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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. The real (and correct) ranking of all 4 singles is Wildflower Wildfire > Arcadia > Blue Banisters > Text Book
  2. I think that might be a video from the Lust for Life listening parties, but I'm not 100% on that (They're trying to pass it off as being something new if it's not though lol)
  3. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry vs Tomorrow Never Came
  4. Super Movie

    Trash Magic

    One of my first unreleased songs I still associate it with a picture of Lana from he 2011 NME shoot. This song is just so nostalgic to me. Also, one of the only questions I think I've ever been desperate to ask Lana is what some of the words in this song are. Where is she saying she used to go to?? It always sounded like she was saying "palm parade, yeah" but with an f at the start of parade instead of a p.
  5. I sat there staring at what I'd typed trying to think of another word before I posted it It's the only way I can describe that song though because it's literally like it climbed into my brain through my ears and now it plays on loop lol
  6. Arcadia would be heavenly live It would show off her vocals so well
  7. I got Mulholland Harlot...it's giving 2011 femme fatal energy
  8. Imagine if we got a performance of Blue Banisters similar to the one we got for Honeymoon from the Live Lounge I've always really liked her recorded performances, the Jimmy Fallon one last December was really cute (and I was proud of her for doing live TV again since she hadn't after SNL). The LMLYLAW + Silent Night performance she did for that charity was good too
  9. Help I fully forgot about Thunder for a second there But it needs to be a single and get pushed to radio like Doin' Time was, I can see that song doing really well
  10. Lana's hairstylist posting a video of himself in a studio...does she sleep there?? i swear she's always recording something lol. but that just means we'll always have something to be fed with And I'm so looking forward to seeing if we get any other videos this era. There's a pretty good chance we're getting one for BB, but I'm hoping for something for Black Bathing Suit and/or Sweet Carolina as well
  11. People are like "oh my gosh this song is so bad you don't even wanna hear it trust me" and then hoard it like it's the greatest song ever made. Make it make sense
  12. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood's Dead vs On Our Way
  13. I can't even say that nobodies leaking UFB because they think it's gonna be on the next album because Dealer got leaked and it's coming out 29 days from now
  14. I am so excited for her album. Just for me has me in a chokehold right now - the video was so cute too. It gives off early 2000s in the right way. I'm just hoping for longer songs when the album comes out
  15. Calling Wildflower Wildfire boring feels like a direct attack on me and my mommy issues
  16. Since the album is officially only a month away, I'm gonna do a prediction on what my track ranking will be and come back to it 30 days from now: 1. Black Bathing Suit 2. Wildflower Wildfire 3. Thunder 4. If You Lie Down With Me 5. Sweet Carolina 6. Dealer 7. Living Legend 8. Arcadia 9. Violets For Roses 10. Interlude - The Trio 12. Blue Banisters 13. Beautiful 14. Cherry Blossom 15. Text Book
  17. I'm gonna be honest, I still don't hear the similarity to Hope in Stoned At The Nail Salon. I can hear Wild At Heart, but that's more in the production than anything else (I'm kind of convinced Jack copied and pasted in Protools lol). The Radiohead situation was different for me just because of the fact that Radiohead themselves had to give partial publishing rights to The Hollies on Creep over a song from 1972
  18. Our first Lana-friend birthday without a "happy birthday" post
  19. Lorde when the judge rules that she has to give Lana partial publishing rights
  20. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs Velvet Crowbar
  21. I love that you don't even have to say it and we just know what you mean
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