted 4 people. Then chain smoked until my next lecture. Skip ahead to the actual concert. My friends and I got there 2 hours early and there were already 10 or so people in line. Doors opened and we were centre, second row. SO CLOSE 2 THE STAGE. This guy, Oliver Tank opened and his set was sick. My friend and I were like cause the bass was so loud it felt like your heart was vibrating. After standing around for 2 hours Lana came on stage and a swell of hipsters pushed up against me and i was forced up against more hipsters who were all screaming/crying. The set was amazing, when she played Video Games she came off the stage and mingled with the crowd, HOLDING MY HAND in the process. Shit was so cash. Cut to end of show Friends and I sit on some seats outside parliament house and have a smoke. We're just kind of blubbering about how happy we are and we hear some fangirls screaming and we're like "typical fangirls, w/e" then we hear it again. I'm like "mike pls check this out" and he reluctantly walks to look down the alley. After 20 seconds he turns around and is like ".... I think Lana's there..." we fucking grab our shit and SPRINT down this cobblestone alley. I'm in heels and I'm terrified that I'm going to fall and break my ankle but am too excited to care. Lo and behold, Lana is there surrounded by a small group of people. We stand around anxiously and I literally have no idea how long we were out there it could've been anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. She gets to my group of friends and we talk, I whisper something to her which I haven't told anyone about because I'm really fond of the idea of having a lana del secret, we hug, kiss cheeks and take photos. Then I go home and roll around on the floor for the next 2 hours going OHHHHHHH GOD. End.
  5. I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR LIKE 4 MONTHS AND EVERYONE LAUGHS AT ME Hunter, we are meant 4 each other.
  6. THANKS. You can join my cult where we stan for all versions of Yayo and listen to them and talk about how nice they are.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me really. The people I know who have been in AA/NA were either mildly religious or not very and came back with a new found respect/faith in God and used it as motivation to stay clean and sober. Which isn't a bad thing tbh, if having faith helps your recovery that's a really good thing for all concerned.
  8. I love how @MissDaytona swings between shit you'd tweet when you're drunk, mysterious seemingly insightful thoughts and lyrics. I'll get my lanalysis on and report back. Wonderful thread idea by the way
  9. Oh lord I'm so excited by this studio version. Just the other day, Sitar and I were getting super emotional over the prospect of a live version of Motel 6 and now it just seems so much more real
  10. What a lovely description of Lana. I find it hard to put into word why I like her as much as I do, particularly to other people who don't "get" her. Thus far I've just been describing her as a sound I've never heard before that is still vaguely familiar and comforting. This however, is much more eloquent.
  11. Barrie's ~urban cowboy~ look is interesting.

    Sigur Rós

    I fucking love Sigur Ros. Also really fond of Jònsi and his side projects.
  13. maybe revisit this point later~
  14. Are you kidding me? Lana is part of of the Illuminati because she can sing, write and got famous from it? Dude, that is just a facet of reality. be good at thing people like thing you are good at people throw their money at you for being good at thing fame
  15. Something about her looks a little off and not Lanaish and I'm not sure what it is... Maybe it's just the angle? Was there an interview to go with it?

    Lady Gaga Hate

    Then I guess I partially take issue with the thread title too, why do we need to evoke "hate"? Anyway, the main point of my post was to try and lay out my final point of "I'm not saying don't express your opinion, you are absolutely justified in doing so, but there are much more tactful ways to get your point across." because I was genuinely a little disappointed in the fact that people would just take this thread as an opportunity to kind of act like douche bags. Again, I'm not saying don't have a negative opinion on something, but I would so prefer if people would try to be eloquent about it. I did see a lot of people do that but there's really something about people being overtly hateful and not backing it up that rubs me the wrong way. Why can't we have intelligent debate rather than a burn thread? They're more fun. Although I do get your if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen approach. Anyway, apologies if I was unclear/am still being unclear.

    Lady Gaga Hate

    I'm so unimpressed right now I cropped my avatar to convey how unimpressed I am That unimpressed. You are by no means bound to love or even enjoy the music of another successful pop musician, but they are always popular for a reason. Gaga is popular because she writes incredibly melodic pop tunes and uses unique vocal phrasing. Her image is extremely marketable and people like something that deviates somewhat from the norm. It's like a nice piece of art that while by artistic standards is a little old hat (dare I say derivative) but still brings you absolute joy because as a stand alone piece, it is beautiful and fun and you just love it because you do. You can't explain to someone why an artist is objectively shit because they won't believe you. How can you possible understand the emotions or thoughts a single human has connected to one piece of music? Shame on you for trying to ruin that for someone or trying to make them out as bad people for feeling the way they do, just because you don't like it. It really is the classic STOP LIKING THINGS I DON'T LIKE. I'm not saying don't express your opinion, you are absolutely justified in doing so, but there are much more tactful ways to get your point across.
  18. I would cry omfg i'm actually getting teary thinking about that as a possibility. IMAGINE MOTEL 6 LIVE OH GOD
  19. omg Easter singles I Sing The Bunny Electric Driving in Cars with Bunnies Last Egg On Earth I can get behind this.
  20. So, any guesses on the most likely/least likely reasons for her to be in the studio ?
  21. :oh: :oh: you got a source for this?


    ff it keeps fucking up. uhh give me a little time to figure it out then i'll PM you
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